Showing posts with label acceptance. Show all posts
Showing posts with label acceptance. Show all posts

Tuesday 17 December 2013

The Totality of Acceptance-Making Real Changes

Written by Mathew Naismith

It is interesting when someone throws a spanner in the works what comes of it, this is but another example of that.  Becoming spiritually aware throws a lot of spanners into the works which of course makes us more aware if we are able to remove such spanners. Spanners in this case refer to attachments at the human & sometimes soul level.


This thread is intended to stimulate each person to analyze their own individual thought patterns and behaviors and accept them, not project them onto others. The very things we do not like about others, the things that annoy and irritate us are candid examples of the very nature we carry within ourselves and refuse to accept about ourselves. If we are standing in front of a mirror and notice we have a big pimple, we might try to hide it and as a result point out the same flaw we see on another person's face simply to draw the attention to their flaw and away from yours. Yet in reality their flaw is yours: accept it.

G'day frequencytuner

I would agree with this assumption however what if we don't like something that we deem as immoral within ourselves & dislike this same trait in others especially when they project this onto us, are we still supposed to accept this?  If we don't accept this in ourselves why should we accept this in others?

A child molester will accept another child molester molesting children but a non-child molester won't, should the non-child molester be accepting of what these child molesters do? When child molesters get together they see nothing wrong with loving children the way they do & yes I have dealt with child molesters while working in the welfare arena. 

You’re going to see this as being odd but I never showed my disdain while dealing with these people, yes I was accepting but this wasn't being accepting of what they were doing but accepting because I could understand their predicament not saying it was right just saying I could understand.  This is like I can understand people like Dusty who deductively reason however on sites like this one you expect people to act in a more respectful understanding way. 

At the spiritual level we are supposed to be all accepting so a child molester is accepted as of everything is however at the human level for change to take effect we need to be non-accepting of certain traits. Being spiritually accepting within it's totality is also accepting in not being accepting at times as well. This is like spiritually aware people being non-accepting of the ego because they can only see the destructive attributes of the ego, this is very human however spirituality isn't just about the human self so when we look at the ego at the spiritual level we see it as something different & become more accepting of it just like the child molester. We need change at the human level so by becoming non-accepting change physically & mentally takes effect. 

It's OK to be non-accepting at the human level however at the spiritual level it's not which is what I think your trying to portray here but at the human level however at the spiritual level it's still OK not to be accepting because all is accepted including being non-accepting. All it takes is awareness to know the difference between our human selves & our spiritual selves. It would seem a lot of spiritually aware people haven't defined this difference yet for the main reason they are still trying to be at one while still fragmented. Once you become accepting within it's totality, including being non-accepting at the human level, only then can we be truly at one & all accepting.

I’m adding a bit more to this post to explain the last paragraph a little better just in case it sounds a little confusing.

At the spiritual level there is no true non-acceptance even when we are non-accepting at the spiritual level. This non-acceptance at the spiritual level isn’t actually referring to our spiritual selves being non-accepting but our human selves being non-accepting, this is why I said non-acceptance isn’t accepted/exists at the spiritual level.  When we entered into the human vessel  non-acceptance became an automatic part of our being, at this point our soul  selves also became accepting of non-acceptance which has now given the soul a chance to become accepting within it’s totality through experiencing non-accepting.  

I should mention here there is a difference between our spiritual selves & our soul self, the spiritual self to me relates to the collective consciousness however the soul relates more to the individual. This can be confusing; we are talking about the human self, the soul self & the spiritual self. The spiritual self actually pertains to the self as being a collective where’s the human & soul self pertains to an individual self.  Yes I know the self denotes ego but as soon as we become aware of ourselves being aware this is denoting ego, the difference between this kind of ego & the ego we often portray in human life is one is a controlling destructive ego the other is a non-controlling creative ego I believe.  

If you are interested & are still having problems in understanding this please feel free to reply.  

Thursday 12 December 2013

Spirituality-The totality of Acceptance

Written by Mathew Naismith

If anyone is tired of reading about the true controlling factors of the ego or their own ego is telling them what else would I want to know about the ego don’t read on however if you fear not you just might get something out of this post even if you think you know it all already.

True spirituality is about the totality of acceptance of all without exception & yes this also includes anything to do with the ego. Becoming spiritually aware, especially in the west, we have the understanding to become truly spiritual we must rid ourselves of the ego & related judgement, we are told this quite often from the people we have put upon pedestals but what are we expressing when we put these people above all others? We are of course expressing the ego which we are fighting desperately to rid ourselves of.  This seems a funny way to rid ourselves of the ego, put someone up upon a pedestal above all else but isn’t this too being expressive of the ego? What would be the reaction from people who look upon connected people in this way if I said these people who say to rid yourself or even judge the ego wrong in anyway are not quite correct in their assumptions?  I think I just lost a few more readers but why? It all comes down to the controlling ego telling us someone like me is wrong.

I’m going to tell you here that spirituality isn’t about ridding ourselves of the ego at all because as soon as we become totally accepting of all the controlling factors of the ego automatically plays no further role without effort. This of course means being accepting & non-fearful of expressing the ego in anyway, I think I just lost a few more readers but you must ask yourself why!!  It’s funny, even when we think where not being controlled by the ego we are which I call the hidden ego.  This would seem completely ridiculous to those who have read from the ones we have put upon pedestals, how can you rid yourself of the ego if you accept expressing the ego? This seems at first like a paradox but it isn’t for the main reason what is telling you to judge the ego wrong in some way?  The ego of course because as soon as we judge something wrong we are in judgment. The trap is the ego wants you to judge it wrong & once it’s done this you are entrapped because you feel you have rid yourself of the ego when you haven’t, this is what I call the hidden ego.

Again this would seem quite unacceptable to anyone who has put another upon a pedestal who has told you something quite the opposite, you must again ask yourself why do I put one person above another when this is obviously expressing the ego when I do so but at the same time I’m supposed to be ridding myself of the ego?  I ask why can’t I or anyone else be more correct than the ones we have put upon these pedestals?  If they are expressing anything to be wrong in anyway why are we listening to them, why are you listening to people like me?  

Spirituality is all about acceptance & through this acceptance we will find no judgement & if we have no judgement we are not obviously being controlled by the ego because the ego is all about judgement.  When we look at people like myself we are in judgement & yes we do express the ego in various ways so therefore we are not truly spiritually minded.  This statement is absolutely correct however people like myself don’t judge the ego being wrong in anyway even when we express at times the ego being wrong. This sounds like double dutch/confusing, this is where awareness comes into play.

I’m aware of my judgement but many people who try to rid themselves of the ego aren’t which comes back to the hidden ego again.  I accept being in judgement even of judgement itself & of anything of the ego however I am aware I’m still in judgement unlike if I convinced myself I am no longer in judgement. This brings us back to spirituality being all about acceptance & through this acceptance we will find no judgement. The apparent paradox here is to accept judging being in judgment but also accept being non-accepting as well.  As soon as we see wrong in anything we are immediately in judgement. All we really need to do is be accepting & not be fearful of expressing the ego in anyway & at the same time be aware of the controlling ego judging itself & eventually we will find ourselves in utter bliss. Once we reach this stage we know we have expressed & accepted all of what is.  

Monday 4 November 2013

Human Nature, The common Attitudes in Human Beings Behavior.

Written by Mathew Naismith

This is an interesting little discussion I thought I would share with you today; in discussing ways to improve the way we react towards each other.  One person pointed out the difficulties in the English language as follow. “As soon as there is an 'I' and a 'You' there is separation. Our language sometimes doesn't help, especially english because it is full of possesive pronouns like mine, theirs, and us and them. It makes english a difficult language to talk about spirit at times. Maybe if we become aware of the limitation of language we can sense the language that is more universal, that speaks directly to the heart.

Some people say matter is an illusion others say matter is all there is. I think that the 'illusion' is the identification with matter and the forms that it takes, especially the human form. It seems to be the predominant illusion at this time in the world. An overly material approach to life has caused people to turn their back on creation or even notions of a creator”.

Synchronicities playing her part here again because on another forum site I’m presently in a conversation with two people from India, the difficulties of expressing an ideology from another culture/language into English have come up more than once.

Getting back to this discussion, in my response to “How can Human Nature be improved for happy global life?” I wrote the following.

Taking into consideration that we chose to be here at this or any other time, understanding & acceptance is the key to global harmony.

Many spiritually aware people, especially in the West, don't accept the life they have chosen & maybe they’re not meant to either however within this non-acceptance comes inedible conflict. Of course we have on top of this many non-spiritually aware people being non-accepting as well but spiritually aware people should be showing the way towards acceptance & understanding but they’re not.

A true spiritually aware person realises it's not about them but all else around them, Jesus & mother Teresa are good examples of this.

In many cultures we are brought up to be non-accepting of other cultural differences from ours, religion is a good example of this. What if all religions & other forms of spirituality for starters started leading the way to acceptance & understanding of all? 

There are huge cultural differences between all of us around the world, we are not meant to understand all of what each & every cultures ideology stands for but have the understanding that other cultural ideological differences are a difference that’s all, there not a threat just a difference. We need to understand not everyone has to & wants to be like us, they have their own chosen path to follow as we do. Spiritually aware people must also realise not everyone wants to be spiritually aware either or ascend in some way, they must be accepting of this for they are supposed to be leading the way.   Displaying non-acceptance of the ego & judgment for example is actually displaying non-acceptance of others who have chosen to display egotistical & judgmental human tendencies, this won’t lead to harmony for all remembering being truly spiritually aware is never about ourselves.

We have judged judgement & the ego as being bad or inappropriate in some way but what we, spiritually aware people, are truly doing is judging other people with these so called inappropriate human tendencies which of course comes across as conflictive, unaccepting & non-understanding when we should be displaying acceptance & understanding of all. In the process of bettering ourselves we have forgotten our purpose, it’s about all others not ourselves!!

Sunday 22 September 2013

True Acceptance is The Key

Written by Mathew Naismith

This is going on from my last post titled The Illusion of Time & Space/Physicality, synchronicities a funny thing indeed.

Presented by cosmicwarrrior:
William Cooper - Truth Isolation

G'day cosmicwarrior

Yes it's a little bit that way.

Becoming spiritually aware isn't an easy road to tread & it's even harder if you are using spirituality to run away from something or have some sort of psychological issue that you are using spirituality to calm yourself in some way. Spiritual awareness can bring out the gremlins in more than one way, in ourselves & the rest of humanity, one must be wary of this.

The real truth in time & space, (duality), doesn't exist, it's only what we perceive to be the truth at any given time. Time & space give us the duality's of truths, there is no one truth in realities of duality, time for one changes truths at a drop of a hat so is there a real truth? No time & space, (non-duality), gives us the real truth as it's of oneness however living in realities of duality again gives us dual truths which is only a portion of the real truth. We are only living & experiencing part of the conscious knowing in realities of duality, time & space, so no we can't experience the real truth because then we wouldn't be in a duality reality.

So why are we living in & creating realities of duality? In a pure oneness state we can't physically experience all of the knowing of the universal consciousness so we break it down into separate portions which is basically separate truths, (duality), this is why we are so different to each other, we are all a separate portion of the whole real truth. This is actually saying we are experiencing the whole real truth but in separate forms, now how special is that!!!! No wonder I look upon this reality in amazement at times.


This explains quite clearly, I feel, why self-discovery through sciences as well as spirituality is important & is all a part of spirituality. Science/psychology is helping us to put these conscious pieces together again & when we do this, in how many years’ time, we will see quite a different reality to what we are experiencing today. You could argue spirituality does this anyway without science/psychology so why would we need science & psychology to help put these pieces of conscious truths together? Science/psychology are about realities of duality & spirituality is about non-duality reality. If we were to put these conscious truths together through just spiritual means we would lose this duality reality however if we use science/psychology as well as spirituality we will have the best of all worlds/realities I believe. On the other hand if we continue to use science/psychology on their own the obvious will continue, we will keep floundering about like lost children.      

This of course comes down to using all the tools we have at hand in unison in finding out the whole real truth & by doing this we will indeed be able to live the whole real truth & knowing of the totality of consciousness in a coexisting duality/non-duality existence. This is a huge WOW because everything will be truly at one when this happens & it will happen one way or the other I feel. Like I have always said, “true acceptance is the key”.

Monday 2 September 2013

Dealing with Judgment Better

Written By Mathew Naismith

Judgment is a bit of a dirty word in spirituality & rightfully so because it can be quite destructive & disruptive & it would seem it’s one human attribute that seems to stick & for a human very hard not to act out in some way. We look at judgment as being in judgment of others because we can see a difference between ourselves & others & it’s this difference that gives us judgment, if there was no difference we wouldn’t & couldn’t judge so judgment is defined primarily of differences, what if it was a presumed difference not an actual difference?

Firstly before answering this question I would like to point out that there are two primary sources of judgment, one is being in judgment of another person’s wrong or inconsistent in comparison to ourselves which denotes a disagreement & the other is being in judgment of another person’s being right  or consistent in comparison to ourselves which denotes an agreement.  Both a disagreement & agreement represents judgment but of course one is constructive the other destructive so should we all be just in agreement to each other? The answer of course is no because we would be lying to ourselves & others so the only recourse we have then is to be in neither agreement or disagreement which solves the problem of being in judgment but is this the answer? Again no because this is like a half lies.  “A lie which is half a truth is ever the blackest of lies”, Alfred Lord Tennyson.

So obviously the only real recourse we have is to force ourselves to not be in judgment period for in this we are neither telling a lie or half lies but is this really the answer? If we can’t agree with someone, which is constructive, because we are afraid of being in judgment is this constructive? It’s neither because we haven’t committed ourselves so how are we supposed to be constructive because it’s obvious being consecutive is also being of the ego?  We can’t so what happens is we stagnate in our awareness because if we can’t constructively improve ourselves in becoming further aware because of the fear of displaying ego tendencies we stagnate in our awareness.  

This brings us back to the original question, “what if the difference between ourselves was a presumed difference not an actual difference? There is a trick with accepting judgment within our lives & it all comes down to not seeing each other as an opposing opposite or a difference in some way judging/comparing ourselves positively or negatively  to others which denotes a difference between each other. There is an obvious difference between people not just one on one but culturally as well at the human level but as we become spiritually aware we realise we are not what we presume we are, separate entities fighting it out but one entity judging itself in comparison to itself not other individual entities.

This all brings us back to differences & constructiveness as opposed to differences destructiveness. I didn’t say indifference in relation to constructiveness because it is obvious we are different but there is a purpose to this difference between our human selves & it’s called judgment in determining what the rest of ourselves as one entity is all about & made of at the human level however the problem with this is we have been judging ourselves without knowing we are but one entity instead we judged ourselves as being separate entities & within this chaos & mayhem is sure to follow.

Being spiritually aware people, if we really don’t know but only think we are one entity we should avoid making judgment because all we are doing is judging others as separate entities however we shouldn’t stay in this frame of mind too long because this stagnates our awareness as mentioned before but if we know we are one entity we can go back to being in judgment because we know we are only judging ourselves & in knowing we are only judging ourselves we become automatically more accepting & far less judgmental especially destructively. In this frame of mind & only in this frame of mind knowing that we are but one entity is judgment totally constructive. I should mention here, in knowing we are one entity judgment is constructive in being awareness building for without judgment we wouldn’t learn from each parts of ourselves, we would again stagnate within our present awareness not knowing to accept or not to accept, to display the ego or not to display the ego.   

What this is all saying is once you truly know you are one entity even in judgment of yourself judgement will soon cease to exist because in knowing we are one entity we become more accepting of ourselves as one entity. Acceptance has always been the key in furthering our awareness in harmony.  

Saturday 17 August 2013

Spiritual Difference in Perception

Written by Mathew Naismith

This post has come about through my involvement in a discussion about atheism & spiritualism & seeing how different we are in our perception to each other because of our beliefs & concepts.

Different Perceptions: It is amazing while in conversation with spiritually aware people, agnostics, religious people & atheist of course at the same time how different we perceive the world & ourselves. This discussion that I’m still involved in has over 556 comments with an amazing number of different perceptions being portrayed & we express ourselves so differently & to a spiritually aware person all these different perception are neither right nor wrong but just different & accepted because spirituality is all about acceptance. This of course should also include accepting those who display animosity or anything else that is ego driven but of course being human that isn’t always the case. As for myself displaying animosity & many others traits conductive to the ego all I can say is I’m accepting & content with my human self , my soul self is a magnificently beautiful entity which I also accept but my human self has precedence. 

If you can’t be accepting & content with your human self you can’t be accepting & content of others, yes spiritually aware people can display love & understanding of other people’s perceptions & personalities but we usually can’t accept them for who they are & usually we try to change them which can be against their will. What we are usually trying to change is their use of the ego or of using the ego period & when we can’t change that we ignore them which of course isn’t very accepting. 

There is obviously a significant difference in our perception to each other which can at times lead to us showing some sort of animosity of some kind or ostracizing or ignoring others which of course isn’t a very good display of spiritual acceptance however if we are aware enough we can learn from other people’s & our own animosity but we learn very little from ostracizing or ignoring which a lot of spiritually aware people display at times. It is fear in being fearful of displaying fear or anything else of the ego & most human beings display these tendencies a lot.

Acceptance Breeds Awareness: It is obvious that a spiritually aware person is going to perceive themselves & the rest of the world quite differently to atheists for instance just like what has been presented in this discussion about atheism & spiritualism.  There are spiritually aware people, religious people, agnostics & atheists still discussing their own perceptions even after certain displays of animosity like rudeness, name calling, personal inflammatory remarks & so forth, in all a total disagreement of each other’s perception but the amazing thing is we are still discussing them in relevant peace which is a great display of spiritual acceptance.  You could say by not agreeing to each other’s perception were not being accepting but we are for the most, we might not be totally accepting which is nearly impossible for humans to do but we are accepting of each other’s display of rejection otherwise we wouldn’t still be discussing our differences in our perception to each other.   

For a spiritually aware person becoming aware, accepting our human self becomes a nightmare & in fact a lot of us clash with our human ego selves denouncing it in any way we can which of course denotes conflict. Gee we do it the hard way sometimes!! By doing this we can’t accept this in others either so what we do then is hide within likeminded people, in others words we surround ourselves with likeminded people but by doing so have become quite unaccepting of others unlike us which again denotes conflict. Is this any better than what is in main stream society today? No because it still denotes conflict. What we need to do is stop being fearful of our human ego self & accept it for what it is & have the awareness of our soul selves. In some cases becoming aware of the soul self isn’t going to help because as I have discussed in previous posts we can, at the soul level, take human fixated attachments with us from life to life & the more fixated the attachment a souls has the harder it is going to be for the said person with such a soul.

The next step is to become aware of the inner self. This can be confusing because I even at times refer to the soul as the inner self but really the soul is only a doorway to the inner self, it’s not actually the inner self, however!! What I refer to the true inner self is the collective consciousness. The soul is solitary until it becomes aware of the collective consciousness & once it does this it can become of the inner self.  So what this means is a soul that is unaware of the collective consciousness isn’t of the inner self but is still a doorway to the inner self however a soul that is aware of the collective consciousness is of the inner self.  What does this make the human self who is aware of the collective consciousness?  Unless we can display our knowing of the awareness of the collective consciousness we are still of the human self however a little more wiser & knowing for it. ‘

No matter what we become aware of awareness helps us understand ourselves & each other better either it be in science or spirituality it’s all about awareness & in trying to understand each other’s perception just like we are doing in this discussion on atheism & spiritualism, we become wiser for it because “wisdom is the final destiny of awareness”. 

Thursday 18 July 2013

Unconditional Love/Oneness

Written by Mathew Naismith

I think most of us know what unconditional love is all about, it’s to basically love without question or judgement & oneness is to accept all without question & judgment, this is very easy to understand but is it easy to act out & are we all able to act it out? Of course if we have an understanding of unconditional love & oneness & find ourselves in various conscious states experiencing this it must be easy to act out even to the most unaware person but is it? Fist one has to be unconditionally understanding of the totality of everything then one would have to be unconditionally accepting of the totality of everything however here comes the easy part, I believe once you have true unconditional understanding & acceptance of the totality of all unconditional love comes automatically without effort.

When we consider true unconditional love on its own it seems very simple because all one has to do is be unconditionally loving without question or judgment but it takes a lot more than that to be truly unconditionally loving & in fact it takes many lessons through various dimensions & consciousness’s to obtain true unconditional love.

Let me put it this way, how many of us now can unconditionally love a person who is torturing & sexually molesting a child especially your own child to death? I know I couldn’t, the only ones that could would be the ones who are unconditionally accepting of such heinous crimes, it’s not so easy to be unconditionally accepting to start with. To reach any form of unconditional love one has to be firstly unconditionally understanding & then unconditionally accepting but to reach true oneness one would have to be unconditionally understanding & accepting of the totality of all which in human form would be virtually impossible this is why we have got various dimensions to go through to teach us such unconditional values at the soul level.  For one to be truly unconditionally loving & at one with the totality of all one’s soul would have had to come from the 12th dimension which is believed to be one with God or the creative consciousness.

Now the person unconditionally accepting of heinous crimes seems to have more of a chance of becoming unconditionally loving because they are already unconditionally understanding & accepting of heinous crimes however do they understand & accept all as in showing true unconditional love to  victims of such heinous crimes? The answer of course is no so they have no chance in becoming unconditionally loving & at one in their present form however people like me who are unaccepting of there acceptance haven’t got a chance either.

It is important to know that you can’t have unconditional love without oneness otherwise how would one be aware that they are unconditionally loving without oneness because oneness represents the totality of all, non-accepting of anything isn’t of oneness so this would mean  unconditional love is totally unobtainable unless we are all accepting & of course to be all accepting one also would have to understand what they are being accepting of & this is why it takes so long for a soul to reach this point of true unconditional love & oneness, it certainly couldn’t be reached in one or two life times. So is taking on any concept of unconditionally loving pointless in realities like this one because it’s impossible to obtain? What is learning here is your soul through the experiences the human vessel goes through, to even notice of trying to be unconditionally loving is a huge learning curve for your soul & it will take this on board so no it’s not pointless at all. What is pointless is expecting to obtain this in one life time. By just acknowledging & experiencing certain conscious states of unconditional love & oneness is the start of understanding what unconditional  means at the soul level & from this will come, eventually, unconditional acceptance & then totality of unconditional love of the totality of all which is true oneness.

What is going on is we are continually thinking in human form & playing this out as if this is the main part of who we are but it’s not, what is important & who we are truly is our souls. What we really need to do to make it easier on ourselves in reaching this unconditional love & oneness state of consciousness in human form is think of yourself of being the soul not human; see yourself as just a human vessel showing your soul, your true self, to the light. This will make understanding & accepting a lot easier for your human vessel to teach your soul what unconditional actually means so how does it do that? Once you recognise your truer self as being the soul & not this human vessel you start to become detached from a lot of attachments & fixated attachments, becoming detached just means you’re letting go of taught practices that are holding you back in finding true unconditional love & oneness eventually, in other words it’s the human vessels attachments that is making it hard for us to reach our final goal, have faith & just let go.

Saturday 6 July 2013

True Acceptance-Conflictive?

Written by Mathew Naismith

"If you try to accept, that simply means a kind of repression. First you must have rejected; you must be still rejecting and you are covering up your rejection with acceptance. I don’t accept life because I don’t reject it in the first place. It is simply there, neither rejected or accepted. It is so. Buddha calls it tathata, suchness. True acceptance is not an acceptance at all. True acceptance is absence of rejection and acceptance. One simply knows that this is how things are -- the suchness of things, tathata."


G’day Joel……One should never try to accept but be automatically accepting however everyone in this reality including Osho & Buddha have rejected their previous reality to be within this one to say such things otherwise they wouldn’t have been here, rejection like change is inevitable.  For change to take effect one must always reject one’s present moment otherwise change can’t ever possibly take effect including being in realities like this one.

Once one reaches a certain state of consciousness acceptance becomes automatic but before this state is reached one should try to be understanding in one’s non-acceptance not try to be accepting of one’s misunderstandings.  Being truly accepting doesn’t mean one has to have an opposing polarity it just means you haven’t got an opposing polarity like rejection.


Looking at the quote, this quote at first made sense which made my blog on acceptance conflictive however one doesn’t always have to have an opposing polarity plus I preach acceptance through understanding of our misunderstandings & after we have done this there is no more rejection or conflict it’s just pure acceptance. Acceptance really comes down to our understandings & once we understand we automatically have no rejection but become automatically accepting through having no opposing polarity.

As I said in my reply, we have had to have all rejected our present form before coming to a reality like this one & only through rejection of our present conscious state can we make changes so in actual fact this quote doesn’t make sense at all as only through diversity which denotes change can we consciously expand.  This quote is actually talking about a being or energy source that has never experienced change & if it has never experienced change it couldn’t be very consciously expansive/aware in the first place however it could also be from an energy form who is very consciously expansive which doesn’t need diversity any longer to learn from however it still makes this quote null & void as none of us are at that conscious state of awareness in this reality & even if we were we wouldn’t need to be told this in the first place because we would automatically already know this.

We obviously learn from accepting & rejecting which denotes diversity & that is a very positive thing not a negative thing in realities like this one which this quote is trying to make out, it is not suited to this reality or any other reality like this one.  This quote was obviously written in a conscious state that is far beyond our consciousness, why present such a quote in this consciousness or any other consciousness like this one has got me!!

Friday 28 June 2013

The Act of Being Truly at One

Written by Mathew Naismith

I would like to state right up front this post isn’t for everyone who has a fixated mode of thought &/or has a problem in seeing outside the square, only people who have a more advanced soul should read on as this post can be quite conflictive & confusing to anyone who has a set ideological mode of thought which will make what is written here incomprehensible thus pointless, however anyone who has read most of my past posts but who hasn’t got an advanced soul  like me might get something out of this post without too much conflict because one would have learnt from my past posts a little about acceptance & it’s the acceptance of the totality of all that is the key here.

Learning True Acceptance:  What is true acceptance? It’s the acceptance that everything is of you & is always within you no matter how one feels even when in certain states of consciousness of unconditional love & oneness. While in this state of blissfulness if you can’t imagine being a mass murderer for instance you’re not truly at one & all accepting, you’re feeling the oneness & bliss but you’re not knowing of this oneness & bliss it’s just a feeling  still. Most people entrap themselves within this consciousness which to an emotional human being isn’t a bad place to be entrapped which was fine for our past consciousness however even though we have a feeling of being at one with everything were not because in this state we couldn’t imagine ourselves being any more than just being unconditional loving which of course isn’t of everything so how can it be true oneness? Well of course it’s not but we have a strong emotional feeling it is even to the extent we know it is which of course is induced by our emotions & yes we do still have emotions when in non-physical form & various conscious states, how do ghosts/sprits & other non-physical   entities interact with us & each other, without emotions you have no interaction as it’s our emotions that drive us to interact & yes emotions are of the ego as well.  

To truly know that you are at one is by imagining yourself acting out any role in human life including being a mass murderer for instance, if you can’t imagine this within yourself you can never be truly all accepting thus truly at one until you can imagine yourself being anything of man. If this seems incomprehensible to you you haven’t got an advanced soul & shouldn’t be reading this in the first place unless you have read most of my posts on acceptance which will help you comprehend more of what I’m talking about here.  So is everyone supposed to comprehend what this post is about? No but on the other hand yes eventually as we are now entering into a new consciousness which means all our old modes of thought need to either go completely or adapt to the new consciousness, this is saying all of our knowing within this consciousness is now null & void which is very hard for anyone to comprehend or accept but the this new consciousness will teach us to do just that I believe.  

Later on in this new consciousness we will learn to be more accepting but for now most of us need to be content with learning to still be all accepting within this new consciousness because that is what new consciousness’s are all about learning & becoming further aware of our true being through various experiences which at times means being something quite grotesque like a mass murderer for instance.  I would advise anyone who can’t comprehend &/or accept any of this at this point to have a life progression performed on themselves as this will show how diverse our lives have been, it’s through diversity we learn & a life progression will also show that we haven’t always been nice people either which a lot of people won’t handle especially if your entrapped in a consciousness of just unconditional love & oneness. I would also like to point out anyone performing life progression on others should be aware that this can adversely damage any said person psychologically however most people have a defence against this, it’s called denial which isn’t a bad thing at times.  Like with anything it has its positives too!!

I’ve experienced some very dangerous situations in my life by telepathically connecting myself to the most heinous people when committing certain heinous crimes against society, it’s dangerous not just because of the awful feelings one gets which can quite easily transfer into my own mode of thoughts but from non-acceptance which could have led to various psychological disorders but because I have personally already experienced certain adversities through life I was able to cope. So why put oneself through such experiences? By doing so I realised who I was not just now but in past lives, it made me remember things about myself I had forgotten & through this I now don’t judge others as much as I used too in other words I’ve become more accepting.  This of course has led me to become more connected to my soul’s core making my soul aware of its true self. I would like to point out that some people talk about one’s true self as if it’s the human true self but the human self is only a vessel for our souls to experience & learn through that’s all believe it or not, it’s our soul that is our true selves not this crude humanistic form however I do love it all the same!!

Reconnecting to the Souls Core: So is this saying that anyone who has lived many varied lives has a more advanced soul?  Yes most definitely, it’s not just the human self that needs to be all accepting but the soul as well which we tend to mix up, it’s the human self who is the teacher not the soul as it’s the soul that is learning here not the human self believe it or not as it’s just a vessel for the soul to learn through.  The human self can be more aware & knowing than the soul believe it or not as the human self has a vast array of knowledge & diversity to learn from however if you have a more advanced soul human knowing doesn’t even come close to the knowing of an advanced soul when one becomes more accepting as it has a knowing that it is connected to everything not just what is of man & this is why some spiritually aware people have certain gifts, they have become connected to their inner core of their souls. By experiencing various diversities & accepting what one is one is then able to reconnect the soul again to its inner core from when it was created in the first place thus become more gifted & the more accepting one is the more the knowing one will have & yes the more gifted one can be as well but only through one’s own choice or will of course.

We must recognise that it’s the soul that has the biggest attachments here as it can carry various attachments from life to life living out many lives within certain attachments which of course hinders its own awareness of itself however, this is where diversity comes into it, if we vary our attachments at the soul level we will humanly learn more about ourselves thus force our soul to become aware of its inner core in other words it’s true self without attachments. This is funny because we didn’t just need attachments for our souls to become aware of itself again but varied & numerous attachments & the more varied the said attachments the more aware the soul will become of itself again but of course this is usually done over a number of different lives however if one becomes all accepting in one life time one can fit many life times into one if one wishes but it can be quite harrowing & psychologically upsetting & even dangerous to do at times so I don’t really recommend this unless under someone who is in the know or you are sure you yourself is knowing enough to proceed.

Let’s take a look at people who have traumatic lives &/or experienced many things in one life time, you will notice they are not just knowing but are also aware depending on what they have experienced in that one life, this is the same thing as acceptance because through experience they have become accepting however this is only so if one has learnt from their experiences.  Anyone who has become attached or addicted to drugs or alcohol for instance because of their experiences has a fixated attachment & anything fixated especially modes of thought lead to very little chance of becoming more humanly aware of oneself which in turn stagnates the soul into a certain pattern of attachments which can last many life time’s so to learn from one’s life one needs to be more accepting. Non-acceptance just leads on to taking things like drugs & alcohol however isn’t this too part of the experience we learn by?  The problem with this type of experience is again we can become too attached which leads to non-acceptance of more than what one is attached too, we need to vary our attachments to become more aware at the soul level which most of us have done to one extent or another through various lives.  

In all one needs to be accepting of all of what one is which includes knowing that you are no better or different at the soul level to the person next to you no matter who or what they are in any state of consciousness you may find yourself in, we are all of connectedness which is what we call oneness so being non-accepting of all of who we are is really being disconnected & being spiritually aware people that’s not what we should be about but in certain circumstances that is exactly what we are doing still!!!

Sunday 26 May 2013

True Positive Thinking

Written by Mathew Naismith

What is a true positive thought? A thought without negativity which of course makes sense to us in a human way, this goes along with the concept you are what you think which again makes total sense for if I was to think in a negative way all the time or even partially I will become what I think which of course is negative but what am I doing to become a positive thinker in the first place with this concept? What I am actually doing is throwing away or denouncing any negative humanistic straits I deem negative, this of course is done to improve or manifest a better existence for myself which will give me what I desire through “ I am what I think” which makes perfect sense.

A true positive thinker will seek out what is not serving them well & either denounce them or ignore their existence & of course once this is done we become what we think, a positive thinker in its truest form without a doubt.

Collective Consciousness: I will change the subject here & ask a question, are we consciously here for ourselves or are we consciously here to build up on a collective holistic consciousness for all mankind? It is of course the latter for the main reason we are all very much connected holistically to each other which of course refers to a truer form of oneness.  As I have recently explained in my recent past posts about the creative core or centre point of creative consciousness, we have collectively expanded on the cores consciousness through what I deem as emotionally driven & the further out we go away from the core the more chaotic & conflictive our emotions become mainly because they become extreme unlike the creative core itself which is serine & peaceful.   This expansion of consciousness is done through our souls which were created by the creative cores consciousness as it expanded. What we are continuously forget is we are one collective consciousness, we are not this one person who is only building up on its own consciousness & soul awareness it’s collective & holistic not personal or individual.

I’m going to ask another question here, is it positive to live for one’s own individual conscious awareness or for the collective conscious awareness especially for a spiritually aware person? It is of course the latter as this denotes true oneness & collectiveness. As I have explained in earlier posts the creative core (God) expanded it’s consciousness through experiencing it’s own knowing through our souls which of course where created by the creative cores conscious expansion & I have also explained in previous posts that the creative core is all accepting & why. So is it accepting for us to denounce certain humanistic traits that obviously help in the creative core in experiencing itself & at the same time building up on our own individual soul’s conscious awareness?  Isn’t accepting positive & isn’t non-accepting negative? So what are we doing when we are personally trying to manifest for our own desires instead for the betterment of all mankind through concepts like “we are what we think”?

“We are what we think” works however by looking at this that & the other of being negative therefore we shouldn’t think of these negatives is in fact being negative & judgmental of human traits that have allowed the holistic consciousness to expand. Building up on & expanding consciousness isn’t easy & it’s full of trials & tribulations but it’s through these trials & tribulations we are expanding on the creative cores consciousness through experiencing what it knows, what’s the good of an intelligent consciousness in just knowing what it knows without experiencing it through individual parts of itself through our souls, we are not just here for ourselves & to serve ourselves, we all have a jog to do. However in taking on concepts like “we are what we think” & positive thinking which denounces human traits like the ego & judgment we are in fact still building up & expanding the creative cores consciousness through ourselves negatively & this is where so called human negative traits are actually positive, we only see them as negative because they don’t serve us now personally.

However I have shown that positive thinking is actually negative because it’s not accepting & it does look at certain humanistic traits of being just negative therefore these traits should be avoided which gives us more to conflict with not less. We forget we are human living in a reality of time & space therefore past & present unlike the creative core itself which is of a reality of no time & space & the now as only the now exists in the core centre. We are actually confusing ourselves in living within the core centre when were not.  We don’t as humans need more to conflict with we actually need less.

A Truer Positive Thinking: So what’s true positive thinking then which will allow a better existence for ourselves & at the same time assist in expanding on the creative cores consciousness which we are all a part of?  Before I answer this I will ask another question, if you saw an angry aggressive man hurting someone what would you think & do? Would a positive thinker who follows the concept “you are what you think” do anything? They can’t because they have rid themselves of all negative thought & judgment so if they can’t judge this man negatively even when this man is doing an obvious wrong they can’t by their own principles know a wrong is being committed in the first place.  This to me doesn’t sound too positive or spiritual.
Being a true positive thinker I would think the man is playing out a role in life to assist in the expansion of consciousness in the first place& at the same time realise this man is showing us where we are going wrong within our thoughts & actions holistically. If someone anyone acts out in this way this should tell us something about our holistic consciousness so the positive point in this so called negative man is twofold.  I of course, not being negative & conflictive with my human traits that seem negative but aren’t really like judgment & the ego, I would intervene on both parties behalf saving both of them from our holistic set mode of thought’s at present.  By seeing not ignoring a so called negative I’ve helped in correcting our path to a less conflictive chaotic existence.  What I am doing here is something like the creative cores consciousness would do, accept it for what it is by understanding our holistic existence to the extent of knowing how we have& are expanding on our own & the  holistic consciousness at the same time & not individualistically self-serving our own desires over  the whole collective consciousness of man.

One more thing, I judge others & myself as I have shown right through my blog, this would seem negative to others, I wouldn’t be truly spiritually aware & caring if I didn’t at least try to  point out how I see certain concepts going wrong within the holistic collective consciousness. Judgment can be very positive in showing where we are going wrong in life & has done just that many times over but if we continuously denounce or ignore these signs, just like the angry aggressive man, we will continue on this merry-go-round thus adding little to our own & collective conscious awareness.  Acceptance of everything of what we are is far more positive than denouncing certain parts of our human self, within this concept one will automatically see the positives in everything without trying & conflicting, within this comes true conscious awareness individually & holistically.

Friday 24 May 2013

The World of True Spiritual Acceptance pt.14


Written by Mathew Naismith

Love & Acceptance: I was just recently conversing with a good friend of mine called Lorraine & we talked about the ego & how it is needed in our development & how it’s the soul that is developing through the experiences we have in life which very much includes the ego as a handy tool to be used to expand our individual & collective souls consciousness’s.

So what has this to do with love & acceptance? As we expand our consciousness through tools like the ego we also become more accepting as well but while I was conversing with Lorraine I realised to love something you also need to be accepting as well, they very much go hand in hand. In saying this however one can be accepting without being loving but to love one would also have to be accepting so anyone who dearly loves is already accepting so why not just love & forget the accepting when love brings on acceptance anyway?

Not everyone can love unconditionally for example how can one love something that makes them uncomfortable like a serial killer or a Hitler? It is impossible to blindly love like this way however one can become more accepting therefore understanding towards people like this which will latter bring on the love for things we never thought possible. Pure consciousness has no preferences over other things as it is all accepting & yes loving if we look at it in a humanistic way. Love comes from the release of conflicts we have in life it feels like love because we have freed ourselves & have become more accepting, if it feels like love then it must be love.

images (12)Expanding Through Our Emotions: Everything we think & do is driven to a large extent by our emotions, if it wasn’t for our emotional thoughts & actions we just wouldn’t have evolved because our conscious can only expand through involvement with other energies like the ego, worrying & thinking, it’s a process that was needed to expand our consciousness thus evolve. Life is very much like a chemistry experiment, if you add in hate & a little love with a drop of sarcasm you have a different emotional makeup (result) than you would if you had a different mixture like love & respect with a splash of hate, it’s all a part of the process in experimenting in different forms of consciousness which helps us understand ourselves better thus expand on our collective consciousness. Every time we experiment we are creating something new which helps expand on the consciousness

Lorraine asked me “is thinking and worrying a waste of time”?

My reply:

I look at it this way Lorraine, every time we think & worry we are expanding on not just our consciousness but the collective consciousness however destructive & distractive it is.  Why are we here doing what we are doing like with thinking & worrying? All these centuries it has just been a process to expand on our own collective consciousness enough to expand further into another conscious awareness. It’s funny how personal we take hardship or living period but there is nothing personal about it as it’s all a collective process.

The thing is I know how to stop worrying & thinking like so many others but I accept thinking & worrying as I know what it is contributing too however it becomes pointless when it’s going to contribute to our final destruction, it’s having an expanded enough consciousness to understand this which is obviously happening today with so much awareness about.

So is worrying & thinking pointless? Yes & no which is in line with the ego, when is there too much ego? This takes an expanded enough consciousness to know when enough is enough but of course to get to that expanded consciousness we need the extremes in the first place to attain such conscious awareness which we have done collectively over the centuries.  Again I find it funny that we still think individualistically, there is nothing personal about our lives as it’s all very collective however without thinking we were individualistic we couldn’t have expanded on our collective consciousness the way we have, we have literally created things that never existed before by thinking this way thus the collective consciousness has expanded ever more through our individualistic thoughts & worrying processes.


You have got to ask yourself why would a pure intelligent consciousness create such a chaotic reality?  There is purpose to everything as nothing has no purpose & that purpose is like our universe ever expanding, developing &evolving to further creation because anything intelligent & conscious always has a purpose as that is just a part of the natural process of it all.

The World of True Spiritual Acceptance pt.13

expanded consiousness

Written by Mathew Naismith

Expanded Consciousness Through Conflicts

Living in Terror:  The concept of acceptance seems unworkable especially when one lives in terror of their lives & wellbeing, how does one accept this? As previously stated one doesn’t because acceptance is about total acceptance which means accepting not to accept as well including terror in one’s life. It is impossible for a human not to be in conflict when one & their loved ones are living in terror but of course in certain parts of the world they have no choice but to be accepting of these circumstances. Accepting doesn’t actually mean one is always going to want to be accepting as this is dictated by circumstances in one’s life. When one is forced to be accepting it’s not by will obviously like with living in a life of terror or living a destructive way of life through consumerist materialism, we either accept our circumstances & live with it or we fight it thus we become non-accepting & conflictive with our environment.

Living in terror should never really be a part of anyone’s life either it be direct terror like through wars & alike or through consumerist materialistic ideologies which is destroying our environment at an alarming rate. Living in terror comes in many forms some obvious some not so obvious, it is very hard not be in conflict however there is a time to accept & to be non-accepting.

So many people who are born into terror become quite accepting of it as it’s just another way of life (mode of thought) for them & of course this terror is brought about by people being non-accepting thus they have become conflictive which brings on the terror. By accepting this terror in their lives the conflicts in their lives will continue to whatever end if there is any end. We shouldn’t be accepting of terror but we are conditioned to through life to accept this as a necessary evil & of course we shouldn’t, in actual fact it’s become habitual for us to accept terror & misery in our lives now.

awarenessThis is when we shouldn’t be accepting obviously however we should always accept our circumstances first before we become non-accepting because by being non-accepting of our circumstances in the first place just leads to more terror & non-acceptance but if one accepts our life’s circumstances first up saying this is the way it really is instead of trying to bury it we have started off in a non-conflictive mode of thought which will obviously lead to a better outcome. When one is in an accepting non-conflictive mode of thought one will most always change one’s circumstances for the better through, believe it or not, becoming non-accepting again but because you have started off in a non-conflictive mode any conflicts brought on by being non-accepting is minimised quite a lot depending on how accepting you where to start with thus a more positive change can be made through non-acceptance of the terror in your life.

For example look at people who have been brought up in terror in war, they have had to be accepting of their circumstances as living in terror has become the norm (habitual) for them, if you put someone like me who hasn’t been brought up with the terror of war I would react in a quite non-accepting way from the very start, I would be quite conflictive of my environment where’s the people brought up in this terror react in a less conflictive way with their environment but because they have from the start been accepting of conflicts they will most probably always be conflictive in some way.

Starting off with acceptance: Acceptance = non-conflictive however when we have a need to change we have Non-acceptance= minimal conflict = a positive outcome.
However if we start off with non-accepting: Non-acceptance = conflicts = a negative outcome, you are already trying to change through just conflictive means which just means more conflicts.

expnding univrseExpanding Conscious Balloon: As I have stated previously in other posts non-acceptance & conflicts have expanded our consciousness a lot quicker than if we started off being just accepting & non-conflictive, our consciousness has virtually blown up like a balloon overnight & of course like a balloon if we blow it up too quickly it will become over inflated & explode before we know it.  This explosion is of course related to wars & the destruction of our environment through over expanding our consciousness through too many conflicts. We have to remember here that consciousness is everything including our physical reality, if we expand this conscious balloon through conflictive means only the balloon will only expand to a certain mass however if we expand this conscious balloon in a more subtle slower way like through acceptance non-conflictive ways we should be able to expand this conscious balloon without it exploding to the extent we want it to go.

As I have shown in this post previously even if we start off with an accepting mode of thought to change anything we need to become non-accepting thus conflictive, this might be less conflictive than being non-accepting to start with but it’s still conflictive. Conflicts are needed in our lives to expand our consciousness not to just change what we don’t like as it’s obviously inevitable but it’s the way we do it that counts.

There is absolutely no balance in expanding our consciousness through non-accepting conflictive means as non-acceptance just ends up = more conflicts as shown earlier but on the other hand acceptance = non-conflictive but this non-conflictive thought mode is also balanced out by wanting change which is driven by non-acceptance conflicts which is needed for the change to happen thus our consciousness is still being expanded but a much slower rate.  Any mode of thought driven by non-acceptance & conflicts is going to expand the consciousness a lot quicker thus a quickening of time occurs but if we take on the mode of thought of acceptance times will slow down dramatically.

You have a balloon which you quickly pumped up in no time flat & you have another balloon you pump up slowly, which balloon took less time to pump up? Expanding conciseness is no different to the balloon. As I have explained in earlier posts I theorised when the consciousness of the source/god  expanded it was the same time that the universe was created, it’s all one consciousness physical or not. As the universe is expanding it’s expanding at a faster rate & so is our consciousness. It would be funny to think if all conscious entities in this universe stopped expanding it’s own consciousness through non-acceptance would the universe also slow down it’s expansion as consciousness physical or not is everything, it’s all connected?

The World of True Spiritual Acceptance pt.12

thought animals

Written by Mathew Naismith

This post will compile a few of the topics that I have discussed previously in the hope of explaining the concepts of the relation between these factors that I have written about by explaining the relevance & connection these factors have in our lives.

Modes of Thoughts: The relevance of our personal & collective modes of thought is quite compelling because it’s what dictates what we understand & acknowledge & what we don’t. So one can now understand how important it is to be aware of its influence on us in every way.  Modes of thought are linked to consciousness, if we want to stay with the collective mode of thought, (the present consciousness), our acknowledgment is going to be limited to that level of consciousness but if one wants to expand on one’s individual mode of thought our mode of thought needs to change. Scientist have this problem, they think in one mode that’s it but with new science techniques & concepts coming out all the time science is changing, it’s actually changing its conscious understanding to a more open minded mode of thought instead of a fixated mode of thought. When we are fixated on any mode of thought that is when it becomes dogmatic because we think this is it but dogmas only fixate us the one conscious understanding when there are many more to discover.

Spirituality on the other hand shouldn’t have any fixated mode of thought but of course through religions it can & the reason for this is dogmatic views, beliefs, doctrines & principles. True spirituality is accepting of all because one doesn’t have doctrines & belief’s to hinder further conscious expansion in actual fact this is how some of the religions even today are set up. Our modes of thought are who we are at that level of conscious understanding & it’s impossible to know beyond that sort of understanding unless one takes on a different mode of thought this is why we disagree so often between each other we just don’t have the same conscious understanding.

meditaion animalsMeditation & Oneness: This is where oneness comes into it, if we all had the same mode of thought our conscious understanding would be the same & yes we would be less conflictive obviously however this is only showing oneness between each other, to obtain true oneness of all one needs to accept that everything is one vibrative energy form as what can & should be experience through meditation for example as I have explained in previous posts. Especially in a meditative state if one can’t just be in a state of awareness without visualisation you’re not truly in a oneness state of awareness however when one is aware without visual conformation during the meditation you could very well be in a true oneness state . The actual state of oneness is being totally devoid of any modes of thoughts from you, anyone else or even other beings & entities.  I know I said we need to change our mode of thought which is still a mode of thought but it’s the type of mode of thought that will lead you to a true oneness state. Did you notice I said state not mode of thought when relating to true oneness as so many spiritually aware people say they are at one but they are still in a mode of thought while in this state of oneness as any visualisation denotes a mode of thought, one needs to just accept it’s just as a state of awareness that’s it with no visualisation to be truly in a oneness state.

Don’t get me wrong I’m not saying it’s wrong to visualise while in a meditative state as any type of meditation is helpful but what I am saying unless you can switch off from any kind of mode of thought you won’t reach true oneness. It seems quite hard to rid ourselves from a new mode of thought that will allow our conscious to expand further but that is just part of the process to reaching into a true oneness state & if you think of it just being a part of a process it much easier to accomplish this state of awareness.

spiritual animalsCollective/Individual Modes of Thought: This seems strange, to expand our consciousness we need to change our mode of thought & to reach true oneness one needs to rid oneself of any mode of thought including modes of thought coming from other beings & entities? Yes this is true but only if one wants to experience true oneness, there are other states of oneness one can experience between each other & our immediate environment. You see our environment is a collective mode of thought as we can only detect what we consciously understand, if we changed our consciousness we would see much more. For an example someone who is conscious of butterflies will see a lot more butterfly activity than someone who’s into cars or trees, this is their personal mode of thought but collectively we also have the same mode of thought which is our whole detectable environment which influence us collectively of course.

How many interests, psychological states of mind & different personas are there? This is how many individual modes of thought there are but these individual modes of thought aren’t what influence us the most, it’s the collective mode of thoughts that influence us the most. Our immediate detectable environment dictates our being or not being depending on the environment like with war or being terminally ill but of course having an interest of being let’s say a soldier increases the mode of thought of war. War is a mode of thought otherwise it wouldn’t exist but if your personal mode of thought was being a soldier this increases the influence that the collective mode of thought of war will have on you.  We have all been dictated by war in one way or another only because of the collective thought modes but if very few of us had that mode of thought of soldering, power mongering & wealth, which are all different thought modes that lead us to war, war wouldn’t exist.

To make something happen & exist a collective mode of thought is needed for this to happen, if an individual had a mode of thought to being a soldier war still wouldn’t occur because it’s not collective, only through collective modes of thought can worldwide change happen.