Wednesday 1 January 2014

Eternal River of Newness

Written by Mathew Naismith

I think the quote above says it all, we are indeed a renewable energy form ever evolving ever renewing & ever changing, life never ceases to exist it just changes its flow like a river changing its flow however rivers seemingly unlike us can cease to exist at times. Life is obviously all about renewing; I don’t know how death became a part of our vocabulary as it really doesn’t exist even when we look at the death of a river, does a river really cease to exist?

Like us when we change form after our supposed demise the river becomes something else, a river bed & most probably in the future a forest, it changes form as we do so no the river itself may be no longer called a river but it still exists in another form.  Scientists say you cannot destroy energy once it becomes energy, it can be changed but never destroyed or ever ceases to exist & we & the river are but forms of this ever changing energy flow.  

Renewing is but a reaction to other energy flows like the river, once the flow of water desists flowing the river becomes something else, the river is still a river but in a different energy form formed by other energy flows. No matter what energy form the river takes on it will always be that energy flow of the river & forest & whatever else the river takes form in as we will always be what we are for eternity & infinitely, renewable & ever changing energy flows.

“Life is but a renewable force forever changing with the flow of all else that exists.”….Love Mathew 

Have a Happy New Year everyone.     


  1. I like the idea of everything turning in cycles. Nothings ever stays the same, its all constantly changing. Infact change is the only real constant there is in life, long term. Eternal newness.. I love it. Happy 2014, its going to be the best year yet.

    1. Everything is going to come together in one form or another I believe, very significant year. You have the best 2014 can offer, the number 7 is significant.
