Showing posts with label Vibrations. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Vibrations. Show all posts

Tuesday 4 March 2014


Written by Mathew Naismith
Edited by Karla Blowers

Note: I didn’t take on all of Karla’s suggestions here for one reason or another however most of what Karla edited I’ve implemented, hopefully to Karla’s satisfaction.

The following paper was one of my original posts I posted on the first blog I ever created titled Science of Spirituality about three years ago. It still, in my mind, has as much relevance in my present blog as ever as it refers to collectiveness in a vibrational format instead of just believing that everything is consciousness. Everything is consciousness, but I believe consciousness just couldn’t exist without it vibrating. Everything that is of consciousness is vibrating in one way or another otherwise it wouldn’t exist in my mind.

All the way through the blog I have referred to vibrations in many topics so why is this so? As I have mentioned in this blog, everything your five senses pick up & everything they don’t pick up on vibrates otherwise it wouldn’t exist & it’s this existence I’m going to talk about here today. This is just another way to explain the importance of vibrative energy as it effects all aspects of our being as I will explain further.

Living Vibrations: Everything that vibrates is alive & everything that’s alive has it’s own vibrative signature within each frequency of a vibration.  All vibrations are made up of different frequencies & each frequency is a signature to any existing vibration which is what forms matter. Now in saying this you’re probably thinking, “So what if everything vibrates & vibrates at different frequencies, what’s this to me?”

If you can get the idea that everything vibrates it must be ALIVE in some way – not like us, but alive just the same in its own vibrative state of being – you’re on your way to understanding oneness & collectiveness. Look around you, what has a similar make up or chemical & biological compounds to us humans?  Just about everything in some way or another. If you tested human blood for iron, water, oxygen, sugar, carbon, dioxide, nitrogen & so on, you would find these components.  Human blood contains over 4000 different components, so how many human-like blood components are found in our environment? They are everywhere. We are not that different from, let’s say, a rock or a tree, or the very planet we live on.

So why don’t we look & act like rocks or trees? Our complicated chemistry make up for starters.  Each component that makes up our body is in our environment, but not all in one form like us humans. Different vibrative chemical compounds vibrate at different frequencies that make it dissimilar from another component like with iron & copper for instance; they are different because of the different vibrative compound frequencies found in each element.  So what I am saying is everything existing around us is vibrating at different frequencies because they are made up of different compounds vibrating at different frequencies. This is the same as asking why all humans don’t look alike, like how iron looks different to copper.  We are all created from different vibrating frequencies which gives us a different appearance.

A rock, which can be made up off many different minerals & chemical compounds, doesn’t have as many components as humans.  We know there over 4000 compounds in human blood alone, now a rock doesn’t have this within it’s whole structure.  This is what makes us so different; it’s the number of different vibrative components found in the human body which makes it what it is compared to a rack for instance. In saying this, even a rock is ALIVE.  Just because it isn’t made up of so many mineral & chemical compounds doesn’t make it dead or non-vibrative.  It vibrates, therefore it’s ALIVE!

One other thing that makes us different from a rock or a tree is our consciousness which allows us to manipulate other vibratory matter.  A rock can’t manipulate matter, it has no consciousness.  So is it this consciousness that makes us ALIVE & not a rock? I don’t believe so.  Because all atoms vibrate therefore move, the rock has to be ALIVE in some manner, even though it doesn’t seem to have conscious thought or a soul. So what I am saying is anything that vibrates is still ALIVE, just in a different way to humans or other organic conscious matter.

So you’re probably thinking, where is this leading me, what can I do with knowing everything vibrates therefore is ALIVE?

Changing Vibrative Frequencies: When a rock is formed during the Earth’s evolutional cycle it doesn’t just change shape & size, its mineral & chemical makeup changes as well. The same thing happens when humans grow old; it’s all a vibrational change.  Now if vibrative matter changes naturally, what’s stopping us from changing vibrative matter?  It occurs naturally so why can’t we change it ourselves?

We already do change matter in a physical way when we manufacture plastics or pollute our environment or even when we burn timber.  We have physically changed a vibration into another vibration.  If you burn timber what happens to it? It turns into charcoal or smoke. This means that the vibration has change from being a tree, to charcoal or smoke; the components of a tree have been totally changed through our physical intervention.

Now it’s been scientifically proven that the mind can change things like the experiments with water crystals, but what is happening when we change the structure of water crystals? We are changing the vibrations of matter just with our vibrative thought process.  What is stopping us from manipulating our environment to change it for the better instead of physically for the worse?

For centuries we have been changing our vibrative environment mostly through physical means which has lead us to what we have today; self-destructiveness. Now I wouldn’t call it wise what we are doing at present; destroying the very thing we rely on for our very existence isn’t wise to me!! What if we showed a bit of wisdom over & above our egos, wouldn’t that change the vibrational pattern we are presently in to something far less harmless?

So what will change if we manipulated our environment more wisely instead of egotistically? We would be more aware of the effects of what we are doing instead of being ignorant of the effects we have on our entire environment. By releasing control egotistically we will actually gain more awareness in what we are doing which I would call wisdom. Being mentally & spiritually aware that everything is ALIVE, gives us awareness of our own environment & the knowing we can literally change the vibrative structure of matter. However to do this we need, in my mind, to be more wise within our actions & thoughts. Ego gives us ignorance & wisdom gives us awareness, it’s that simple!!

How to Manipulate Our Environment: The problem we seem to be having is learning to use wisdom in conjunction with knowledge in manipulating our environment. This seems to be fuelled by numerous mental & physical habitual learnt practices. From the past, we haven’t learnt to manipulate for the good of all mankind, most of us are still caught in the habit of selfishness which is taught to us mainly to support materialism in some way. I believe once we get past our materialistic taught practices/habits & take on a more liberal aspect of spiritual/scientific knowing, we will be able to manipulate our whole environmental without fear of further harm.

The next level of evolutional humanistic change will show us how to reform our environment through being aware that everything is alive.  Truly knowing & understanding this will allow us to manipulate our environment better than we do today. Manifesting is one form of vibrative manipulation which would work but seems to be going wrong because of the way people are taught to manifest for our own desires.  This shows me that the time for us to be able to responsibly manipulate our environment is not here yet.  We obviously still need to learn how egotism keeps us ignorant & how wisdom can give us more awareness & that egotism/ignorance is quite a different vibratory component to wisdom/awareness. It is obvious wisdom/awareness is going to manipulate our environment in quite a different way to egotism/ignorance; wisdom/awareness vibrates at a totally different frequency to egotism/ignorance so the effects are obviously going to be different!!

I thought I would end this post with a funny little quote of mine.

“If it vibrates it’s alive in one form or another, living just doesn’t come from organic material like man thinks but from all creation for the creator of creation is the vibrative consciousness energy force itself not organic matter like man.”

Monday 24 February 2014

A Mystery of Spirituality and light

Written by Mathew Naismith

Dreams: It is said by many, we live within a dream so does this make our actual dreams something else and are our actual dreams we have when we fall asleep more to do with reality than our awaken state? This of course couldn’t be because a lot of our dreams are too farfetched to be real. What if I still said they are just as real as our awaken state, you would think I would have to be loony to believe this or at least delusional.

In my last post I wrote about light, everything is of the light no matter how dark or destructive it seems to us and what makes it dark and destructive is time which fragments consciousness into different vibratory frequencies which give us different forms of darkness and/or light.  Unlike our awoken state we are capable of anything within our dreams like breathing while under water or walking through fire without getting burnt; surly I couldn’t be saying these things are real because they too are of the light!!

Let’s look at something else. A lot of people today are also saying nothing is actually physical, there is no physicality but they also say it’s all an illusion which I don’t agree on. All it is to me is a different reality. Why do all realties have to assimilate with our perception of reality and if it doesn’t it has to be an illusion? Disregarding if it’s an illusion or not, the physical world we know to be real might not seem to be all it seems to us. If we take into consideration that nothing is actually what it seems either it be in our dreams or physical reality, what is more real and physical, dreams or what we call reality? 

At the moment we have looked at everything being of light and physical realties like this reality are not as physical as first thought, both concepts seem to coincide which each other’s, now let’s look at dreams again. Dreams don’t seem to be as unreal or imaginary as first thought nor do they seem that different to our awaken state of consciousness but are they real? We can’t breathe underwater nor can we walk through fire without being burnt in our awoken state without assistance so it stands to reason we shouldn’t be able to do this in any real reality so dreams have to be noted as being unreal or imaginative!!

What if I now said walking through fire without assistance and not being burnt in any way is as real as walking through the fire and being burnt? Both realities are true only because both take a different perception in what we are aware of at any given time. Do I believe Jesus walked on water and turned water into wine? Yes, for the main reason that everything is created from a light energy source, consciousness itself. We look at fire being what it is because that is what we have been taught to expect of fire, we soon learnt it burns while growing up. Fire, like everything else around us, is created from minute light particles (consciousness) which are very much alive. Fire is produced by the particles of light changing vibratory rate so it will seem hot and burn us if we get too close to the flames. The burning effect of fire is expected so of course it’s going to burn us.  Because we expect this are we just manifesting the effects of the fire and everything else of this reality and if this reality is just a manifestation of our thoughts it must be all an illusion!!

Well it might seem that way. We are talking about an intelligent living conscious source here in these minute particles of light, it’s not something that is in itself delusional, everything it creates is real in one sense or another.  We must remember here, we are also made up of numerous light particles which react to other forms of light particles vibrating at different frequencies. When we walk through a fire in an awaken state we are one form of light particles vibrating at a different frequency to the fire which is made up of different light particles vibrating at different frequencies. This is just one lot of light particles, being us, reacting to another lot of light particles, being the fire. Dreams on the other hand don’t have to be influenced by the same laws of time, the only reason they are is because we imagine ourselves in an awoken state of consciousness while dreaming.  

In our awaken state of consciousness, we see fire instead of light particles but what if we truly believed that fire and everything else was made up of an infinite amount of light particles? We would find ourselves in a matrix of just light particles with no difference in vibratory rate. It’s the vibratory rate of light particles that give it it’s form like with fire & water for instance. Fire would no longer burn and water would no longer drown us because everything would all be within the same matrix. 

These living intelligent light particles want to take form of some kind, they don’t want to just see themselves as one thing but everything they are of which is everything we/they could imagine, this is true awareness and oneness.  This is the main reason I don’t desire to ascend to my original state of being, being just light particles. The more we imagine the more we are at one so in actual fact there is no illusion but the illusion of illusions!!    

Try walking through fire or breathing in water in a dream knowing it doesn’t have to be what it seems, this will reprogram your mind to be more accepting of what everything around us is made of,  minute living intelligent light particles!!  

Saturday 8 February 2014

Living in the Quietness of Timelessness

Written by Mathew Naismith

This is sort of going on from my last post titled Inspiring Confirmative Video as this lovely published video depicted quite a contrasting existence between being in time to being in timelessness. Allowing time to influence us without the awareness of timelessness has indeed given us the illusion that this is all we are however I don’t believe time itself is an illusion for the main reason nothing can be created in timelessness. There is no starting or ending point of creation so we wouldn’t be able to even experience illusions as illusions also need to be created.

So what are we talking about here in relation to illusions, what are illusions of time? Visualise consciousness within it’s totality, a rock for instance, now for example visualise human beings being a grain of sand within this colossal consciousness (rock). Every grain of sand within this consciousness (rock) is a minute part of consciousness within time because time fragments consciousness by breaking up the rock into individual pieces so each grain of rock/sand is able to experience it’s own consciousness. Time gives us the illusion that the rock is fragmented into individual parts but in timelessness it’s still a rock within it’s totality.

Spiritual awareness gives a more collective view of ourselves, we are now a larger part of consciousness/of the rock than we were before becoming spiritually aware & the more aware we become the bigger the grain of sand or portion of the rock/consciousness we become. It’s important here not to think of consciousness as being physical in form in anyway; we are after all just a vibrative mass. We are made up of a collective mass of vibrational frequencies that is all!! If we can perceive ourselves not being just this crude matter but an intertwined mass of vibrational frequencies understanding what is being portrayed here will be a lot easier.

As explained in older posts of mine, different vibrative frequencies are able to influence other vibrational frequencies like with cancer for instance. Cancer influences our own vibrative frequencies causing a disruption to our own frequencies. Each cancer has it’s own vibrative signature which of course is going to affect a different part of our body because each portion of our body is vibrating at a different frequency which gives it it’s form. This is a very good reason why we have always looked at vibrations to help us heal like with praying, chanting, herbs, meditating & even using musical instruments & now modern science is looking at vibrational frequencies in the healing process. In physical form we are always influenced by other vibrative frequencies around us no matter what, consciousness itself is no different when fragmented within time. By becoming spiritually aware we are forming together & influencing a greater mass of vibrative frequencies, we are becoming less individualised by fusing parts of the rock/consciousness back together again.

This is normally achieved through realising we are immortal first of all which means we are not just of time & of this fragmented rock/consciousness but of something immortal & of timelessness but most of all we are the collective consciousness itself within it’s totality.  Within this collective consciousness lies serine quietness mainly because there are no conflicting vibrational frequencies influencing each other to be something different to what they are for the main reason the rock is whole again within it’s totality even though the rock is built upon with different frequencies like our human body. The rock itself has no other rock/consciousness to influence or be influenced by thus pure serine quietness befalls upon the rock/the consciousness of man. This is pure unadulterated oneness brought on by living in the quietness of timelessness.   

Wednesday 15 January 2014

Time is of the Ego

Written by Mathew Naismith

Anyone living in complete quietness within themselves isn’t going to find this post interesting as it’s focused on inscribing further awareness onto the mental physical self however anyone who isn’t aware or are unable to sit within one’s own quietens this post might be quite beneficial. Actually most of what I write about comes from this quietness, all I am doing is relaying it on. 

Time is of the ego, anything beyond the influence of time has no ego to contend with, how could it when we have no past or future for contention, this is inner sequential quietness within oneself? However people like myself don’t judge time being bad in anyway, it just is because it is & because we are all of light & enlightened if we can we will be expressive hopefully without judgment.  If we judge that too is accepted because we can, as enlightened beings, express such traits as we all obviously have otherwise we wouldn’t be here to begin with. So sit back & enjoy the ego of time in how expressive & creative it is without too much judgement if one can as too much judgment can be quite disruptive as we have seen throughout human history.  Awareness of such traits is vital if we want a more peaceful existence.  

The following is a reply from a person who queried me about my post titled Slowing Down Time, it’s funny how one thing can lead to another!!


Oh...very interesting topic.
There are many theories for this.

At every year end or on the first day of a new year, we see or hear people saying, oh how fast the last year went. You see 2013 year went faster than 2012. And we may here almost same expression by the end of 2014.

Why people pereive this fastness in time that elapsed recently?. There are many theories , but here you have presented Ego theory. It could not be explained on this or that basis.

We sense our time in relation to the pace of events occuring around us. When a city guy goes to his village , he perceives time running very slowly. And when a village guy comes to a city he perceives his time is too fast and he says "I could not explain how fast today went".
In city life we see everything moving faster buses, cars, trains and even people hurry in getting into their works. In villages we see bull carts, slowly walking animals etc. We actually relate these external things with our inner clock.
One good example is- our time during the exams. When we are about to enter into examination hall, and we left with few things to read or revise we see how faster that time goes. Even during such instances all of our collegues are busy in revising and reading beside us. So naturally we perceive that our time is running faster.
Another example, when we are sleeping in home, especially during the times of fever. I observed one thing. During such fever periods, the only communication we have most of the time is our ceiling fan. When the ceiling fan is slow, we perceive time as too long to go. We may feel bored of this sudden slow timing. Apart from that this painful fever episode makes us to feel one minute as many minutes.

One more example, during our jogging session in Gym. If we pre set our jogging time as 20 min, we see as we jog, the pain in calf muscles increases, and breathlesness increases, and at very peak, nearing to the end of 20 minutes, we really wait for early completion of 20 miinutes. In such situations we feel the time is running slow. Because our intolerance of excercise wants it faster to happen.
Overall, time is always the same. The situation, the need, the surroundings etc influence our feeling of time perception.

Thank you.

G'day virinchi sharma

It's an interesting subject that keeps coming up for me in recent times.

We must ask ourselves what is time? Like with everything else I believe it's consciousness so if consciousness can change why not time. We must now ask ourselves what is ego? Again like with everything else it is consciousness so what is this consciousness? Vibrational frequencies & because these frequencies in time seem separated one vibration can have an effect on another vibration so one kind of ego vibration can be affected by another vibration in time.  Most of these vibrations we have of time are ego based, actually everything of time is ego based I believe however if we go out of the influence of time we would most likely find the ego doesn’t exist.

A villager comes to the city, time seems to be going faster because what is around the villager? Ego upon ego & the more we have to focus on, it would seem, the faster time goes by. How much is there to focus on that is ego based in a village compared to a city. I came from the country myself, town life was hectic to me & my family & yes time did fly by.  

This is the interesting bit; in the country we seem to have a lot to focus on like the different trees, flowers, scenery, animals & so on but once we focus on our surroundings time goes by slowly still, isn’t this too of the ego? Yes but the vibrations in the country are a lot more consistent with each other plus each vibration, like & bird to a tree for instance, are vibrating a lot slower themselves where’s everything within a city has quite a different vibration to them I believe.  

Time going by quickly hasn’t just got to do with the ego itself over all but how fast or slow the ego is vibrating, it all comes down to how fast or slow a vibration is vibrating at to how fast or slow time goes by I believe.  

Further reference:

Monday 9 September 2013

Vibrational effects on Our Well Being

Written by Mathew Naismith

If you feel up to it the following blog is worth a read on how vibrations affect our well-being. The following link will take you to part two of a two part article on vibrational effects on our well-being.  

The reason I wrote up on this is that when I was talking to my wife about how we can look at the ego as just being negative & obviously destructive instead of looking at the ego in a more positive constructive way, vibrational effects came to mind in how this affects our well-being.  This is why we can’t see how to use the ego in a more positive way, we see it in it’s negative form only because we are told it’s negative however because the word negative or the perception of a negative position has been made we only see it as that. This has stopped us from being able to use the ego in a more positive way because we can’t see it’s positives through all the negative vibrations.

I had an interruption to my writing here & the following revealed itself which has a lot to do with true positive vibrations. The following discussion is from the thinkers Google community between myself & a bloke named Roth on a statement I made which is as follow. “What is ego? Something to have to be fearful of expressing.”

Roth BelleYesterday 2:20 PM1
Ego is a funny creature.  

Mathew NaismithYesterday 6:01 PM1
+Roth Belle Yes it is a funny creature because we still don't know or have the wisdom to know how to use it constructively so we demonise it unjustly so in my mind. It can be very constructive.

Roth Belle10:34 AM1

"Ego" is a Latin and Greek (ἑγώ) word meaning "I", often used in English to mean the "self", "identity" or other related concepts. - Wikipedia.
If we can't get past ourselves, we will live unfruitful lives. It's not about us, its about them. When we are doing things with others in our minds then we are on a successful path. Especially, when those individuals can not return the favor. So your example +Mathew Naismith would be, I love myself because I love others? That is a constructive ego in my humble opinion. 

Mathew Naismith10:46 AM1

+Roth Belle That was well conversed Roth, quite impressed, a free thinker WOW!!

Yes it is a constructive but a lot of spiritually aware people look at it destructively which says something in the way they think & feel.

Most of us only know how to use the ego destructively but it also has it's constrictive side as well which as a whole we haven't learnt to use yet without destroying something & we won't either if we keep demonizing the ego thus other people of the ego.  Acceptance is the key. 

Roth Belle10:57 AM1
 Thanks for the compliment +Mathew Naismith.

Whatever method we use we need to not fear and love our neighbor. 

It’s good to change what gives us bad vibrations because everybody’s acoustics are different & if we are receiving vibrations that aren’t in tune with our own vibrations our bodies react in one way or another, disease is a good example of this however becoming non-accepting or denouncing what isn’t in tune with us isn’t the answer for in this underlies a negative response to something else that is also of the universal consciousness. Again acceptance is the key however this doesn’t mean you have to be a part of something that you’re not in tune with but what it does mean is don’t be conflictive, ego bashing is conflictive & gives off bad vibrations & in fact enhances the negative instead of the positive effects of the ego!!!

Sunday 7 July 2013

What is High or Low Energy?

Written by Mathew Naismith

The following responses to one of my posts have some very good questions in regards to there being a higher or lower energy form or mass which I didn’t think I had the answers for to any degree until I started replying to them. The strange thing I can’t find the post they are referring too however I will insert the associated link in reference to these posts directly below.

Let me ask you, can you give me the defenition of this high energy? furthermore what even is a higher energy?

Within every system is an order, even when chaotic, they all intersect with eachother, they just don`t all interact with eachother.

If this highness what you mean is a vibration that is very fast, or high then is that the right definition?
Also don`t you think that if you are adept in energy use you could basically achieve the same results regardless of what energy you are using?

Thus is this higher energy really high? and is it only responsive to someone tapping into it, or does it allready interact with the rest?

I`m sorry i have to do this, but some misconceptions of high and low, of right and wrong, of dark and light and the list goes on, there is allways an association to something either negative or something positive, but never do i hear anything about neutral, or non interaction, and why it is that if it doesn`t interact with other stuff, then why does it do so when you tap into it?
And why would it be so much better?

Some food for thought

I'm with Ijinfuhen on this topic. I would like to read a bit more on this higher energy more then just somebody's say so. Energy is just energy, so how do you classify when it is light energy and when its not? And why is light energy so much higher then any other energies? It all seems a bit speculative to me.

The way I see it, darkness should be infinitely more valuable than light because light doesn't teach you anything. If darkness embodies negativity (which I presume most of the people on this forum believe), then isn't it much more beneficial for somebody to learn from a negative experience? Doesn't the pain of knowing what it is to lose a loved one, provide you with a better understanding and ability to comfort somebody else who lost somebody close to him/her? To me, it seems to be a much better stepping stone then most of the things I've read about light properties. But I digress.

G’day Ijinfuhen & Sexyathiest

Very good questions & here are my very good answers.

What I refer to a higher energy is an energy form that is vibrating faster/quicker also an energy mass that is made up of many vibrative frequencies like living matter compared to non-living matter. Humans are made up of many different vibrative frequencies that’s why a hand for instance looks different to a foot or hair on one part of the body is different to another part of the body, the more & varied the frequencies a mass is made up of the higher the energy flow because it’s the different & numerous frequencies that makes a certain mass higher in vibration than another.

Thought is but another vibration & humans to date have far more vibrative frequencies than an ape for instance this is what makes it of higher intelligence, the more frequencies one has the more thought!! 

I know a lot of spiritually aware people don’t believe this but we are always thinking even after death & of course in meditation, how do past loved one’s commune with us? The reason each of us have different variants or levels of vibration is due to our thought. When scientifically measured the frequency brain waves of someone thinking negatively to someone thinking positively is quite astounding, they just don’t use different parts of the brain but one is higher in its frequency rate than the other. [wink]


The fundamental thing to remember here is not to just think of energy as being of one vibration but also can be made up of various & numerous vibrative frequencies that make up a certain vibrative field of effect around a certain mass or form which I have explained about in past posts.  When you think about this, when you reach certain conscious states that you feel all at one & in harmony with all you are in fact connecting yourself with all other vibrative energy either it be of matter, form or whatever, you are connecting or I should say reconnecting with all of what is vibrating & has ever vibrated, no wonder we feel what we feel in these certain conscious states!!

The following links are quite an interesting supplement to this post especially the last one explaining that as quote: Gamma brain waves (39-100 hz) are involved in higher mental activity and consolidation of information. An interesting study has shown that advanced Tibetan meditators produce higher levels of gamma than non-meditators both before and during meditation.

Tuesday 11 June 2013

Objectivity as Opposed to Subjectivity

Written by Mathew Naismith

I thought I would post this as it’s quite an interesting exchanged between people who believe in atheism as opposed to spiritualism as a whole. The problem with firmly believing in anything one can never make an objective remark to anything opposing such beliefs & in actual fact it is psychologically impossible depending on how dogmatic one is. This is a trap we all need to be wary of because if were not objective we are usually subjective which is conflictive & that is one thing we don’t need any more of in this world/reality in my mind.  

Related link:

G’day Paul

You’re very wrong with the vibration thing Paul.

A scientific experiment was conducted on how the brain reacts when people were meditating & singing hymns, with the person singing hymns the part of the brain that controls speech wasn’t active but they were still singing. How about the shrimp experiment, a plant in the next room reacted to the shrimp being boiled & of course I could go on. Most people who mediate think they stop thinking but of course they don’t but the brain does react quite differently when not in meditation or singing hymns.

Everything vibrates & of course one vibration will react to or with another vibration including thought & the human body. What a Sharman & witch doctor do is work with these vibration however scientifically unbeknown to them; nothings hoogly-boogly. 

How about bone pointing with the Australian aboriginals, if you believe it will react on your mind & body which has everything to do with psychology but it’s still all down to vibrations in how they react to another vibration. How about music how we react to different music which is but one vibration reacting to another vibration remembering thought is a vibration also our brain is made up of vibrative matter like the rest of our body so of course it’s going to react with & to other vibrations. 

You seem to have blind faith in science & others in spiritualism, I don’t have blind faith in either as it’s all a natural process especially when you understand how different vibrations react. There is absolutely nothing mystical or hoogly-boogly in the world only what we don’t understand as yet.

I wrote a quote some time ago: “There is nothing mystical about the unknown only the known, so if you are questioned about your beliefs in mysticism just say it’s only mystical to you as you not the understanding of something more than you believe!!!”.....Love Mathew

In regards to dogmatic scientists I did say certain scientists not all as you have said I stated.

If you can't prove it why say it can't possibly exist at all like yourself with the belief in Atheism, your saying, with this belief, that God or a creative consciousness can't possibly exist ever because that is what the belief in atheism means however agnosticism is different.

Look Paul I can see where you are coming from & I agree but only to a point, you’re taking this too far the other way to make any plausible objective remarks on this I feel.  



Friday 24 May 2013

The World of True Spiritual Acceptance pt.6

spirit eveolve
Written by Mathew Naismith

Evolving Through Acceptance: Recently it was pointed out by someone reading my blog that we can’t accept our circumstances in life & evolve at the same time, meaning we are not going to improve if we just accept our lot in life & do nothing to improve it. However the concept of acceptance is about accepting our present condition in life before we improve it instead of trying to change it through non-acceptance which is conflictive, it’s not about sitting on our hands & accepting what comes but accepting it first then changing it in a more peaceful manner instead of in a more conflictive manner.

Most of our advancements have come from conflicts as most of our advancements for starters have arisen from the necessity to out do our opponents through better technology.  What I am saying is how about accepting our circumstances for once without being in conflict with them & then change them in a more peaceful state, at least this way were not taking any leftover portion of these conflicts into the change & messing them up as well.

spirit harmony

Harmoniously Changing One’s Environment: Being in conflict with any part of our environment before or during the process of changing what we don’t like is ephemeral because we are still non-accepting & in conflict with a part of ourselves as our entire environment is very much a part of us if we like it or not & there is nothing you or I can do about it. If we are still in conflict with a part of ourselves we will take this with us through any changes we make which only transform the change into another conflict because the change has only come about because of conflict & not through peaceful means, only through this peaceful process can we obtain true change. We are really chasing our tails around & around when were constantly trying to change our environment through non-acceptance all the time as it doesn’t matter what change we make it’s still conflictive.

You would think humans are naturally conflictive with their environment & at times with themselves but that couldn’t be further from the truth as there was & are times when we were more at peace & accepting of our environment.  As hunter & gatherers we had to rely on our environment for everything & the less we relied on the environment for food & shelter the more conflictive & unaccepting we became over time. Another time when were not in conflict with our environment & ourselves is when were spiritually aware & the more aware we become the less conflictive we are for the main reason we have become more aware through our understanding & acceptance of our environment & realise it’s connection & importance to our wellbeing.

To evolve we must accept changes as well as this is a part of the concept of acceptance, we need to accept these changes that we are going to make or are impelled upon us by other forces as only through these changes can we evolve, to not accept these changes is being conflictive & non-accepting which will cause us further problems, we need to relearn what we once had to accept these changes in a more harmonious & peaceful way but at the same time realise any change that is forcefully applied will only result in more conflict. Any changes that are conflictive with our environment will result in more conflict. The saying,” do to others what you would have them do to you” really goes for our entire environment not just each other as our entire environment is who we are & is very much a part of us all.

science spirit

Similarities:  If one was to read all my posts you will begin to see the similarities of both science & spirituality in many ways not just from where science originated from but in all its action & reactions to the rest of humanity. Where the rest of humanity is at certainly dictates how science & spirituality are going to behave, if you looked at the churches & their reactions in the dark ages you will find they are very simular than how science is acting today & it’s all in the reaction to power & wealth.

One might think that all scientists have sold out their knowing to the highest bidder without remorse of what they are doing but just like the spiritualists of the dark ages not all scientists have sold themselves out to the highest bidder to do their will no matter what the consequences are.  This is how one vibration can effect another vibration in so many ways, you have a vibration called a scientist & then you have another vibration called a multinational which wishes to utilise the science vibration for its own ends in any way it can, if you entice the science vibration with enough materialistic vibrations they will change their vibration to serve the multinational vibration or in some cases the scientist will be ostracised or threatened in some way with yet another vibration.

Science & spirituality are dissimilar within it’s logical structure through how it uses logic but they both use logic, science uses logic within its deductive analysis where’s spirituality uses faith but with modern day science the final logical analysis is illogical because it’s destroying itself & the environment it relies on to survive where’s spirituality in its over all logical deduction always nurtures themselves & the environment, in the final logical analysis one is destructive & the other constructive.

Science & spirituality are dissimilar within its formulated deductive reasoning but at one time or another they are both logical within their reasoning, they are after all not that dissimilar within their effects & this is why spirituality & science belong together, they both enhance & balance each other’s  attributes.