Showing posts with label awareness. Show all posts
Showing posts with label awareness. Show all posts

Tuesday 14 July 2015

Liberating Ourselves from Inner Turmoil

Written by Mathew Naismith

The cause of turmoil: First of all we need to become aware of these turmoils before we can liberate ourselves form them, this isn’t easy mostly because of where our main focus is on most of the times. Focus is the key here, but to focus, one must know what they need to focus on in the first place, this seems so simple to do but it’s not, this is due to factors that are hidden from our main focus.

For an enlightened person to be in turmoil, this would take them to be unaware for only in ignorance can turmoil exist in one’s life, actually all our dilemmas and tumultuous experiences can only be experienced through being unaware, for example, would we still be warring if we were truly aware, would we be able to express destructive traits period?  No, this is due to, “for only in ignorance can we destroy”.  We now know what to focus on here, our unawareness which brings on the turmoil in one’s life, however,  we still don’t exactly know what kind of unawareness that is bringing on the turmoil in our lives, this indeed can be tricky.

Is man, as a whole, aware that all tumultuous expressions in the world are brought about by ignorance?  We are still warring and bickering which is brought about by our differences in our  ideologies and belief systems. You have to wonder how aware are these ideologies and belief systems, that we are still warring over, made us!!  The thing is, these ideologies and belief systems are only as aware as the people who are following them, any ideology or belief system that endorses (creates) turmoil in anyway, would have to be ignored by people who are more aware because these people are showing how unaware they are through creating turmoil of any kind. Anything that creates turmoil period is unaware, however , this doesn’t mean when one expresses an ideology that upsets others, that such an ideology is being expressed through ignorance, it could also be that the people who are upset by such expressions are unaware within there own ideological beliefs.

This might sound strange, but it matters not which ideological belief systems is causing the turmoil, it’s that the turmoil exists in the first place through being unaware. Could a person into oneness be expressive within there oneness to an atheist and not create some kind of turmoil, on the other hand, could an atheist express their ideological beliefs to a person into oneness without creating some kind of turmoil?  This is why it matters not to which ideological belief system is causing the turmoil, if any ideological belief system is expressed in ignorance, turmoil will always be created. Could a truly enlightened atheist create turmoil?  The answer of cause is no, no one who is this aware would be able to create turmoil, only in our unawareness can turmoil exist. It just shows you how unaware humans are, as a whole, today, we are still creating chaos in the world which creates a lot of turmoil for a lot of people.

The point is, you only have to be aware that turmoil can only exist through being unaware, if we were to point the finger at certain ideological belief systems, we would only create more turmoil in the process. A truly aware person wouldn’t point the finger at any one thing being at fault even though they are aware that certain ideological beliefs are creating the turmoil, if they were to do so, they would be adding to the turmoil.

We do the same within ourselves, I see this happening so often with people becoming spiritual aware, the ego is at fault or a certain ideology are at fault, yes, certain ways an ideology is being used can cause turmoil, however, all we are doing is adding to the turmoil that already exists if we lay fault, in other words judge, when it’s the ignorance within how any ideology is being used that creates such turmoil.
Turmoil, awareness building: Actually it’s a good thing to go through turmoil, only as long as we are aware that all turmoil can only be created through ignorance especially our own ignorance. Going through turmoil in this case is awareness building, you become aware of your own inner turmoil which makes you aware of your own unawareness,  it’s obviously constructive to be aware of our own unawareness.

This is the point, we miss this because we are usually fully focused on our own awareness, not on our unawareness, can we then say that we are truly aware if we are not also aware of our own unawareness?  Being aware of what causes turmoil in our lives is to me obviously worth being aware of.

It’s interesting what brought this post to bare, it’s an inner turmoil I have been battling with for most of my life, I love my human expressions ,but to become truly one,  I need to humanly become more aware, this however would change the way I express myself. The thing is, if  I don’t judged my human expressions as being less unworthy than being at one, why become more humanly aware? True oneness isn’t about being in one state of awareness above all else, it’s about accepting all expressions of conciseness as worthy, in other words all states of consciousness are seen as equal either it be of oneness or otherwise. Could you imagine stating that white people are more worthy than black people, this is what we would be saying if one state of consciousness is more worthy than another within  it’s expression in my mind.

True enlightenment; is a combination of awareness and a state of oneness, not one over and above the other. True, awareness brings forth one’s enlightenment but this doesn’t make awareness more worthy than a state of oneness, actually, the act of becoming aware tells us how unaware we are in the first place, this is because once you are in a oneness state, there is nothing more to become aware of, however, in an unaware state, you have a lot to become aware of. Sadly enough, this awareness becomes our main focus which takes away the oneness within awareness itself, in other words awareness just becomes knowledge, nothing more. 

Yes, to become aware one has to know what they are unaware of, so at this point we are focused on our unawareness , this is until we use this awareness as knowledge. Once this awareness is defined and used as knowledge, we are then mainly focused on what we know, not what we don't know. Enlightenment isn't about knowledge or the use of knowledge, it's about an understanding and acceptance that everything is one no matter how it's being expressed. Knowledge actually separates everything where's an enlightened awareness brings everything together.     

Think on this, why would consciousness itself, within it’s fully enlightened state, choose to become unenlightened, unaware of itself in it’s various forms if being unaware is unworthy?  Yes, being unaware creates turmoil and the less aware we are the more turmoil we create, human history shows this quite clearly however, once we can express all of what consciousness is, without any part of it being any less worthy to express than another, is a good indication of being in a true oneness state. Oneness is only brought on by awareness if we don’t think this awareness is just of knowledge , in other words use awareness just to gain knowledge. True awareness is also about being unaware as well through only this unawareness can all of consciousness be expressed and accepted as one.    

A true enlightened  state is like unconditional love, nothing is more or less worthy to love no matter how it’s expressed. The way humans perceive awareness to me seems way off the mark, this kind of perceptions has nothing to do with a true oneness state, with this perception, you can see why many white people today still see black people as being less worthy.

Become aware of what creates the inner turmoil but also become aware of the way we use and focus our awareness,  is it just for higher knowledge or is it for true oneness? There is a difference, one creates even more turmoil, the other less. Become aware but appreciate your unawareness with the same passion and worthiness. Becoming aware isn’t about using awareness to gain knowledge, it’s about being aware and accepting all of what is no matter how it’s expressed. This acceptance becomes easy once you get away from the human perception of black and white, oneness non-oneness, aware and unaware. The way humans perceive oneness is black and white, it’s not a true expression of oneness until we accept all expressions of consciousness itself.  

I thought I would add something to this post that I think important to be aware of, everything around us tells us exactly who we are. Consider how many nationalities there are and how many languages are spoken, this tells us how vast and varied consciousness is, if we can't accept each other, how are we going to accept ourselves as a whole, as this one consciousness, it's the same thing. Each culture represents an expression of consciousness itself , all the answers are right in front of our face but we can't see them or don't want to see them. If we think one part of an expression of consciousness is better than another, all we will see is what we have judged as being better. Its' worth being aware of this.                      

Tuesday 30 June 2015

Awareness of Our Own Expressions

Written by Mathew Naismith

Being aware: Awareness of our own expressions is to do with a simple observation process, even though this process is simple, it’s very effective.  It’s  important to firstly not judge any expression of consciousness right or wrong, just see it as an expression no matter what it is. Also this reality is highly expressive of the ego, try to observe these expressions without too much judgment, this allows  us to become emotionally detached from the ego, in turn, this allows us to become the observer. 

There are huge benefits of becoming an observer other than being able to detach yourself from the extreme emotional traits of the ego, awareness is one of these benefits. I try not to judge a right or wrong with any expressions of the ego, but at the same time, allow my human self to express these ego traits quite freely. The reason I can express these ego traits is I don’t judge them as being right or wrong, they are just  expressions. If I was to deliberately try not to express these traits, that would be a good sign I have judged such traits as being wrong in some way, it's worth being aware of this.  

When I humanly allow myself to be drawn into an expression of the ego, especially if I express anger or displeasure,  I spiritually, as an observer, just smile at myself  for being so expressive, in this state I don’t judge such expressions as being bad or good in anyway.  What I do is smile and it’s this smile that is a sign of awareness, an awareness of my observing self observing a human expression of my self.  If on the other hand I didn’t smile after expressing myself, especially in anger or displeasure, this is a sign I’m not aware of anything beyond human ego expressions at that time.

Being expressive: If I was aware of being an observes all the times without judgement, I wouldn’t be as humanly expressive as I am, to me this would be a huge shame. This reality is all about egoistic expressions, it’s not about being aware of our observing self all the times or being in total oneness, this reality is about expressing consciousness in various ways, not one way or the other.

So is blowing up innocent people and beheading people for example wrong?

It’s wrong in a human sense, if this wasn’t the case, there would be something wrong in this, so humanly there is a wrong and right and quite justly so, if there wasn’t, this reality would be something quite different to what it is, it would be far more expressive of egotistical traits.

True observer: Spiritually as an observer, there are no right or wrongs, if I was to judge so, I wouldn’t be a true observer, I would only be observing through judgement and bias which is an expression of the ego. Humans observe through judgment and bias, how aware has this made them?  To become truly aware, you need to firstly try to observe without judgement or bias. For anyone to blow up innocent people and behead them, is only observing through judgement and bias, this can become a sickness of the mind body and soul.

We should now be able to see how important it is to observe without judgment and bias, learning to observe without these ego traits is highly beneficial to our health and well being in many ways. It’s important to try not to avoid expressing such traits but to learn to observe them without judgment or bias.

Humanly, I still observe through  judgment and bias but spiritually I don’t, if I allowed my spiritual self to see these expressions as unworthy, I would have judged a wrong, I would no longer be a true spiritual observer.

Yes, I smile a lot at my expressive human self but I don’t judge these expressions as being unworthy of expressing, if I did, I would no longer be a true observer, this is important to realise if we want to become a true observer.

Being a true observer actually occurs quite automatically for a lot of spiritually people, this is due to becoming aware of something beyond human perceptions, perceptions influenced by ego expressions, especially, without judging these expressions unworthy of expressing in some way.

Worthiness: Yes, it’s quite difficult to not judge the killing of innocent people as unworthy, this is done by not judging these expressions as being worthy either, they are just an expression, however, each expression that is obviously destructive, is a sign that such minds are ill in some way. Anything that has to feed off from the light, innocent people in this case,  has a sickness otherwise they wouldn’t need to feed off of such light. This basically means, if you are not of the light, of this awareness, you most probably suffer with some kind of illness, this illness is defined by how destructive you are. People of this light are not usually deductive.    

The following question and answer is important to become aware of, is a person who is ill any less worthy than a healthy person because they are ill?  The answer of course is no, actually any person who is ill, needs more attention not less, By judging them unworthy or wrong in some way for being ill, is an illness within itself. This all comes about by observing through judgement and bias rather than just being a true unbiased observer.

We need to become aware of our illnesses brought about by observing through judgment and bias, the less aware are, the more prone we are to these illnesses that cause us to be so destructive. 

Expressive rocks: The following is a little strange to say the least, instead of people being destructive because of their illnesses, I’m going to replace people with rocks.

Imagine if each and every rock was able to be as expressive as humans, each rock is differently shaped, coloured, and because of what each rock is made out of, expresses itself differently to other rocks, they are also of different parts of the world. Now imagine these rocks, that are driven by judgmental and bias observations like humans,  humans and other innocent rocks would find themselves caught between a cataclysmic war of rocks. Instead of everything else being caught up in human conflicts, humans would we caught up in the same conflicts they cause the rest of their environment. 

We are lucky, rocks don’t have the same consciousness as humans, they are also not prone to illnesses that cause them to inflict such destruction through judgmental bias observations.

In my mind, we really do need to become more aware of our own expressions and the illnesses such expressions can and do cause us, we can no longer afford being ignorant to this. A good thing to remember is, the more expressive we are, the more motion we cause,  the less expressive we are, the less motion we cause and the less motion we express, the more aware we become and the more aware we become, the less likely we will fall ill. Like being aware of proper hygiene to stop us from falling ill, awareness of perceptions beyond the ego will help us from falling ill. It’s handy looking at the ego as a virus as well, if it’s not kept in check, it will flourish and make us ill just like the lack of proper physical hygiene. It’s always worth being aware of our physical, mental and spiritual hygiene.                          

Sunday 28 June 2015

The Darkness of Man’s Soul and the Light Within

Written by Mathew Naismith

This isn’t altogether a dark post, actually there is a fair amount of light, more light than darkness within the visionary insights  I’ve been receiving in the last 24 hrs. Yes, this post is about obvious visions I have been receiving recently, it’s to do with a sickly colourless man sitting on a bench in a dingy dark corner of a room, imagine a dungeon except……

When I stand in the doorway of this room, I first see a sickly looking man, ill in some way because he’s skin looks grey and he is slightly stooped.  In every vision, it’s a different man but a man who is obviously experiencing  a dark existence all the same.

When I tried to approach this man to help him, I found myself being drawn towards his existence which was quite dark compared to mine, I backed off towards the doorway again, there was no way I was going to draw him away from his existence on my own. While backing off towards the doorway, I noticed a bright light to the left side of the room, this light was in full view of this man, he was not tempted at any time to walk into this light. “What will tempt this man to walk into the light out of his obvious dark existence?”    

While standing in the doorway, a beautiful person gleaming with love appeared, without hesitating, the man began to move towards us.

I got a huge feeling that the man  represents the mind of man, in other words the soul of man as a collective, this doesn’t portray a very good view of man. The feeling I received from this man wasn’t good, the first word that comes to mind is distortion, a disfigurement of man’s soul through his own choice, except man is quite unaware of this disfigurement, it’s as if this kind of existence is normal and natural.

In a sense, this kind of existence is normal, it’s normal for consciousness’s that knows no better. It was funny that the bright light, in full view of this man, wasn’t enticing him, it was a warm glowing bright light but it wasn’t comforting to this man at all, actually it seemed more as a threat to him and his existence. This seemed to keep him in his existence,  it’s as if the light was opposing man and not trying to help him from his obvious dark existence.

The bright light seemed to represent the goodness in the world, it would seem these people of the light are most useful to this dark existence in various ways. It was quite understandable why this man was not going to go into the light, why be abused when you can be the abuser? No wonder this man seemed so sickly to me to the point of being feeble, darkness always needs the light to draw it’s strength from. 

Now what about the person who was gleaming with love, what would they represent?

A collective for starters, I was unable to help this man on my own but as soon as another person appeared, everything changed, the man began to move towards us. At this point, the man was sucked into the light within the room, he too became the love within the world.

It is obviously going to take a huge amount of energy to change man’s ways, to entice him away from his dark existence. This huge amount of energy seems to me to be the collective good, working together, to change man’s ways. It’s a huge amount of energy because it’s representative of the collective, not individuals. The individual good was represented by the light within the room, even though this light was of love and goodness, it wasn’t a collective, “united we stand , divided we fall”, this is an appropriate quote here.

This light within  the room also didn’t seem to be enlightening to the man, probably this has more to do with the light not working together as a collective than to do with awareness. To me all light represents awareness, this is very much the same in switching on the light in a dark room, it’s enlightening. The light within this room, where the man was sitting, was all about awareness but not a collective awareness, the collective awareness to me was represented by two people standing in the doorway working together to help this man.

What I feel entice this man to move from his present dark existence was enlightenment, an awareness to there being a much better existence than what he is conditioned too. The light within this room wasn’t doing this, this was due to the man’s dark existence abusing this light to feed this man’s dark existence. You will not be enticed to become the thing you are abusing no matter how good the thing is you are abusing.  It’s obviously going to take a collective to change man’s ways without a doubt.  

I’ve never had visionary insights quite like this before, it’s a good thing actually, it shows we are evolving, in other words we are collectively becoming more aware. I know why I wrote the previous post now.       

Wednesday 17 June 2015

Influencing the Cycles of Life

Written by Mathew Naismith

I’m impelled to write about cycles again as I received some interesting responses from my last post in relation to cycles. 

Cycles only have an influential impact on us, they don’t define the extent of experience we will experience, yes, they define how we will think and act but they don’t define the level of experience we will have, this is defined in how we react to such cycles. Why don’t all people react the same when influenced by the same cycles, for example,  spiritually aware people react quite differently to the same situations than non-spiritually aware people. This isn’t just because they use certain practices, like meditation and chanting for example, it’s more to do with the awareness than anything. If you are unaware to any situation at hand, you will react quite differently compared to being aware. Dying is a good example of this, spiritually aware people are aware that there is an after life, people who are unaware of  this will react quite differently death.

We all live in a cycle of life and death but people aware to an after life, react quite differently to these cycles of life and death. Anyone aware of an after life has in fact influenced how a cycle is going to affect them, in this case of death, quite dramatically.

Cycles don’t mean this is the way we will think and behave, this is because they don’t define the actual level of influence they have on us, this level of influence is determined basically on how aware we are. Take an experienced soldier to an inexperienced soldier, which one is going to handle going into battle better?  The experience soldier of course only because he is more aware through various experiences.

Take the affects of the moon on people, if you are unaware of such affects, you will react according to the situation you are in, either it be passive or aggressive. An aware person in an aggressive situation will react differently to an unaware person, in turn change the way moon cycles has on them.

Cycles are only an influence upon us, they do not determine an outcome, in other words these cycles do not preordain future events, this is determined in how we react to these cycles in the first place. According to the Mayans, the next cycle is influenced by the feminine as opposed to the masculine, this kind of conscious change does not determine an unchangeable outcome, a preordained outcome, all it does is give us an influence to express consciousness in a certain way.

Does this mean nothing is written until it is written? Not exactly in my mind, everything is written except each time we are influenced by a cycle, we have a choice of how we are going to react to such cycles. The reason I say everything is written is due to consciousness itself not being determined by time, if consciousness isn’t determined by time, each experience from this consciousness, God if you like, is prewritten, this means every experience is predetermined. If this consciousness is not determined by time, everything has always existed therefore written.

All what is, is of this consciousness (God), this is why God does not determine how you will use this consciousness under these cycles, we ourselves determine this.  

It would seem I’m saying, “the more aware you are  of the way these cycles influence us the less they will affect us”, this is true, any kind of awareness will detract from such influences. Once you are aware, you can also use these cycles to enhance an  influence of any said cycle, remembering, no cycle defines on what level we will be influenced too, cycles only define a certain influence, they don’t define on what level we will be influenced too.

One thing we can’t do is influence a said cycle, a cycle of events yes but not the cycle itself, we can however lesson the affects of cycles on ourselves by just being aware and accepting of what each cycle helps us and consciousness itself to express. Of course the more expressive we are the more aware we become, this stands to reason.

Can you exist under the influence of cycles and not be affected by such cycles in any way?

Yes and no, if you were conceived within  these cycles, you will always be influenced by these cycles, the only way to not be influenced by such cycles would be to do what occurred to the Mayans, you just disappear. Once you change your vibrations to the extent that these cycles, you were conceived within, no longer affect you, you no longer belong within such cycles. The Mayans no longer belonged within these cycles, once they changed their vibrations to something quite different to the cycles vibrations they were conceived within in the first place, they no longer belonged within such vibrations. In a sense, you can change your vibration that much that you no longer resonate with the current vibrations, you are basically out of tune with these influencing cycles. Basically, you can’t exist within a reality that you are not in tune with.

Many people are going to say I’m not in tune with these cycles, well, it’s possibly more like I don’t want to be in tune, this doesn’t mean your not in tune. Many people still express the ego,  just by deeming the ego being this that or the other, is an expression of ego so once you judge so, you still resonate with the current vibrations.

Now if you weren’t conceived within these cycles of influence, you can exist within these cycles without them having an influence upon you, this is done through taking on the vibrations of these cycles without existing within these cycles. All you are doing is taking on the vibrations of these cycles, this doesn’t mean you are influenced by these cycles. This means you are not expressive of the influence of these cycles, you are only vibrating at the same rate to exist here.

How does physical form exist?

It’s through cycles that influence consciousness to take form, in our case it’s physical form. How does a human being evolve/grow?  Through cycles, each cycle changes our vibration otherwise we would all have whiskers when we were born for example or greying hair.

If you were conceived within a universe, physical or non-physical, you are influenced, to one degree or another, by these cycles within the said universe a universes denote cycles.

Saying, while conceived under the influence of these cycles,  that you can’t just take on the vibrations of these cycles without existing within the influence of the cycles, isn’t altogether true, you can get to a state of consciousness that you only take on the vibration of these cycles. This however is virtually impossible for most people to do, you would have to stop expressing the ego altogether, not  judging that the ego itself is this that or the other is a good start. It’s worth noting that the various expressions of the ego is of our cycles/reality, this however doesn’t mean the ego is apart of all cycles experienced in all realities, each reality has it’s own influential cycles.  

It truly just comes down to being aware…….   

Saturday 13 June 2015

A Natural Process of Ascension

Written by Mathew Naismith

What dose ascension mean, is it going onto a higher level of understanding? To me there should be no indication of levels within spirituality, this is due to oneness itself, you can’t be of one if we have levels as levels mean separation, not oneness or a unity of all of what consciousness is. Ascension to me within spirituality is an indication of self awareness, the more aware one is of their truer nature, the more ascended (aware) one is, there are no actual levels even when one becomes more heightened (aware) of their truer nature.

Truer nature I feel refers to oneness, the more aware we become of our truer nature, the closer we are to oneness, we are in fact becoming more aware of how of oneness we really are. There are no levels to this oneness so there is no levels to ascension, this is only the case if we go along with the natural process of ascension, if we react against this flow, we will cause this flow to flow unnaturally. This unnatural flow then tells us there are levels to the way the flow flows, for example, fast or slow, smoothly or roughly. When we allow this flow to flow naturally, there are no levels, there is only oneness within the natural flow of ascension.

Ascension also refers to a cycle, one cycle isn’t above or below another for each cycle needs the other cycles to exist, could man have evolved without going through various cycles from the Stone Age to the Space Age?  We needed the Stone Age to begin the cycle of events as each cycle off event made us more aware, are these cycles from the Stone Age an indication of levels rather than ascension? Levels actually mean one level is greater than the other, how can this be when each level needs other levels to exist in the first place?  The natural process of ascension works quite differently to this, this is due to  each cycle being just as important than the next cycle. One is never greater than the other no matter how aware we become in the process.

I recently wrote a couple of things in relation to ascension symptoms that I will share with you in this post as follow.                      

WHO IS REALLY FEELING THESE ASCENSION SYMPTOMS MORE; is the aware or the unaware, the people fixated to old cycles? Anyone fixated to old cycles, will most likely react quite unbecomingly to any such changes, these people are going through hell even if  they are unaware of this. To me, the way this reality is at present shows this quite clearly, we are in fact experiencing the effects of such changes from the unaware.    

Allow the flow to flow freely for it’s within this flow will we ever truly know ourselves. The more we react, the more this flow flows un-freely, in turn, all this will do is take us away from ourselves. The more unaware any energy source is of itself, the more destructive/disruptive this energy becomes, this is but another natural process we could avoid. 

If we were all aware of our truer nature, would we be experiencing, at times, such traumatising ascension symptoms? I don’t think so, this is do to all of us going with the flow and not against it, because we are not going with the next cycle, the natural flow, such flow is going to flow unnaturally. This in turn gives us the perception of levels as the flow is unnaturally flowing fast/slow, smooth/roughly, in other words this flow has  become chaotic.

As you become aware, (ascend) you can become quite sensitive to other energy sources that are not of your own,  certain other energy sources (vibrations) that you never felt  before become more heightened to you, in other words you have become more aware of these other vibrations by becoming more aware of your truer self. This seems like a huge amount of separation, the more aware we become, the more separated we become from other energy sources fixated to older cycles.

Now we can quite easily think this is because we are on a higher level of awareness, of course we are going to feel certain symptoms of such ascensions, we are after all at a higher level of awareness. This actually isn’t the case, the reason we are feeling these symptoms of our own ascension is due to other vibrations not going along with the flow of cycles, just because we are going with the flow, doesn’t mean we are on a higher level of awareness, it just means we are going with the natural flow, not against it.

Each cycle isn’t separated from the other even though each progressive cycle teaches us to become more aware, they are still cycles as awareness is still awareness as consciousness is still consciousness no matter how it’s expressed. The unnatural flow has given us a perception of levels rather than just cycles of ascension, one cycle needing the other to make the flow flow freely.

It’s a natural process to go with the flow allowing each cycle to run it’s course, it’s also natural to go against the flow as well, the choice is really ours, do we go with the flow and smoothly experience each cycle, or do we go against the flow and unnecessarily roughly/chaotically experience each cycle? This of course all comes down to how aware we are.  

Monday 25 May 2015

Evil Intent??

Written by Mathew Naismith

I recently watched the movie The Conjuring which is based on true case files of the Warren family, the movie was about a family who experienced various paranormal events when they moved into their newly purchased house. The paranormal events that took place, you could easily describe as spirits/souls of evil intent, this is a human perception which isn't wrong or right as I will explain. 

What is evil intent? It's an action that is seen to be evil when expressed in relation to our own lives, in comparison to our own every day lives, this kind of existence is going to seem evil, however, when you compare such paranormal events to an existence of the same kind of consciousness, this kind of paranormal event doesn't seem evil at all. In all, it's just another way consciousness can express itself, we can all choose to exist in this way if we want to.

I have myself experienced simular forms of paranormal activity that I would indeed describe as entities with evil intent,  they were extremely frightening and threatening, this is until I became aware of what creates such consciousness, a consciousness that  expresses itself in such an unbecoming way. Again it's only unbecoming to us because we are not used of such conscious expressions, this is certainly expected.

Once I became aware of what was truly happening, I just laughed in there presence, this was enough to disperse them, they do not like anyone being aware beyond human perceptions and intentions. There is a very good reason why such an aware action would disperse them, such unbecoming conscious entities are after all living in ignorance, any show of awareness is discomforting to them. This is funny because most of these entities are very knowledgeable and intelligent but on the other hand they lack any true awareness and wisdom, this makes them vulnerable but also very dangerous to anyone who allows such entities to influence them who are unaware of their vulnerability.

These intelligent entities love to show off in such realties as our own, this is mainly due to most of us being unaware and unwise, we have actually created a perfect reality for such entities. These entities can manipulate physical consciousness, they can speak Latin backwards and recite passages in many different languages, what they can't do is become aware of our true nature or express true wisdom and love, only in deceit. We on the other hand can become aware of any expression of consciousness, this is an expression of true awareness and wisdom, being aware of any expression of consciousness especially without disdain for such consciousness. This means avoiding expressing any kind of disdain for any expression of consciousness, this is including any consciousness expressive of evil intent.

Life is a game to these entities, they know we hold life dearly to the extent of being fixated to life itself. They get a huge thrill in threatening in taking such life away from people, the reactions they get from these people incites them to go further and further. They loved scaring the hell out of me as they do of anyone, life to them is a laughable matter, how can any form of consciousness be so attached to life when life as we know it isn't really the norm. This is saying physical life isn't the norm as we perceive and it's this perception they play on. 

Do not underestimate any entities we deem as of evil intent, they are very clever, knowledgeable and cunning, in a sense I admire them because of their ingenuity, they have adapted so well to realties like this one.

Now the best way for a reality, a collective consciousness, to disperse them is to become aware and wise from a state of knowledge and intelligence. You could say we are half way there, we have knowledge and intelligence but we lack the awareness and wisdom to know how to use such knowledge and intelligence. We are collectively at a vulnerable stage, we have the knowledge and intelligence, like these entities, but most of us still lack the awareness and wisdom. This Makes us so simular to these entities with evil intent as we still lack the awareness and wisdom, this is of course changing in a lot of us and we must keep on going this way.

Of course sharing such experiences as this helps us all, we become more aware and wiser as we observe. It's however important to be able to observe any conscious expression with a smile on your face for it's this smile that shows us how aware and wise we are becoming.                 

Wednesday 15 April 2015

Moving Towards the Light

Written by Mathew Naismith

I did something recently I've  never really done before, I felt I needed to focus more so I asked for guidance, I had no fixated intentions, I just felt I needed to ask for assistance to focus more, I should know better!! What happened was I received visions, dreams and actual life experiences which focused on a particular part of life. What came out of all this was I no longer resonated with certain consciousness's, I shouldn't accept in my life what I no longer resonate with.

While becoming spiritually aware, our vibrations naturally and automatically change as well, we find we no longer resonate or even accept certain vibrations within our lives. I feel this is simply to do with awareness and unawareness or ignorance, the more aware we become the less we are attracted to anything pertaining to ignorance. I think this is because ignorance can and does quite automatically create chaos and destruction where's awareness does the opposite for only in ignorance can we destroy. If you no longer feel comfortable being involved in chaos and destruction, avoid it when possible.

Take a person who is becoming a naturalist, the more aware they become of how destructive consumerist materialism is for example on the environment, the less they resonate with such consciousness's, spiritual awareness is no different.

Let's take a look at how spiritual awareness and unawareness (ignorance) as a whole denote.

Awareness = order + constructiveness + release + wisdom 

Unawareness (ignorance) = chaos + destruction + control + knowledge

You will notice a disparity here between the two, isn't awareness about control and doesn't knowledge lead to wisdom and why isn't knowledge also a part of awareness?

Let's take a look at order and constructiveness as opposed to chaos and destruction first up,  only in ignorance can we destroy and to destroy is to create chaos, you cannot destroy while in awareness therefore you automatically have no chaos. This now brings us to release as opposed to control, only in chaos and destruction do you need to take control, what is there to take control of if you no longer have chaos and destruction within yourself? Let's put this another way, what would there be to control if you existed in a consciousness of pure peace and harmony?  We can now see how why order, constructiveness release are of awareness where's chaos, destructiveness and control are only of ignorance.

I should point out that saying one thing  is ignorant and the other aware is purely based on observations, not judgment especially critical judgment, everything a part of consciousness has it's place, ignorance and awareness are no different. I think it's quite obvious, through simple observation, that ignorance can be quite destructive.

Now let's look at the discrepancy between wisdom, awareness and knowledge, most people would put these three together as one leads to the other, knowledge leads to awareness and awareness leads to wisdom.

In a Human perspective this works, we are educated to become aware and then hopefully wise after many hours of study and actual life experiences in what we have studied, this allows us to take more control of our lives, this makes perfect sense and yes it does work to one extent or another. Spiritual awareness works quite differently I believe mainly because we are not using spiritual awareness to take control in the first place. The reason I separated knowledge from awareness is knowledge is more to do with control where's spiritual awareness is more to do with releasing control not gaining it.

If you look at what is happening today in the world with extremism, you can see how knowledge is used to take control but only a certain knowledge is used which only takes a certain amount of awareness, extremists are certainly not fully aware of what they are doing. Instead of certain religions using awareness to release control, they have used knowledge to gain control.

We should remember here, if we are still trying to gain control, we are not spiritually aware to the extent of not needing control to keep chaos and destruction in order all the times. If we are still using control within spirituality, we are not truly spiritually aware. Anyone truly spiritually aware will not have to use control within their spirituality, this is due to them not being a part of chaos and destruction in the first place because there is nothing to control within themselves.

Let's look at a wise person, how controlling are they of any situation? They will sit back and maybe give advice allowing the controllers to do their bit, this is due to them not needing to no longer take control. A wise person will be an observer instead of a participator unlike a controller, this is why controlling to me doesn't belong in spiritual practices, this same mistake has been made many times over through various religions in the past, it's a bit silly to me to continually repeat this time and time again.

There is also another word I can add in relation to awareness here, humbleness, so what is the antonym of humbleness? Majestic/proud which is expressive of eroticism, how many egotistical wise people do we know and what does egotism denote?  Egotism is all about control so does control really belong in true spiritual practices?

Does all this mean we shouldn't use knowledge in our spiritual practices? No, what we shouldn't do is use knowledge to take control but to use knowledge to become aware and wise. Needing or desiring  to control in spiritual practices is a sign that we are still battling with chaos and destruction, this isn't a very good sign denoting a spiritually wise person. 

It seems once we have order we have control, this is purely a human perceptive which is all based on using knowledge to control instead of using awareness to release control. Once you have order, there is nothing to control, so how do we bring order within outlives in the first place?  It's certainly not done through control of any kind even though when we focus, it seems we are using control to focus, what we are actually doing is releasing ourselves from controlling factors around us, this humanly gives us the feeling of power of control when it's all about releasing ourselves from control. Yes it's certainly tricky, we can indeed be fooled. 

I would advice anyone who is serious about practicing in true spirituality to find someone who is all about releasing control, not gaining control, through spiritual practices. The following is a good start in my mind, try Goggling, you never know what you will find.   

One of the visions I did receive after asking for guidance was to vision yourself while you are thinking about control, you should notice that you are holding something, this can be anything from a lions tail, a rope, something heavy, a person or what ever, now vision yourself stepping back and at the same time visioning yourself letting go of what you have a hold on, do this as many times you like. In a sense this is what we do when we so call die while going into the light, we release ourselves from our attachments, in other words we release ourselves from control.

There is but another word to add to awareness, light as opposed to dark as awareness as opposed to ignorance, it's funny how it all comes together. 

Awareness = order + constructiveness + release + wisdom + humbleness + light

Unawareness (ignorance) = chaos + destruction + control + knowledge + majestic + dark  

Sunday 12 April 2015

Moving Towards the Collective Light

Written by Mathew Naismith

The transition stage: When we die or as I put it, go through a transition period, we can either go into the light or not, that is our choice, do we not also have the same choice on a collective scale?  I think we do....

We are certainly, on a collective scale, going through a transitional phase at the moment in more ways than one, however, any transition means the demise/transition of certain mentalities and practices. This transitional stage can be quite harrowing for some people when they are dying and for others a saving grace, is this any different to what we are witnessing in the present on a collective scale while taking into consideration of religious extremists in particular? To me they don't seem to be going into the light but continuing on there merry way as they have always done, does this mean the collective spirit will flounder around like ghost after the transition?

The collective spirit is in relation to human consciousness as a whole, will the human consciousness as a whole flounder about when they are so distraught while in their death rows, their transitional stage? 

When an individual passes over (dies) while still being fixated to certain conscious existences such as extreme religious ideologies, it makes sense such consciousness's will flounder about after the transition period, what we are doing is talking about an actual consciousness here that is very strong within it's fixations. This can also occur in relation to materialism as well or anything else a consciousness becomes fixated too. I have come across this a few times myself where spirits/souls become fixated to a certain consciousness, they just don't want to move on into the light to evolve.

What we are talking about here is the demise/transition of a consciousness, not something of a physical domain, it's about a consciousness that is rapidly changing and some parts of this collective consciousness will find this transition quite hard to take, this is like some people take their own demise/transition in a bad way. The strange thing is, religious extremist views are acting exactly like what some ghosts act like, they just don't want to let go and will do anything to hold onto their fixations.

The big question is now, is the extent of religious extremism today a foretelling sign that religious extremism is actually dead, like a ghosts, they too will hang on to the bitter end and haunt? This of course is no different to anyone being fixated to materialism or anything else we fixate ourselves to. What we fixate ourselves to is a transitory consciousness as we can only be fixated to a transitory states of consciousness, this is due to being in an unaware state while being expressive of a transitory consciousness, a consciousness that is not eternal and aware. I do believe an  aware state of consciousness cannot fixate themselves to anything because of such awareness.

The light: Ghosts/spirits that don't move into the light, are unaware of what the light actually is, some of them honestly just don't want to know because of their fixations to a certain transitory consciousness, is religious extremism and materialism, for example, on a collective scale, truly any different to the way a ghost who have fixations to a certain consciousness any different? 

The light can be very scary for some people personally, but can be even scarier  to a large part off the collective who have fixated themselves to certain transitory states of consciousness, for example,  people fixated to religious extremist ideologies and materialism. This is due to the light not being of any fixations what so ever, all transitory conscious fixation give way to the light, this can be very scary for anyone fixated to a certain conscious state. I have utter empathy for any consciousness that is fixated in this way.     

The light represents awareness, just imagine how a consciousness that has existed in  ignorance for so long, especially of the light, will react to such awareness, it can be quite understandably traumatic to such a consciousness. It's just not going to be an easy transition to make for a lot of the collective consciousness and quite understandably so.      

I can't talk myself, I've deliberately kept myself ignorant as much as I could even though I was aware of the light from a young age, this is because I came here to experience spontaneity like everybody else otherwise we wouldn't be here, however, there is now a need to go along with the change for the sake of evolving or ascending consciously. This partakes us to go into the light, in other words become aware of the light and the difference between transitory consciousness and eternal states of consciousness.

We of course have a choice on a collective scale, do we become ghosts or do we move into the light, the choice is ours!!     

Monday 30 March 2015

Awareness Changes the Reality We Experience

Written by Mathew Naismith

I've been quite busy recently conducting myself in various discussions, the strange thing is, nothing was being channelled through to me until now. This is odd because usually certain discussions open up something like portholes in time and even interdimensional time, realities beyond human perception and knowing. One thing I don't do is intentionally force or desire to channel, I allow this to just occur but only if it is appropriate, if I deem what is being channelled through me isn't appropriate, I will not allow this to be channelled through me.

Everyone can channel, it's actually a normal thing to do not an extraordinary thing to do, the thing with channelling is one can become as aware as they like which indeed changes one's own reality even to the extent in changing one's reality on a physical level even to the extent of what happened to the Mayans.

I'm going to cheat again and insert a reply I gave on this topic of channelling and awareness changing the reality we experience. There was a consensus in this discussion that certain pieces of information from the past wasn't viable because off the time difference, channelling knows of no such barriers, like many spiritual practices, it goes beyond time barriers, this means we can indeed become aware of knowledge and awareness void of human perceptions in the present, the now.

I wonder how many people on here believe in the existence of the antediluvian period?

I know there are some people on here who don't consort to channelling, which is fair enough, but we must consider this, you can directly channel right into to a certain period of time and extract or become aware of knowledge and wisdom from wince it was created, in other words obtain knowledge and wisdom void of human perceptions to one extent or another.

I have myself received channelled messages beyond human perception and time, the strange thing is, anyone can do this but do we truly want or need to do this??? That is certainly the question, do we want to know the truth? The answer to this question is obviously no, if we did, we wouldn't be living in a chaotic existence, we couldn't be because awareness changes the reality we experience. In our present state of existence, you can quite obviously see how ignorant we are and want to be, it's quite destructive and chaotic which shows you how ignorant we chose this conscious mentality to be.

Why did the Mayans disappear? They went through some dreadful times and they were about to experience worse times through the advent of the conquistadors. What saved them was one person who told them the truth but only if they wanted to know the truth. To my knowledge this event wasn't recorded,what happened is they saw a need to become aware which is very similar to what we should be doing today, they chose to no longer exist under a mentality predominately influenced by chaos and destruction.

Please don't take this as gospel or absolute truth.

The funniest thing about excepting truth is we mostly only except the truth as we perceive truth to be, anything beyond this perception isn't truth, the funny thing is, every truth has a certain amount of truth to it no matter what this truth is, if it's of science, religion,mythology or what ever, each truth has a real truth about it as it's all a part of consciousness itself. If we take on our own truths, we will not see the bigger picture of what all these truths represent as a collective, this is important to understand when channelling, don't allow your own perceived human truths to stop you from seeing the bigger picture otherwise all you will channel is your own truths, nothing more.

If we only see and accept our own truths above all other truths, we are not going to change a thing, we will keep expressing a mentality that is predominately influenced by chaos and destruction for man only has one truth, his own. This of course leads us to being ignorant to any other truth beyond our own thus creating a chaotic destructive existence, in other words this reality didn't come by chance, we created this reality through our own truth, our own ignorance of the bigger picture.

How does being ignorant to any other truth but our own going to create a chaotic existence?

Our own truth is a part of a bigger picture, if this picture is fragmented through the unawareness of other truths that make up the bigger picture, what have we created through this fragmentation? Fragmentation means disorder, in other words chaos which consequently creates destruction within the existence of this chaos.

It's vital that we become aware of consciousness beyond man's perceptions, man's own truth, but only if we want to live in a more harmonious existence, it is quite obvious most of us don't otherwise we wouldn't be experiencing chaos in any form in the present moment, if we expressed a more harmonious mentality,it would be an impossibility to experience such chaotic experiences.

Channelling; is but one tool we are lucky enough to have at our disposal to acquire an awareness beyond human truths and perceptions, certain forms of meditations, OBE's and so forth, give us such awareness but again only if we want to perceive past human perception to see the bigger picture. The bigger picture is only scary to see if we are fixated to our own truths, our own ignorance, once you are able to go beyond these fixations, you realise there was nothing scary in the first place. Actually the only scary thing there is, is staying ignorant and wasting away our time and experiences on Earth but this again is but another experience within itself.                      

Friday 13 March 2015

Consciousness Creating Our Journeys

Written by Mathew Naismith

Life is no more than a journey taken by consciousness; it takes consciousness to be aware of such journeys for a journey to exist.

I thought of this quote while conducting myself on a humanitarian Google community.

Can journeys, or life experiences, occur without being aware of them? You would probably say yes but they can’t unless some form of consciousness is aware of them, does this mean conscious awareness creates such journeys in the first place?  If so, this would mean consciousness exists beyond the human brain/mind; this is due to consciousness creating such journeys in the first place through it’s own awareness.  

This would all mean that if any form of consciousness wasn’t aware of the universe, the journey or evolution of the universe wouldn’t exist?  This sounds awfully lame and quite unbelievable.

There are two possibilities here, one, the universe exists without consciousness being aware of it or two,  the universe can only exist through a consciousness being aware of such journeys in the first place for the universe to exist, in other words it’s consciousness’s awareness of such a journey that created the universe.

Let’s now look at how human consciousness works; everything humans create is through consciousness, nothing can exist unless it’s through conscious thought which creates the journey through awareness of being able to create from consciousness in the first place. Now look back at the universe which is much more of a creation than man has ever created, isn’t it possible that the universe, like man’s consciousness, created the universe through consciousness but on a massive scale?  

Man’s creation = creates journey like cars, houses, roads, metals and so on, each creation is a journey of what is being created like a car for instance, it has a starting and ending point of existence very much like the universe. 

The creative consciousness’s creation = creates journeys like the universe and everything within the universe.

Man cannot create anything without a conscious being aware of how to create a journey like a car, is it not also the same with the entire universe, isn’t it likely that a consciousness created the universe if  everything man has created and is aware of is only due to consciousness, an awareness of how to create a journey?  

Does this mean we are talking about God creating the universe? No, God represents a divine entity or source, God can’t be divine to us if we are all of this consciousness, if we are all of this divineness. However for divines to exist, there has to be sources of energy that is less than divine, this isn’t the case if we are all of this consciousness beyond the human brain/mind. The only reason we have a God is because we are in a delusion to our true being, nothing is truly above or below another.  

This however isn’t saying we weren’t created from a conscious source, going by man’s consciousness and how everything that man has created and is aware of is through consciousness, it is most likely we are all created from a conscious source, we are all journeys of an awareness through a consciousness being aware of such journeys as ourselves and the universe.  

Friday 6 February 2015

True Positive Perspectives-A cure

Written by Mathew Naismith

What does it truly mean to be positive, does it mean we should ignore all the negatives around us and only focus on the positives, or does it mean there are no true negatives in the world?  If we go along with the first question, what’s going to happen with these negatives in the world if we totally ignore them?  They are going to of course manifest but isn’t just positive thinking going to automatically manifest a better existence for everyone negating such negatives?

Knowing my human history, has this ever happened before?  No, for the main reason you can’t just ignore the negatives and expect to manifest a positive existence, any kind of ignorance is destructive for only in ignorance can we destroy and what has being unaware of the negatives got to do with spiritual awareness?   

The following was a reply I received in regards to my last post; it made perfect sense to me.

Very interesting. I would add, that many earnest seeking people have been co-opted into a spiritual delusion, not a reality. There are a lot of teachings that have been mistranslated and interpreted, to mean, be selfish, try and dream a world without actually acting upon that dream.

But the worst aspect, is the belief that you should only focus on the positive, which is complete ignorance. Yes, we should try to have a positive attitude, there is nothing new about this information. But, ignorance does contain the word 'ignore'....and that is child-like thinking.

If I ignore any of the difficult aspects of my life, it won't 'magically' go away. I cannot ignore the dirt on my kitchen floor, I HAVE TO DEAL WITH IT. I can focus on that dirt, and make it go away...through concerted effort, application and action.
When we don't go into the dark abyss....that cauldron life creates to 'form' us....we are robbing ourselves, our soul from transforming inside this human body/vessel.
Attempting to ignore this dark aspect (Kali) it becomes a 'shadow' that ends up controlling us, it adds to the darkness, so happy to become larger and have more power in our world and in our own personal lives.

AS if that was not dangerous enough, the other half of the teaching stresses basic narcissistic principles, and how to get more stuff, which is devoid of any true spiritual evolution or consciousness. the true hallmark of spiritual evolution. Be well. ~ Sangreal

Are there any true negatives in the world?

This is a difficult question to answer; to a true positive person, they can never see a negative in anything therefore would not judge or try to avoid anything remotely destructive, however, it is obvious to us there are indeed negatives in the world. These negatives are easy to identify, they are usually destructive which means anything positive is constructive.  

How much would we have learnt without these so called negatives, what we have judged as being negative? There are no true negatives and these negatives, if we learn from them, can be as if not more constructive than these judged positives, actually, positives can be very destructive!!

I know personally I have learnt a lot through my hardships only because I was aware, aware enough to not just judge these times as being just negative therefore ignore them. How would I become more aware if I ignored these hardships in my life?

Now at the collective human scale this is different, it is obvious we haven’t learnt from our hardships mainly because we judged them as being negative and ignored them instead of learning from them.  Will the human race ever learn? Not if it keeps sticking its head in the sand thus ignoring the negatives that can indeed teach us a more constructive way to exist.

In psychology; does a psychologist only bring forth the positives within a person with serious mental trauma? They usually bring forth these so called negative and then and only then replace these negatives with positives, something more constructive instead of destructive.   

Now look at the human collective who is obviously to me suffering from serious mental traumas, do we treat these traumas by ignoring these negatives by only focusing on the positives?  It just won’t work, yes it’s nice to think that positive thinking on its own is going to manifest a better existence but it won’t, not until we treat the illness first, in other words stop ignoring the symptoms.  What is above is also below!!

I don’t watch TV especially the news; it’s too ambiguous and hell bent on sensationalism which is usually brought about by something that is noticeably destructive, is this ignoring what is going on around me?  

Because the human collective is ignoring the symptoms, it’s the same as it was in the Roman days for example, why keep revising and bringing forth traumas that I am personally cured from? What we have though is a human collective that isn’t obviously cured so it keeps bringing forth these traumas time and time again. You can see why so many spiritually aware people are only focused on positive thinking; they are personally cured however the human collective isn’t. We can’t ignore this; it is obviously not going to go away no matter how much we try to manifest a more positive existence, that is obvious.

So how do we successfully cure the collective of its traumas?  

How did we cure our own traumas? By becoming spiritually aware and not ignoring the obvious like our misjudgements and egotistic straits.  Like we did; the collective needs to become aware of what is continually causing it traumas and then replace these traumas with positives once cured from these traumas.  You can’t cure a trauma without being aware of the trauma; this would be like trying to ignore a broken leg because it’s negative and expect it to heal itself, it just won’t work. Trying to magically manifest a more positive existence by ignoring the symptoms and traumas isn’t obviously going to work so we need to change our way of thinking.  

We might be cured ourselves but the human collective obviously isn’t, we need to all make it aware of this, by ignoring this fact, all we are doing is adding to this trauma of the collective.  Become aware of the symptoms; cure the cause of the symptoms and then move on to a more constructive existence, to me it’s the only way.        

Friday 16 January 2015

Pure Simple Awareness

Written by Mathew Naismith

The name Rupert Spira came into discussion recently, just be awareness, no more no less. I don't agree with all his views in totality but yes he is brilliant. Just being simple awareness, how do you get people to acknowledge this? 

Actually you don't, just being in this simple awareness is intentions enough, actually there are no intentions in being this simple awareness that Rupert relays onto others.

The reason most of us don't understand this simple concept is we are being too intentional I believe instead of just being aware without intentions.

Why do we have intentions, what is their purpose then?  I think it’s to be expressive of awareness instead of just being awareness, it takes intentions to create from this pure awareness, pure consciousness.  You and I have been created from such intentions and so has the universe, we are therefore being the expressions of this pure awareness/consciousness, nothing else.  

I think being this expressive of this pure awareness/conciseness is just as important as being aware of pure awareness/consciousness, why would this pure awareness be so expressive of itself in realities like this one if it wasn’t a part of what it is? It all has merit in my way of thinking, how do you judge one part of consciousness having merit and another part not? The answer is you don’t but if we do we are just again being expressive of this pure awareness through intentions.

We were born (created) from intentions caused by an interaction of vibrational energy; this means intentions are just as important to us as being unintentional which this pure awareness/consciousness is. What I feel is causing us chaos and destruction is we have become too intentional without balancing this high level of intentions with being aware also of our unintentional state, this pure awareness.  This I feel is due to us being ignorant to our unintentional self while existing as an intentional being.  

I think it just takes us to be aware of our intentional state of consciousness as much as our unintentional state of consciousness, it also takes us to realise one is no less or no more important than the other while in an intentional state of existence.  This is due to it all being of this pure awareness, this pure consciousness.

Pure awareness (consciousness) = un-intentions + our spirit self

Ignorance = intentions + physical self

So where does the soul come into it?

I believe the soul  can be a mix of both our unintentional self and our intentional self, the reason I think this is the experiences I had with actual ghosts in the past, they were still interacting and reacting to physical life, which refers to intentions,  but they were also obviously not totally of this intentional (physical)existence either.

The soul to me has a sole purpose; it’s a vessel or an energy source that allows us to be expressive of this pure awareness either as ghosts or totally in physical form.  To me there is no mistake in us being here, what is the mistake is us being unaware of our pure awareness state while being expressive of this awareness.