Wednesday 23 October 2013

Within Thy Silence of One’s Presence

Written by Mathew Naismith

Sitting within one’s own silence doesn’t just silence the mind but all of oneself in its entirety unless of course you can’t sit within one’s own silence silently enough because of traumas or worries of some kind. Once we start controlling our emotions instead of them controlling us we will begin to notice the silence even when in a busy place because it’s theses emotions from traumas & worries that stop us completely falling in total silence. After taking control of our emotions we can then go within our own silence without even worrying about thinking because we know once we take control of our emotions not thinking comes easy & in actual fact after a while one will automatically slow down the thinking process because most of what we think is emotionally based.

Just think for a moment, what isn’t emotionally based? We know hate & love are emotions & grief & joy are emotions but what about when we think about what we are going to do the next day in our jobs for instance or figuring out how  & when are we going to to pay for the painting of the house, these thoughts also stir up emotions of one kind or another. We allow these sorts of emotions to run our whole life & at times stressfully so which of course isn’t very productive in allowing ourselves to fall into our own silence, what if we took control of our emotions which will allow us to fall within our own silence ? We would then allow silence within ourselves to control our lives instead of our emotions controlling our lives; I wonder which one is more beneficial in the long run for us & everybody else around us?  It’s an amazing feeling once one starts taking control of one’s emotions, it’s pure utter freedom.   

With our busy hectic life styles these days we find it hard to stop our emotions running our lives but all one needs to do is take control of our emotions for a few minutes of the day to start the process of sitting within our own silence. Don’t try to stop thinking if we are still allowing our emotions to run our lives as this will only work to the extent our emotions allow it too, not what we want it too.

To be in the presence of someone in total silence is knowing without a word spoken, I will explain.  Someone of this calibre won’t have to utter a word in your presence of what you came to them for, its works like telepathy & in fact that is exactly what it is. The whole atmosphere is alive around these people, one only has to think of something or a question without murmuring anything & an answer will come into be known to you without them murmuring a word as well.  Are these people of divine nature? No but they feel like it. They are people who have learnt to control their own emotions, that’s all.  

These people are very conductive to meditating as well, if you have trouble meditating just being within the presence of one of these people allows one to mediate a lot easier because like I said the atmosphere around these people is quite electric, as if it’s alive & I mean really alive. Spiritual healers have the same thing happen to them, the more detached they are from their own & everybody else’s emotions the more the atmosphere around them seems to come alive. However there is a difference between a spiritual healer & someone in total silence within oneself depending on the type of healing being used, the more hands on the healer is the less silent they are.  Yes even waving one’s hands over the body isn’t being in total silence, we might be not literally talking through our mouths but we are still talking through the use of our hands, this of course doesn’t take away from the healing process just that it’s not total silence.  It’s not easy to heal in total silence.

Can these people who are in total silence also heal? Silence gives them control without having a need to take control, the silence takes control of the atmosphere all around them & if you are within that atmosphere for sure they can heal but in total absolute silence. It’s as if an angel has touched you & this is why we make the mistake in putting these people up on pedestals when they don’t want or can’t see it’s warranted for them to be put up so high above all others.  This sort of action to them is usually unwarranted to them so they keep quiet within themselves & to themselves usually. They can see they are only in silence & that is the only difference between them & everybody else who usually has a need to put them upon a pedestal when all they want is to live within their own silence.  

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