Wednesday 24 July 2013

Karma, Souls & Fixated Attachments

Written by Mathew Naismith

The following response was from me in regards to a person enquiring about karma from a thread in the link directly below; it’s funny how fixated attachments can lead to being fearful at the soul level which can lead to what we term bad karma.

G’day Cheeneka

It’s our souls that are learning here as it’s eternal not the human self as it’s temporary, when we pass on our life flashes before our souls, this is when the soul learns what we have done badly or not, in other words we re-enact out our life’s karma then not in another life however some souls with fixated attachments will not learn then because any fixated attachments taken in the afterlife obscures our re-enactment thus our fixated karma stays with us into as many lives as it takes to become detached. All what we call bad karma is of fixated attachments.

Fixated attachments come about when the soul is fixated on a few attachments life after life until it learns to become unfixed to these attachments. Our soul can become that fixated that it no longer realises it’s own immortality & only thinks of itself to whatever it’s fixated too, in this case anything to do with humanism.  There are souls that never learn to become unfixed to attachments thus become of the dark however there is always hope because within every soul there is a core of light which is untouched since the souls creation, it’s of pure consciousness & yes unconditional love.   

Attachments can only be of realities of time & space, the souls core of every being/entity or energy form is of pure consciousness which is of realties of no time & space which is where everything was created from I believe & this is why the souls core can never be tainted, it stays pure & this is why beings/entities of evil intent shy away from beings of light, this I have experienced personally.  What is happening here when a true light being comes across beings of darkness is reminding the soul what they really are, the beings of darkness soul automatically picks up on the light not just from the beings of light but from the untainted core of their own soul.  They are far more fearful of beings of light than any being of light could be of them; fear is of fixated attachments & yes can evolve into what we call bad karma & eventual evil intent at the soul level.   



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