Showing posts with label balance. Show all posts
Showing posts with label balance. Show all posts

Saturday 2 April 2016

Two Minds Are We

Written by Mathew Naismith

Recently I've been queried on what I have been writing and justifiably so, this is because what I write is only a perception, other people also have their own perceptions in relation to the same subjects I write about. Being only perceptions, there is no depiction of right and wrongs, there can however be a strong belief that certain perceptions are closer to the truth than other perceptions. 

One of these perceptions of mine came to fruition when one of my posts was queried from a good internet friend of mine, this perception is in relation that we all are of two minds, one time based, the other based on timelessness. It's similar to a physical based mind and a non-physical base mind, a mind we become aware of again after our demise. This perception however is more based on a mind predominantly influenced by time and a mind predominantly influenced by timelessness, or, a consciousness that has some kind of balance between these two minds. When you think on this, are not spiritually aware people of both minds in some way, an awareness of the physical world and the non-physical world?

The following query brought forth some interesting perceptions from me based on two minds.            

So faith is the perception of timelessness? Maybe, I struggle with when is faith belief and when it is knowledge.
I believe I know my own mind, for example.

I think it is Richard, faith gives us perceptions beyond reasoning, reasoning being a creation of time. 

Our reasoning comes from our immediate environment which is predominantly finite based. 

I also believe we have two minds, one time based and the other based on timelessness. 

I think faith comes to being when we are thinking from a time based mind to a mind based on timelessness, however, it's no longer faith when we become our mind based on timelessness. The reason for this is we become aware, once we become aware, it's no longer faith.

Time and timelessness are yin and yang, we are always trying to predominately live by one or the other thus stating the other is an illusion. We do this on a human level, we presume the weaker sex is the yin, this mentality often leads to abuse and neglect of the yin. At present, a lot of spiritually aware people are trying to neglect and reject time and time based realities. How abusive are humans to everything of the finite?  We have become highly abusive and neglectful for a very good reason.

Get this, mother Earth or Gaia is represented by the yin, how abusive are we towards this time based reality?

As I have always stated, balance is the key, the balance between yin and yang, time and timeless based minds.......

What I have stated seems far fetch, however, I think it's wise not to totally disregard my perceptions, there are too many points that make sense.

- Our reasoning seems to be purely based on time therefore the finite, the finite of course being limited, restricted and bound by certain boundaries time conditions us to. I find it strange that we put so much credibility on a consciousness or a mind purely based on limitations.

- While a consciousness is predominantly influenced by time, any perception that is based on timeliness, the infinite, will of course seem only based on faith, this is until such minds also start to think in timeless modes of thought. It is quite understandable that any mind that is predominantly influenced by time, will see any other mode of thought as being purely predominantly based on faith alone.

- Another perception of mine is relating yin and yang to time and timelessness, the yin representing time and yang representing timelessness. Mother Earth or Gaia is also represented by yin. I think it's ironical that yin is usually the one being neglected and abused within time itself, to me there is a connection here.

I also think it's ironical once we become aware of timelessness modes of thought, such consciousness's become more passive towards the yin, however, the more of the yin or yang we are influenced by, the more aggressive a consciousness becomes. Is it no wonder why yin is represented by the dark negative feminine principle in Chinese dualistic cosmology. Don't get this wrong, this isn't saying that the feminine is dark and negative, it's stating that the light needs the dark to exist and the positive needs to negative to exist, they compliment each other. One without the other can't possibly exist, especially in harmony.

Indeed, time can't possibly exist without timelessness as one mind can't possibly exist without the other mind. It's duality but it's not, not when it's working in harmony. In harmony, there is oneness, a non-duality however in disharmony, there is separation therefore duality.

One mind is winning out over the other, this will only enhance the dark negative energies in time. It's also advisable not to look at dark and negative energies as something bad or something to be avoided or abused and neglected. Without the dark, we have no light and without the negative we have no positive. No wonder that yin and yang working in harmony are so constructive for one being unbalance with the other is always going to be destructive. I should also state, a consciousness predominantly influenced by yang, will naturally become destructive as well.

Positive light energy can also be destructive, the sun is a prime example of this, also, how destructive is a consciousness of light to anything the light judges as being dark and negative? Now how destructive is the light and dark working in unison? It's not for a very good reason, there is no judgment to start with.      

Being predominantly influenced by one mind at the cost of the other, will always create what we are presently experiencing.....a state of consciousness way out of balance with itself.


Tuesday 22 March 2016

Our Involvement in Life

Written by Mathew Naismith

The eternal frame of life mysteriously flounders from one to the other, it's what we make of these mysteries that define our own personal reality.

The wise will smile at these mysteries where the unwise will always frown, always be a smiler, the wise....Mathew G

In recent times I have been accused of being hateful and unforgiving, as we say in Australia, this is water off a ducks back, meaning, these accusers and judgmentally inclined people are unable to hurt people like myself unless we allow them. We must be aware that the unaware will most often lash out at the aware thinking that the aware think like them. A good example is the aware avoiding close contact with people who lash out like this, this is often misjudged as being hateful and unforgiving but this can't be further from the truth.

What the unaware are not aware of is that people like myself no longer wish to become involved in certain expression that are disharmonious, in the meantime not judging that anyone heavily involved in disharmony unworthy. If disharmony of one kind or another makes these people happy, people like myself are happy for them, however, what makes these people happy doesn't mean that is what makes other people like myself happy.               

It would also be very unwise of me to think that a harmonious existence would make everyone happy, some people are just not in tune with such harmonious vibrations, this is purely due to how their own vibrations are disharmonious in the presence of harmonious vibrations. An unaware person will noticeably lash out at any other vibration not in harmony with their own, however, the aware will always be aware that other vibrations will be in disharmony in the presence of vibrations not in tune with their own. We should never expect obvious disharmonious vibrations to feel in harmony with harmonious vibrations. Of course people with disharmonious vibrations should never expect harmonious vibrations to be in harmony with disharmonious vibrations either, most often they do because they are simply unaware that certain vibrations will never be in tune with other vibrations not in tune with their own.

Look at it in this way, could you lock a pedophile in a room full of children and expect a harmonious coexistence? In a reality like this one, this is basically what is happening. Mixing harmonious people with obvious disharmonious people won't create a very  harmonious coexistence, as you can't mix fire and water together in harmony, you can't mix one out of tune vibration with in tune vibrations and expect a harmonious coexistence. The reason for this is simple, just because one vibration is disharmonious or out of tune, doesn't mean it isn't in tune with other disharmonious vibrations, however, a disharmonious vibration will always be out of tune with harmonious vibrations and visa-versa. The same is with aware and unaware people and wise and unwise people, it's wise to be aware that your own vibrations are indeed out of tune with other people's vibrations, it's certainly not all one way. It is obvious that any harmonious vibration will indeed be disharmonious to other vibrations not in tune with their own.

Now should harmonious people become totally un-involved in the disharmony of life because life is mainly influenced by obvious disharmonious vibrations?

I have so often said about avoiding motion as all motion creates even more motion, basically avoiding becoming too involved with all other vibrations not in tune with my own. If we were meant to do this, we wouldn't be in the reality we are in, of course we are supposed to become involved but at the same time realising that all motion creates even more motion. What it basically comes down to is balance, don't become too involved but involved enough to make a difference without creating too much disharmony. Of course any display of trying to harmonise disharmonious vibrations is usually going to be met with a disharmonious reaction, don't try too hard, be a subtle as you can. At times even the most subtle motion will be met with disharmonious vibrations, just expect this as no one likes their own harmonious vibrations change.

It's wise to remember, harmonious vibrations will be in harmony with other harmonious vibrations as will disharmonious vibrations be in harmony with other disharmonious vibrations. Just because a vibration is harmonious doesn't mean it's harmonious with the rest of it's environment, what is harmonious to one vibration isn't necessarily harmonious to all other vibrations. Yes, being in total harmony and constructive, as opposed to destructive, is indeed creating disharmony to those not in tune with such vibrations. Yes, harmonious people can be disharmonious to their environment as well, it's good to be aware of this.

In all, try to find balance by being aware that your own harmonious vibrations can also add to the disharmony in the world, it's not all one way, meaning, what is harmonious to one isn't necessarily harmonious to the other!!    

Sunday 20 March 2016

Does It Really Matter?

Written by Mathew Naismith

Everything of time is supposed to be an illusion because we often delude ourselves in thinking this is all we are, in all, everything of motion, therefore time,  is an illusion, this is because as soon as we lose the ability to observe, we become primarily a participator but does this really matter?

For it to matter is of motion, to label what is or isn't an illusion is also motion, therefore, as soon as we label what is what, we become a part of what we have perceived as being an  illusion. What we are doing is perceiving an illusion while within an illusion, how credible is this perception going to be in the first place?

A true observer will not label or separate one thing from the other, this is primarily due to such observers not actually observing illusions. What they observe is the bigger picture when all we see mostly is the smaller picture.

Observer = big picture + timelessness + non-perceptional + oneness + no illusions or non- illusions

Participator =  small picture + time + perceptional + separatism + illusions and non-illusions

The big and small picture refers to having no perceptions to having perceptions, the big picture is not about having perceptions, it's about observing perception. The observer will only observe the big picture which denotes an existence void of perceptions. If such an observer was to see the smaller picture, at this point the observer is no longer an observer but a participator.

Does it matter being a participator? If it does, you are no closer to be an observer purely because you are still being expressive of a participator by expressing perceptions or judgments. As soon as we have a perception of what is or isn't an illusion, we are primarily a participator, however, would not an observer who is not worried about participating, therefore perceiving what is what, express themselves in this way? To an observer, it doesn't matter as long as we are also aware of the big picture while participating in the small picture. It basically all comes down to being aware.

To a participator who is also observing, there is seemingly a separation between illusions and non-illusions, time and timeliness, any kind of participation denotes separation, basically, time, therefore perceptions, are of separatism. As soon as we have motion (time), we have perceptions which we call illusions. The thing to remember here, the observer is only observing the big picture void of separatist perceptions and is of course of timelessness. Within this timelessness, when did time become apparent when within this timelessness there is no starting or ending point of origin? The point is, time has always existed within timelessness therefore so have the illusions and delusions, they are indeed real, however, we can, as a participators, become deluded in thinking this is all we are.

"The yin is a part of the yang as illusions are apart of non-illusions, it's wise not to separate the yin from the yang for all this will do is create more illusion than non-illusions thus unbalancing existence".  

Just thought I would mention this. A lot of us have pulled away from being religious or have disdain for religions, it's wise to remember, religions have always had perceptions of there being more to us than we often perceived, in my mind, we owe a lot of our present development to religions. 

Thursday 3 December 2015

Finding the Key to Balance

Written by Mathew Naismith

I can't stipulate enough that balance is the key, recent events that I became involved with certainly endorses this kind of  mentality. It's so hard sitting back while a friend of yours becomes that imbalanced that they support people who often judge other people of  being wrong, full of BS, negative, judgmental and so on while totally excluding themselves and their friends.        

What do you do?......It's hard sitting back and watching anyone you respect and love go down this path, it certainly quite difficult watching your family and the world around us go down this path, to a certain extent, it's out of our hands. At times to find balance, we need to experience a total imbalance, how do we know what is or isn't an imbalance until we experience it?  

I was going to write about this a couple of days ago but I didn't, I didn't feel like writing about this subject until I received the bellow response.

It might be worthwhile for some people to read the whole story in the following link to get a better feel of what is written here in this post. Try to remember, some people are hurt here as they feel they have been deceived and violated, please look beyond their present expressions, to me, they are just and true people.    

MatrixShape:The thing is at first she didn't want to step in the forum, didn't want to get involved, i asked her a few time, but at first i had the impression she didn't really want to get involved in the place, just owning it and taking basic decision of look & all, but not to step in as a member, at first she even told me she wanted to remain anonymous to feel more integrated in the community and not stepping in as owner.

It's why at first i had to step in because i though she was not interested in participating there at all, and it when me & bds have been doing all the job to keep troll at bay & try to make the place looking welcoming & all, i'm glad i didn't tell too much people about it and engaged more my credibility on this one because i though it could become cool .. I swear the minute i told desiree to come in that i was becoming cool & all and can be a good forum again she deleted my account and started this whole new level of drama .. they sure did a good job at installing suspicion, open lack of respect and madness there, even if i tried to keep it sane for some time .. If she told me clearly this since the beginning it's clear i would have let her die with her forum lol 

But it's here i don't like her attitude at all, at first she says she want to stay in the shadow and not participate there and don't know shit about forum, and then she want to step in as super mod, deleting everything and not having a clue .. And concoct lie on me with her team & all ...

It's not even so much the tech work, but i know people there for years, and i a bit engaged myself on this place as she said she didn't want to be too active there and didn't want to introduce herself or anything and at first was not very clear if she wanted to participate there, or just owning it and remaining away ..

It's like she flipped everything upside down now lol She want to participate there, and having special status of owner, everyone can get trashed and lied upon but her, she tell lies on me on there all day, start to delete account and not respect anything .. exactly all the opposite of what she told at first ..

My Reply:
It's an all or nothing mentality, there is no balance which is quite prevalent in a lot of people, they have no balance as they just don't know how to balance out their expressions. It's like being a bully or they don't express myself, there is no middle ground, this is actually quite a common mentality. 

You might have noticed yourself, a lot of spiritually aware people have this balance problem, they have a problem with balancing out their mentality and expressions, it's either one or the other.  A number of times have I noticed this with a lot of people who are primarily into love or unconditional love, as soon as you cross them in some way, they can get quite vicious, there is no middle ground and the thing is, they can't help this. I think this is why so many people become involved in spirituality, to try to give them this balance and not just within themselves either, the world around them. 

The lucky one's find balance, and at times perfect balance, between the yin and yang, the unlucky one's can only express one or the other, this is worth being aware of for anyone who can't truly express a balanced mentality. 

So what causes such an imbalance? 

Reaction, we either hide ourselves away from an unbecoming situation or we react to a unbecoming situation by counteracting this situation with an opposite, by doing so, we are not finding that balance that we are seeking. This kind of imbalanced expression will never work mainly because it's counteractive against another expression. Spirituality isn't about expressing a counteractive, it's about balance, it's about finding the balance within all things. Any counteraction will only cause a counteraction to the initial counteraction. No counteraction creates an opposite of the situation we want to oppose, human history shows this time and time again, only in balance will we truly defuse any situation we find unbecoming. 

Take  WWI, after the war, the German people were raped of their dignity, in various ways, what then occurred was WWII. Another example, Westerners have used and abused Middle Eastern people for some time now, what has occurred from this? Of course their reaction will be met with a counteraction and on and on it goes. 

Balance has always been the key, it's just some people find it harder discovering this key more than others!! 

Wednesday 16 September 2015

The Wisdom Within Collective Thinking

Written by Mathew Naismith

I know there are a number of people who don't like me sharing other people's perspectives, I however find other people's perspectives and insights interesting, of course I'm going to share them. It takes the collective to wise up to itself, this also means sharing other people's perspectives and insights other than my own. No one singular consciousness can bring forth the wisdom within all of us but a collective consciousness can.

I received following interesting replies to my last post, I hope they give you as much insight as they gave me.  

Consciousness (mindfulness in the form of compassion non-violence, and loving kindness), Mother Earth, nature and the Ego state are all interrelated - unless we can master these understandings, then practice Consciousness, no human can evolve positively, peacefully and no human except Buddhist Monks will ever be able to understand what it feels like to  live in a higher state of consciousness! Have just published a book about Gaia's lack of Ego and how Gaia is in relation to mother Earth and you are quite right, Mother Earth is a living breathing entity! Blessings!

My Reply
Yes, Buddhist monks are to me  about pure balance which brings forth the wisdom to be able to exist in a chaotic world in peace. It's actually quite a beautiful state to exist in.

This came to mind recently, very few people will experience true wisdom, this however doesn't mean we can't live in balance with Gaia. We need to once again learn to listen to wisdom instead of egotism.

I'm going to insert your reply into one of my posts, could you give my readers of my blog some detail about your book and how to purchase it?

thank you Mathew! the book is called 'Darwin's Women of Mother Earth' by author Lucy Farmer - your readers can purchase it on Amazon or through my website link on selfhelpforhealing dot com..if google does not allow this message to be accepted and think it is a promotion they will erase it, however, if you go to my google page you will find my website details and all links to the book on that! The book is aimed at the feminine energies and the ancient connection with mother earth and goes into scientific but also intuitive details about the past and how humans lived without ego - If men and women are brave they can learn a great deal from this book about themselves, and to find the true path to peace, wisdom and living in balance with Gaia and the  true connection that all humans have been looking for - for thousands of years - A very intricate book, connecting, mind-science, nature, (mother Earth), feminine energies, genetics, neuroscience and mindfulness and how they are all interrelated. I would be very happy once your readers have read this book to give free discussions to your readers but you will have to contact me on my website for email details.  - many blessings Mathew!

Yours - Mine - Theirs  ,,, none of it matters in the end.

My Reply
True, it doesn't matter because no one possess's anything, including our thoughts. It's interesting how the ego dupes us to think in terms of possessions. 

I  get it. "Any extreme reactions to another motion we judge as evil isn't balance."   It is chaos.

My Reply
What we judge as evil loves it's opposites being expressed, especially to an extreme, this is wholly due to the love of conflicts. You can't have much of a conflict if a consciousness of evil intent doesn't have an opposite, the more extreme the opposite, the better the conflict.

Too many people give love in retaliation to a deemed evil or wrong, this is only feeding it and it love it. Consciousness's of evil intent don't like to be embraced in love, they want to be hated or judged as being wrong which most people do. It's wise to learn the true concepts of unconditional love.  


Collective Consciousness: I have attracted some interesting readers, I say interesting mainly because they are mostly open minded and yes even balanced within themselves in one sense or another, I'm actually quite privileged because I'm now apart , in my mind, of an exclusive group of people through my blog. These people are exclusive because they don't seem to judge one ideology being the be and end all, this is more important than some people might think. Again, it takes the collective to wise up to itself, no one singular consciousness can bring forth the wisdom within all of us but a collective consciousness can.

The collective consciousness is of course referring to collective ideologies, no one ideology has all the answers, this includes the ideologies that help us to find balance in life therefore wisdom. For an example of this, what opposite motion would wisdom alone create, in other words what is the opposite of wisdom?  Folly, foolishness which is usually brought about by being unaware. A true sense of balance and wisdom isn't just an expression of wisdom but a balance between all of what is, this is true wisdom in my mind. This is how I think the wise can live within a reality of foolishness and still stay collectively wise, they accept the foolishness as also being apart of themselves without becoming too involved, in other words the wise participate within this motion  but always remember to also observe.

Wisdom doesn't listen to egotism; this is the trick of wisdom, it instead observes egotism without having the desire to express egotism. You might presume this takes control  but it doesn't, wisdom isn't about taking control as Gaia isn't about taking control of the cycles Gaia presides over. The thing to wise up too, there is a huge difference between influencing something and controlling something!!

Most people are influenced by the ego to become controlling, this controlling action is then expressed as an extreme which denotes egotism, an expression that is highly expressive of control. What then happens when we are influenced by wisdom? Quite the opposite occurs, we actually express less control not more. This is due to the balance of what wisdom gives, after all wisdom is about balance to begin with. The ego doesn't have to influence us to become controlling, especially of Gaia (our environment), this seems  to only occur when a consciousness lakes wisdom, in other word lacks balance.  

Could you imagine if man's consciousness kept in balance with Gaia? It's hard to imagine but a heaven on Earth comes to mind.

Possessions: If you look back in human history, you will find a lot of the people of the ancient times knew they never truly possessed anything, this is due to anything created through motion is transitory, meaning it has a life span and isn't infinite. How can you truly posses anything that isn't infinite? It's mind boggling but we do in modern day times but why do we have the mentality of ownership/possession?

Control, the more controlling we become, the more we think we posses. Control is  fundamentally possessed by egotism for egotism creates control, this control in turn of course creates a sense of ownership. The people of ancient times and the people who still abide by these ancient principles today,  didn't and don't have this dilemma, they are free of such egotistical control. You could easily say they are true observers of folly.

Opposites Attracting Opposites: Do we truly want to keep attracting the opposite?  It would seem so. The more extreme we express one motion, like love or hate, the more the opposite we will create, this is called cause and effect, one action creating a possible opposite reaction. For example, "I'm going to keep my doors unlocked at night, I won't be dictated to by criminals", they then experience a home invasion.

Another example, "I will give love to an evil wrongful world",  how are the deemed evil, who only lust, going to react to this?  They are of course going to counteract this love with lust.

Both these examples are in retaliation and are a retaliative reaction against a deemed opposite, this of course creates the opposite effect.

Let's now look at both these examples again but with far less retaliative motion/reaction. " In my environment it isn't wise to leave my doors open, I will lock my doors".

 "I will give love and embrace a world that seems lost to itself". You are going to receive quite a different response to this from any deemed opposite, actually, you haven't judged an opposite to start with within this very subtle motion.

Any consciousness of deemed evil intent, will only thrive on an opposing reaction, they love conflicts and destruction, why keep feeding them what they want and need to keep on existing? 

The true concepts of unconditional love refers to embracing every part of consciousness no matter how it expresses itself, deeming one part of consciousness evil or wrong, and not embracing it in love, isn't an expression of unconditional love.

Yes, to express a true form of unconditional love takes balance, this means never allowing egotism  to control you to only see yourself in opposition, once you have an opposition, you have an immediate imbalance. This certainly isn't conductive to acquiring wisdom, you can certainly see why we haven't acquired wisdom in the modern age, egotism is too in control of us!!          

Wednesday 9 September 2015

Pure Bliss-Pure Balance

Written by Mathew Naismith

"The purity of the world is defined by it's own purity within it's own actions"......Mathew

Definition of purity; Being undiluted or unmixed with extraneous material, it also means, the state of being unsullied by sin or moral wrong; lacking a knowledge of evil. The word extraneous is an interesting word to use for the definition of purity, extraneous defines an outside source, meaning, to be pure is to be unmixed with outside sources and influences, in other words it's pure in substance without any extreme influences.

It's important here to not just look at language as something of the mind, therefore, purely of the thinking process of man. Many languages have evolved through spiritual processes and/or a perception beyond human perception, in other words language was created from an inner knowing. Modern day languages are however more about human perceptions but were initially influenced by perceptions beyond human perceptions, at times you can still see this inner knowing through modern day languages.

It is by no mistake I often refer, to what many of us have deemed God's consciousness, as pure consciousness/pure wisdom, this is because it's pure balance, meaning it's of neither one or the other especially to an extreme. This also means there is no extremes of dark or light, positive or negative, bad or good, in other words the absence of judgment period. Pure balance is the absence of judgment because it has no extremes to judge, there are no true opposites so what is there to judge?

It's by no mistake that many of us are trying to learn to live without judgement, this is due to balance being void of judgment, this also means God's consciousness is without judgement.

Now if this God's consciousness is without judgment, it is also void of extremes, this includes light or darkness, this indicates that this God's consciousness isn't of light but of pure balance. Most often we have depicted a God figure in opposition to the devil, the devil of course being representative of darkness in opposition to God's light. I wouldn't myself put this God's consciousness of pure balance in opposition to anything, this is wholly due to this God's consciousness being of pure balance. If this God's consciousness is only of light, it's not of balance therefore it's of judgment, this infers that God's consciousness is of man's consciousness, they are one of the same but there not, this is wholly due to man's consciousness not being of this pure balance.

Pure Consciousness; means a consciousness that is not of judgement for it's this judgment that unbalances a consciousness, a consciousness without judgments is therefore balanced by the lack of judgment. This lack of judgment takes a consciousness to perceive that there is no light or dark, good or bad, except in a reality of motion. As soon as a consciousness is primarily influenced by motion, it becomes judgemental in accordance with the motions being expressed. The more expressive a consciousness becomes, the more judgment a consciousness expresses. Pure consciousness on the other hand is the absence of extraneous influences, the absence of judgement in other words.

Don't get me wrong, this pure consciousness isn't actually pure within itself, it's pure because it's of pure balance, pure bliss. If God's consciousness was to be pure within itself, an opposite would have to also have been created, once you create an opposite, you create judgement. To me this would make this so called pure consciousness impure in my mind, there is nothing pure about judgement but there is of balance.

Wisdom: I also often refer to this God's consciousness as pure wisdom, this is by no a mistake, this is due to this God's consciousness being an observer rather than a participator. It's very difficult being an observer of your own participation, it's of course not impossible either.

It's also wise not to judge a difference as opposed to only observing a difference, this is due to judgment being of motion, however, observing on the other hand takes very little motion.

When we quieten the mind through meditation for example, we most often feel blissful, this is wholly due to lack of motion believe it or not, and yes, we can reflect this blissfulness onto the rest of the world. Basically what we are doing here is influencing the world with pure blissful consciousness, a consciousness void of the motions of judgment. We have in this circumstance replaced  a motion of judgment with a far more motionless expression through the simple process of observing. We would indeed become a lot less destructive through observing more. At the moment, we are judging what is or isn't worthy to ourselves, learning to observe more will make us far less destructive.

Balance: Lacking the knowledge of evil also to me means lacking the knowledge of good, this however doesn't mean being ignorant to evil or good, what this means is lacking the desire to create good or evil which is of course what creates judgement. Knowledge comes about through a desire or a need, there is no desire or need within a pure balanced consciousness!! This is due to this pure balanced consciousness not being of knowledge or intelligence but pure wisdom, this is wholly due that you can't acquire wisdom, you become wisdom basically through balance.

Balance of course takes a consciousness to let go, to let go of control therefore motion, yes, it takes a consciousness to become more motionless. So many people are saying that the Mayan prophecy didn't come true but it did, for example, how many more people are meditating these days? A lot more people, what are we doing when mediating? We are learning to become less of motional expressions and learning to become motionless more often, this is a tiny example of the conscious shift the Mayans talked about. 

The conscious shift is of course a shift towards this pure consciousness. The awareness of judgment these days is also an indication of this shift, this conscious change occurred but we just haven't learnt to observe it yet. To observe takes balance, this is indeed occurring according to my own observations.  

One more thing, you might think to have pure balance there would have to be an opposite, this isn't the case due to this pure balance not being of motions, you can only create an opposite through motion!!         

Saturday 22 August 2015

The Importance of Grounding While in Motion

Written by Mathew Naismith

Grounding: I think this is worth being aware of, grounding, this is because none of us would be here without this grounding, in other words we couldn't exist in a reality of motion without this grounding.  Actually, motion is grounding, any kind of motion grounds us to a particular reality and of course the motions being expressed creates a certain kind off reality. Yes, like how our motions change as we become more aware, so too is the way we ground ourselves.

I personally knew a person who died for no apparent reason, two autopsies were conducted on her without a cause for her demise being determined. Yes, this person was into spirituality and it's very possible she forget to ground herself, or, she wasn't meant to ground herself any longer. It's like hearing of people who have just disappeared, yes, there could be others reasons for this but when you delve into these disappearances, it's been found that they were heavily into certain spiritual practices. And yes, everyone, and I do mean everyone, can unground themselves to the point of dying or just simply disappearing.

To unground yourself simply takes one to let go of all fixations or attachments to motion (mortal existence), this of course isn't easy if you are still attached to any kind of motion. If you still exist in this reality, you are still grounded in some way to motion.

In recent time it's quite obvious I haven't been grounding myself enough, this is due to the way I have been grounded which can occur quite automatically. I've been mentally feeling down in the dumps, depressed at times. When I start to allow the mundane things in my life to depress me, it's a sign that I needed serious grounding. I usually ground myself but if I lose focus on were my own life is going, I become ungrounded. Putting focus on the mundane things in my life helps me to become grounded again, like I said, this can occur quite automatically to any one who becomes aware. The more aware you become, the more you usually need to be grounded.

Praying, meditating, chanting etc. is grounding, yes, these are motions but they are subtle motions. If we were to become aware without a certain kind of practice to keep us focused, we would no longer be able to exist in a reality like this one.

Material/immaterial worlds: When we are fixated to materialism for example, our grounding becomes the things we are fixated to like anything of the material world, however, the way we become grounded  changes when we become spiritually aware, our focus changes from the material (physical) to the immaterial (non-physical). There is a progression in the way we ground ourselves from the material to the immaterial, at times we will use both material and the immaterial for grounding and at other times we will only use the immaterial.

Don't think the more aware we become the less we will use material grounding, this isn't the case, actually at times you will primarily use material grounding to ground yourself but in a different way to if we were only fixated to the material world. Once we become aware, the material and immaterial world becomes more like mortal and immortal. As you become aware, you became aware of the mortal and immortal world, this changes from a perception of material and immaterial worlds. You no longer have attachments to materialism but you still have an attachment to mortality, an existence that is finite (transitory), limited to time. No one can say they don't have an attachment to mortal worlds, they couldn't be here otherwise, this can be at the human or soul level or both.  

Indeed, to me we have to ground ourselves to a motion we are going to experience, you cannot experience a motion without grounding yourself in some way to this motion. The more aware we become, the way we ground ourselves will change, it's certainly handy knowing this.            

Contemplation: I had an interesting reply in regards to a previous post of mine, the word contemplation resonated with me within this conversation. I hope the following reply of mine assists people in the awareness of contemplating, how important it is to balance out this contemplating with other things like meditating and going into one's own space.  

The expression of contemplation is awareness. We are indeed suppose to naturally evolve through contemplating which seems to take balance to do. Without this balance, we will either destroy ourselves or stagnate through the lack of contemplating.  

Contemplation in a reality of motion takes thought, this thought of course needs balance within itself to constructively put into motion instead of destructively.  

Becoming aware of the soul helps us with this balance while at the same time accepting our mortal physical self  as well. I feel we are also meant to balance out the mortal with the immortal self, this will allow us to exist in a more constructive way.   

I'm about to write a post in relation to motion being all about grounding and how important it is to keep grounded. Each motion grounds us differently as we evolve through further contemplation, we will need to ground ourselves differently. This should happen automatically and naturally unless we are imbalanced in some way. 

Like a person who is mentally imbalanced, we too as a collective, being imbalanced, will also react incoherently and chaotically. Once a specialized person grounds these people, they begin to become balanced again, the collective is no different.

I think it's obvious who our collective specialists were, I mention them quite a bit at times in my posts. I think the specialists of our time have tried to coax us  away from being incoherent and chaotic within our motions, this was done by   showing  us how to become balanced while expressing these motions. We exist in a reality of motion, we just haven't learnt in how to use these motions more constructively as yet as a collective. The wisdom is there, we just need to use it......        

Friday 21 August 2015

Why Are We Expressing More Love?

Written by Mathew Naismith

I think it's to do with balancing, the balancing out between our minds and our hearts. I wrote the following on a Google community recently in relation to this important balance between our heart and our head. 

The heart allows us to focus on the collective where's the head allows us to focus on ourselves, both are important.  

The heart allows us to love where the head allows us to think, balance is certainly the key. 

When the head is in control, love is left out in the cold, all hell breaks loose. When the heart controls the head,  we loose growth through awareness and stagnate.  

Love is on the cards for a very good reason, it will give us back our balance.  

I think it's important not to get love confused with lust because lust is of the head, not the heart, for example, when a women or child is raped, this is lust, this is wholly driven by the mind not the heart. No one who truly loves could even think of raping  what they lust after, this is due to lustful thoughts being balanced out by love.  

Heart = love + collective + expressive of love + feelings + impulse + ego
Head/mind = lust + individual + expressive of thought +awareness + logics + egotism

The collective/individual: Now it's interesting to see the difference between the head and the heart in relation to the collective and the individual, the heart is of the collective and the head is of the individual. If you have noticed, people who are truly expressive of love, express this to the collective, not themselves, however, when a person is mainly expressive of love of  themselves, this is the head not the heart. In this case it's more about lust, for example, "People just can't help  lusting after me because I'm so beautiful and/or powerful". 

Now the head is of individualism, the reason for this lies in the way the ego is used by the mind. The mind, without the balance of the heart, becomes egotistical because the mind is about the individual, not the collective. When we become knowledgeable and aware, it's about the individual mind becoming knowledgeable and aware, it's not about the collective mind. This is even the case when the mind shares such knowing,  it's, "Look at what I know". However, when we balance out this knowing with love, we then start to share this knowing in a different way, it's then expressed as, "Look at what I'm sharing with you". With the heart balancing out the head, the expressions of the mind becomes about the collective instead of the individual, actually, there are people out there who become aware just to serve the collective mind.

Expressions of love and thought:  The expression of love has everything to do with feelings as expressions of thought is to do with awareness. Yes, feelings can bring on awareness but feelings are more about impulses rather than a thought, this is why at times we will become aware of something out of the blue for no reason. This is why impulses are all to do with the heart and logics has everything to do with the head/mind. 

If we were to primarily use the heart over and above the mind, our awareness would stagnate, it wouldn't progress or evolve, this is because the only things we would want to become aware of, would be love orientated, everything else not of love, would be ignored. 

If we were to primarily use the head over and above the heart, our awareness would evolve but our wisdom in knowing how to use this knowledge would founder (collapse) in on itself, basically destroy itself if not balanced out with the heart. This sounds like a reality I know of........!!!!!  

If you noticed I didn't primarily relate wisdom to the heart nor the head, this is because it's of neither but both when the heart and head are used in balance with each other. In today's society, this makes true wisdom scarce therefore very valuable to the collective, this is due to most people being either of the head or the heart.

Balance: This reality is primarily influenced by the head, it's too easy to counteract this by using the heart, the consensus is, the more heart, the better but it's not. By primarily counteracting the head with the heart, we are still lacking wisdom, wisdom can only be gained through balance, a good example of this was Confucius.  

The middle Confucius quote above I feel relates to evolving, to do this successfully however takes balance between the heart and the head as the last quote above denotes. This came from a man who used his mind but used his mind in balance with  his heart it would seem, we can certainly all do this.  

Thursday 20 August 2015

Oh....To Just Experience The Beauty Of Motion

Written by Mathew Naismith

Finding balance: To just experience the beauty of conscious motion in pure balance within itself, could you imagine experiencing this in a physical reality that is balanced within it's own consciousness?  Within such a consciousness, there is no spikes of excessive motion that creates chaotic realities, it's conscious motion expressed in it's most subtlest form.

All this beauty is based on balance, a balance of different conscious motional expressions interacting with each other without creating a chaotic existence. Yes indeed, different conscious expressions can come together in balance to create a chaotic free reality, but it must come together in balance to create such realities.

This balance isn't obtained through positive thinking nor negative thinking, it's obtained through living our lives void of lies. I know of someone personally who desires to look at everything as being beautiful, to do this however one must become ignorant of the ugliness and/or destructiveness in the world, everything is positive and everything is beautiful when in actuality it's not. You can't live a lie and expect true balance, yes, these lies make us feel good but being a lie it's transitory as all lies are.

The truth of the matter is, we do live in a reality of beauty/constructiveness and ugliness/destructiveness, the reason we lie to ourselves is because once we observe ugliness and/or destructiveness, we instantly judge an unworthy, we are actually conditioned to think like this. So instead of judging or feeling an unworthy, we live a lie that everything is beautiful when it's obviously not, within this lie there is only worthiness. This isn't balance and it certainly doesn't create a  balanced reality, you can't create a balanced reality on lies.

Living a lie: Lies create chaos, this is due to the motion that lies create, the bigger the lie, the more motion we create within consciousness itself. How many industrialists lie about what they are doing to the environment? The bigger the lies, the more chaos this creates by destroying the very consciousness we rely on for our existence, the Earth itself. 

Observe what it is for what it is no matter what it is without judging an unworthy. If it's ugly or destructive, does this mean it's unworthy? We are naturally conditioned to think so but what if we reconditioned ourselves to think otherwise, that just because it's destructive doesn't mean it's unworthy. Take a look at the universe, it's utterly beautiful and magnificent within it's motions, remembering we too are a part of this universe. It was created through destruction as our own planet was, does this make this planet unworthy? No, so why judge another person, who is obviously destructive, unworthy? 

Look at black wholes within the universe, are they unworthy because they are highly destructive to matter?  They are a part of the process of motion within the universe, as of any person being destructive towards other conscious motions (people) are, each conscious motion is apart of the process if we like it or not. But of course we don't like it, so like the industrialists, we live our lives as a lie which unbalances consciousness creating even more chaos.

Living a lie makes us feel good within ourselves, industrialists do the same, they ignore what they have deemed unworthy like a pristine environment, this makes them feel good within themselves no matter how destructive they become. How many people who think everything is beautiful ignore the seriousness of slavery in the world for example. Like an industrialist who ignores the beauty in the world, ignoring the seriousness of slavery is highly destructive, actually, ignoring destructiveness and/or the ugliness in the world is highly destructive and disruptive. It doesn't take an Einstein to work out how we have created so much chaos in this reality, living our lives as a lie just isn't conductive to a balanced existence.

This post was brought about by a discussion I had with an atheist recently, to an atheist, athe-ISM isn't a belief system even though it's an ism. The definition of ism is as follow: A belief (or system of beliefs) accepted as authoritative by some group or school. No belief system and ideological principle is the be and end all, when anyone becomes fixated to an ism, this ism becomes the only truth. You can see again how we live a lie through our ism's, again it doesn't take an Einstein to work out how we have created so much chaos in this reality.

Once we become fixated to an ism, or to any ideological principle, we often express huge amounts of motion and of course emotions. This highly charged motion can only be destructive to any other motion, the funny thing is, this highly charged motion is created through lies which are highly transitory (short lived).  As of the universe itself, all expressions of consciousness are worthy, we don't have to lie to ourselves and try to look at everything as being just beautiful, or, only acknowledge what we have ourselves judge as being beautiful. 

After my conversation, I was walking down the side of our purple house with our beautiful garden on the other side of me, and a feeling of, ' just experience the beauty of motion".

The beauty of motion: The experience of the beauty of motion can only occur through balance, to obtain balance, we need to stop living our lives as a lie. How accepting was Jesus, Buddha, Confucius, Rumi etc. of other motions around them? They observed the different conscious motions around them without judging what is and isn't worthy, in other words they didn't ignore the ugliness and/or the destructiveness in the world. Yes, they reacted but in a most passive way, creating very little motion in doing so, they  didn't live their lives as a lie, they became aware of everything they could for what it was.

A true balanced existence doesn't mean there is a worthy or unworthy or even beauty or ugliness,  just because we haven't judged what is beautiful, doesn't mean there is no peace and harmony, actually the opposite it true. the less we judge what is and isn't, the more balance we will experience. To get to true balance, we first need to go through a process of observing what is and isn't destructive/ugly but without judging what is and isn't unworthy. I do believe Jesus, Buddha, Confucius, Rumi etc. tried to show us this through their wisdom. Once we can observe without judging an unworthy in any expression of motion, we will be well and truly on our way to a truly balanced existence. All expressions of motion are worthy, yes, some expressions are obviously highly destructive to other motions, this shouldn't mean they are unworthy.

Try going into an environment that is most deplorable (unbecoming) to you and see if you can observe without judging an unworthy. The more you can sustain from judging like this, the more balanced your life will become, you will instantly find peace and harmony within yourself. Yes, you will still observe what is and isn't destructive but it won't unbalance your own consciousness. Confucius to me was very good at this, this was obvious for, "Only through  balance will you find wisdom for only through this balance can true wisdom be obtained"....Mathew        

Tuesday 18 August 2015

Collectively Healing Through Conscious Flat Lining

Written by Mathew Naismith

This post isn't going to go down too well with a number of people, it's about conscious flat lining, meaning consciousness is flat lined (balanced ) until it has motion, it's this motion, or any motion, that disrupts this perfect balance.

The great whisperers of our time: What I mean by motion is action reaction, once we act or react, we cause motion which causes this conscious line to waver, the more motion we cause, the more this line wavers and becomes unbalanced and chaotic. Boy this sounds like this reality we have all created!!

How do we avoid this? Simple, stop acting and reacting towards other consciousnesses that are in motion, this however doesn't mean we do nothing. Like I stated in a previous post, we are being shouted at only because we didn't listen to the whispers in the first place like from Jesus, Buddha, Confucius, Rumi etc . The point is, it's absolutely pointless shouting back, all this is going to do is cause this consciousness, this conscious flat line, to become more chaotic within it's vibrations.

At present, a lot of world peace and harmony Google communities have cropped up, is this in reaction to other consciousnesses that are in motion, and shouting, or is it do with whispering? I suppose in certain circumstances this is debatable but I think in all it's about the whispers as opposed to the shouts.

Whispering is still a motion but a motion that causes the conscious flat line to vibrate very little. Yes, this flat line is still vibrating, it's like a hum or an Om which creates balance and harmony within it's own vibration thus giving a flat line. 

So what causes these shouts to occur, like with religious extremism or a fixation to materialism over and above all else for example? Religious extremism is shouting, fixations to materialism is shouting, anything that's disruptive or destroys other consciousnesses is shouting but what actually causes these to occur?  Motion (action reaction),  all this shouting is in reaction to another consciousness, it's as simple as that. Would these actions occur if there was no reaction? It's only through reacting can these actions occur which makes consciousness unbalanced from it's natural flat line state.

Now what if we first listened to the whispers from the great whisperers of out time, remembering they themselves caused very little motion within there own whisperings? The only excessive motion was brought about through emotions from other consciousness, other people in this case, who were into shouting.  Basically, I feel these great people tried to tell us to whisper instead of shouting. The Roman Empire was all about shouting, materialists and religious extremists are all about shouting, actually extremism period is all about shouting, we just didn't listen to the great whisperers of our time.

Spiritual unbalancing: Now a lot of us into spiritual awareness seem to be reacting to our present circumstances, is this too shouting?

It's only shouting when we start judging what is an isn't worthy, to judge what is and isn't worthy is shouting, but how can this reality be worthy of expressing in anyway when it's so destructive? Only when spiritually aware people start shouting back do realties like this one become unworthy to us. Try flat lining and don't react, as soon as we do this, no matter what the circumstances are, we will no longer judge what is and isn't worthy therefore react.

I recently become involved in a one off discussion about our present circumstances in the world, many people believe we could and should react to these destructive circumstances by praying and mediating for the good of anyone going through these dilemmas.

Two things to consider here, one, karma, everyone has a right to play out their own karma, no one in my mind has a right to disrupt this flow. By forcing our own energies onto another just might cause these people to not play out a much needed karma. We also have a collective karma to play out as well, do these groups of spiritually ware people have the right to disrupt this as well?

The second thing to consider is rebuttal or a counter-action of other conscious energies that are also into shouting, remembering, each reaction is a conscious reaction which can reflect onto another consciousness. For example, our reaction to the people destroying our environment is to react by meditating on their behalf, to try to get them to stop destroying the environment. Will not this destructive conscious energy also react and counter-react with it's own energy, in other words shout back?

The best way to heal anything is to flat line it, not react to it!!

So does this mean we shouldn't pray and meditate for people going through hard times? Yes and no, if we are not reacting to a circumstance such a judging what is and isn't worthy and at the same time considering karma, by all means pray and meditate. If on the other hand we are just reacting to what we have judge as unworthy, all we are doing is shouting back at an unworthy. 

Is a religious extremist cutting off heads unworthy? Most if not all people controlled by emotions would say yes but consider this, don't these extremists see this as worthy, who has the right to judge what is and isn't worthy here? This is what has caused the problems in the world to start with, in other words the shouting, judging what is and isn't worthy. Religious extremists cutting off heads is trying to tell us something, usually something we don't want to hear so we make up some other story. No consciousness shouts out for no reason, behind each shout there is a reason. It's the reason itself that makes cutting off heads worthy, not the act of cutting of heads.

Just maybe these people are fed up being pushed around and shouted at by Westerners all the times. Trying to control the worlds energy for example is shouting so religious extremists are only shouting back. You could say it's the materialistic consumerists who have caused this quite deplorable reaction to happen, this of course will be refuted which doesn't help the situation by stating, "there just religious extremists shouting back, that's all, their of course unworthy".

Flat lining; actually neutralises bad karma, it then becomes unnecessary to play out a karma, individually or collectively. Today's religious extremism is the Westerners bad karma but this too can be neutralised through learning to flat line consciousness, in other words balance out consciousness so it no longer reacts to and with itself.

Indeed we react way to much, there is an imbalance of motion and motionlessness within this reality, that's obvious. Meditating, praying, chanting and so forth, certainly helps with this but as long as we don't do this in reaction or retaliation. Give love and affection by all means but not in reaction or retaliation, all this will do is incite other more destructive consciousnesses to react even more in retaliation.

Yes, I know about the monkeys, when one monkey was digging up and washing sweet potatoes so then after did other monkeys on other islands and continents. This means when Jesus or Buddha whispered, everybody else should have followed up doing the same but they didn't. The reason they didn't is because of shouters reacting to the whispers by shouting back and not themselves learning to whisper, this of course takes wisdom. It's funny to think, monkeys are wiser that human beings obviously!!!!

A sensitive consciousness: This is how sensitive consciousness is. There is a simple conscious expression that could turn this planet inside out, in other words turn this planet back into it's molten state.  You might think this sounds ridiculous but consider this. This universe was created from a very simple conscious expression, wouldn't an also simple conscious expression be able to turn this planet back to it's molten state?  The creation of life and form is one of the most simplest expressions a consciousness  can express, for example, how much conscious expression is needed to create a baby? To a consciousness way beyond our perception, the creation of life and form is as simple as creating baby, actually simpler.

It really seems strange to me that we know very little in how consciousness works, even though it's this consciousness that is the building blocks of everything. Motion creates other motions to react and the more motion we express, the more motion we have to deal with. Flat lining this conscious motion allows anything created from this consciousness to be balanced, a hum or an Om, nothing more and nothing less, just pure balance.

Yes, it's difficult for humans not to react and cause even more motion, but we need to learn to do this  if we want a better more harmonious reality. Reacting or retaliating is only going to cause more motion when we need less motion, learn to whisper.           

We really do need to learn to use consciousness in a wiser way.......