Showing posts with label balance. Show all posts
Showing posts with label balance. Show all posts

Monday 25 July 2016

The Answer is Awareness and Balance, Not Love and Light!!

Written by Mathew Naismith

Before we get into this, I should point out that I figure myself of being of the light as well in a sense, basically, a person who is aware as opposed to a person who obviously isn't aware. There are numerous obvious differences between being aware and unaware, this isn't judgment because one is neither more worthy than another. Being aware is of the light, being unaware is of the dark, a consciousness that is unable or unwilling to perceive beyond a certain point.

Why is awareness and balance the answer to our chaotic existence and love and light are not? I recently gave a reply to a person who basically queried why the love in the world is not changing the world, the reply is as follow.

"My wife and I haven't watched TV for over eight years now, I do however miss the docs. TV was too one sided, there is no balance in the media these days, only in balance will we be at peace again. You can spread as much love in the world you like, if there is no balance within this love, love just won't work. It is obvious love isn't working, the world is getting worse.

Why does it seem that the darkness is swallowing up the light in the world? I was talking to a bloke in Sweden recently, his town was once of light, it's now turning dark. People from around the world are looking for the light, however, because they know no other way to exist, they swallow up the light instead of becoming the light.

The reason for this is simple, ignorance is not aware of how to become the light so it turns light into darkness where ever it goes. You can send out as much loving vibration you like out there, anyone in darkness is unable to receive it and in actuality, they often counter-react this light with darkness. Because they are unable to comprehend light, it's seen as a threat to them, this is quite understandable, try comprehending something that is virtually impossible to comprehend yourself!!

The answer is awareness and balance, not a one sided affair like love/light for instance, this scares the hell out of anyone who is conditioned to the dark and quite understandably so."

Light = awareness

Dark = unawareness (ignorance)

Love is ambiguous, it can be of pain, the dark and destructive as well and the light can be blinding to others not used to the light, the same can't be said of awareness and balance even though awareness denotes light.

Awareness on the other hand in conjunction with balance, is not blinding being that awareness is light, however, awareness on it's own is blinding to the unaware because again awareness is light. Balance basically takes away the glare from the light by defusing the light through being aware that the light, to the unaware, can be blinding and even frightening to them. It's wise to consider how unaware people will react to blinding light and a love they are unfamiliar with. Just because the aware are used to the light and love, doesn't mean that everyone is used to the light and love, in actuality, to the unaware, light and love can be very frightening, the last thing we need to do is generate even more fear in the unaware.

Balance gives awareness an awareness that a more balanced approach is needed. Awareness makes one aware of when a more balanced approach is needed, they certainly go hand in hand in a reality that is not all of light. Love and light work fine in a reality of light but it's obvious we are not in a reality of love and light.

The unaware are indeed attracted to the light but instead of taking on this light, they inadvertently destroy the light, how can any consciousness take on what it doesn't comprehend in the first place? How could we of the light expect them to?

Consider this, how many people of the light react to the dark with light? As soon as darkness appears in their life, they immediately react by counter-acting to this darkness with an intense light? Why? Fear of being of the dark, a darkness that threatens their light, now consider how people conditioned to the dark would react to the light, would they not also react with an intense darkness? Human consciousness as a whole is conditioned to the dark, this is all this consciousness, bar a few conscious souls, know. There is no balance within the light we are trying to influence human consciousness with, basically, we need to change the way we present ourselves if we truly want to make a difference.

It is said if a few of us live by the light, this light will eventually engulf human consciousness as a whole, in actuality,  the opposite is actually occurring because this light is way too much for a lot of people to comprehend and take on in such a reality. I have always advocated balance and that balance is the key.

Balance isn't just the key to a more harmonious existence, it's a key to many more doors than just harmony, a truer sense of love comes to mind and an awareness beyond most people's comprehension within this reality. Balance is basically made up of wisdom and awareness, awareness gives the awareness of balance and wisdom gives balance it's balance.

For only can the wise be truly balanced and for a very good reason too.

Balance also gives us a comprehension of a conscious state void of labels, however, because we exist within a reality primarily created by labels, labels are a necessity within such a reality, this doesn't mean we should primarily be of these created labels though. We have lost our balance and because of this, we have primarily become these created labels when in actuality we are this balance itself. Sure, these  labels are of us as well, we after all created them, but they are not who we are but of what we are at any given time, there is a difference. We are a consciousness primarily void of labels, this is who we are but we can become of what we have created at any given time. We have created these labels, this is what we have become, this doesn't mean this is who we are by no means.

Yes, love and light, dark and unawareness are but labels, labels that we have taken on as who we are when all the time who we truly are is simply of this balance void of any labels. Basically, a consciousness void of ego....Why be of the light when there is no darkness, this is a pure state of balance. Chasing the light also brings on the darkness!! 

One more thing to consider, how is an unaware and a probable egotistical consciousness going to react to another consciousness that puts itself above another lower form of consciousness? "I am of a higher consciousness or vibration". I think the rebuttal to this high mindedness is going to create the response this kind of high mindedness deserves. The truth is, we are this balance void of egoistic labels, I know this isn't very glamorous but this is who we truly are in my mind.....                        

Sunday 10 July 2016

The Age of False Prophets

Written by Mathew Naismith

It was predicted before the age of the false prophets, that human consciousness would enter into a period of false prophecies, this doesn't just mean prophets will be false, it means that this time period will be of falsities period. The controlling ego will lust after anything that sparkles and glows, anything that tantalises the egos five senses, this includes lusting after love, especially in reaction to a reality void of awareness and wisdom.

The universe itself is a creation and every consciousness within this universe is created. Materialism is a  creation as is love, both can be highly destructive especially when expressed to an extreme or in retaliation. Some people have lusted after materialism, others have lusted after a form of love, if it tantalises the ego, it has to be good, of course we know how destructive materialism and love can be. Now, is there anything tantalising for the ego in being in balance, considering there are no extremes within a true balanced state? You take away love and hate, negative and positive, bad and good, demons and angels, what within this balance is tantalising to a controlling ego? There is no sparkles or fussy glow to balance but this also means there is no falsities within a true form of balance either.

Balance isn't something you pursue either, it's a state of being or a state of consciousness especially void of extremes. It's also not a state that can be created for it's always existed, everything else not of balance is a creation which can be expressed to the extreme to create an age of false prophets. There are no boundaries to creation, it's infinite, however, what is created is finite like human consciousness. Human consciousness is primarily created from a creation, this limits human consciousness to what is created, this is why it's unable to perceive beyond what is created. How many people believe love isn't a creation? You see what I mean. God is often perceived as love when this creative source of  consciousness is pure and utter balance. This balance of course is bliss to a consciousness existing in a reality of chaos, bliss is often represented as love, so we perceive this creative source of  consciousness is love. This of course is quite understandable.

The age of false prophets is all about tantalising  the controlling ego, if it sparkles and glows, it can't be false, or so the ego tries to make out no matter what. The ego doesn't want you to realise that all the sparkles and fussy glow is a creation and that a true sense of balance is what we truly are. What the ego wouldn't  want to know is that all we are is this  balance? A controlling ego will influence a consciousness to anything but of being of balance for there is nothing to tantalise the ego within this balance.

Creations = love and hate, negative and positive, bad and good, demons and angels + all of what is created

Balance = God/creative source + void of all creations within itself

However, we exist in a created reality, this means our consciousness is created and will within itself create more creations to what ever extreme. While existing within this created reality, we will of course be expressive of these creations no matter what they are. No consciousness within this kind of existence can be primarily expressive of a true form of balance, we are meant to be expressive of what is created. We of course have a choice in how extreme we express these creations, the age of false prophets however denote extremes expressions of these creations. Do we now keep expressing these creations to the extreme or do we simply express some kind of balance again? This really depends on what we really want to create, or more precisely, need to create for a more blissful existence.

A true sense of bliss within a balanced consciousness,  isn't something that is hard to obtain for we have always been of this balance, what we haven't always been is of these creations, in actuality, it's a lot harder to create than it is to just be. However, because we are controlled by a controlling ego, the illusion of separation from being balanced is extreme, it's this extreme that is making it hard for us to realise we are of this balance no matter what creations we are expressive of.                               

Yes, the age of false prophets is making it more difficult for our consciousness to become aware of how a controlling ego tricks us into what tantalises the ego, we are more than ever being tricked into even more extreme creation in reaction/retaliation to our present chaotic existence. You see, one will naturally create the other, a chaotic existence has naturally created an extreme opposite, this extreme opposite will again in turn create yet another extreme opposite until both extreme become that extreme, that they will cancel out each other, destroy each other. This is how anything created works unless it's brought back into balance. Of course extreme creations are supposed to destroy each other in the end but this can be simply avoided.

In a pass life in ancient Egypt, which was confirmed, a few of us tried to reason with the people of that time in the same way, you can avoid an upcoming catastrophe if you adhere to the laws of consciousness, an extreme will naturally create another extreme. The powers at be of course didn't listen to us and of course Egypt suffered big time when it didn't have to. We where separated from each other and banished to outlying areas of Egypt.

I said to my wife this morning, "At least I'm not being banished this time", my wife stated," Haven't you been banned from other sites that didn't like what you were stating." I have also recently been attacked by so called loving people once again, not much has changed for me since my life in ancient Egypt. You can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink!! What is supposed to be will be but you do indeed have a choice, that is all I am saying.......Balance is indeed the key to bliss.                    

Saturday 9 July 2016

The Neutral Ground - A True Sense of Bliss

Written By Mathew Naismith

Once again, this post isn't going to be for everyone, only for consciousness's that perceive and comprehend a consciousness of neutrality, a consciousness that exists of the understanding of being neutral to all things. This means a comprehension and an existence of neutrality over and above opposing forces like love and hate, good and bad, negative and positive. Yes I know, love isn't supposed to be the opposite to hate, why then is the hate in the world creating more love in the world? As usual, love is in reaction to hate, in other words, hate creates love as love creates hate, now imagine a neutral zone, a consciousness of neutrality instead of reaction!!

This is how consciousness works, one creates the other and yes, it's all but only a creation from a source, meaning, everything other than the source itself, is a creation, the universe is a prime example of this. What has then been created within this universe? Love and hate, good and bad, negative and positive, it's been created by and within one source. The universe has created a consciousness of opposing factions and every other consciousness within this consciousness, is influenced by these same opposing factions. So what does this mean? It means any consciousness created by this opposing factional consciousness, will be influenced by opposing factions, therefore, will keep on creating a never ending stream of opposing factions. Another good example of this is angels and demons, they themselves are created by the other, there is nothing neutral within this kind of existence, in other words, there is no true sense of balance.

This is why I have stated in previous posts that human consciousness is limited, it's limited by it's own created opposing factions. How many people are able to perceive the true sense of conscious neutrality? There is always demons and angels, good and bad, negative and positive. Don't get me wrong here, there is absolutely nothing wrong in existing like this, all I am always trying to portray is there is another way to exist/be void of any creation of these opposing factions.

The reason I am using the word faction is obvious, 'I'm good and your bad, I hate and you love, I am positive and you are negative, I am spiritual in essence and you are physical in essence", these are the factions we have put ourselves in. Basically, we put ourselves in    dissenting groups to separate ourselves from something else, in turn creating the opposite of what we have dissent for. It's basically a rollercoaster game, one action or energy flow is naturally creating the other and yes it's a natural process within a consciousness of biases, partialities and separatism. This is what human consciousness is made of but it's not who we truly are.

In actuality, we are and have always been neutral, it's that we, within a particular consciousness, become predominantly influenced by a consciousness of biases, partialities and separatism, in turn, what we create from such a consciousness is more of the same biases, partialities and separatism, the more influenced we are by this kind of consciousness, the more extremes we will naturally create.

Now imagine an existence totally void of these factions, a reality primarily built upon neutrality of all consciousness's, basically, a reality created from and influenced by a true sense of balance. We are basically talking about a reality of pure utter bliss here, however, don't be too hard on yourself, we are supposed to react and create biases, partialities and separatism, in other words opposing factions, this is the natural process of this kind of  consciousness, and yes, we are even supposed to create extreme factions from this. However, if we are really interested in finding bliss, you won't find it in an opposing faction, yes, within a life time you might but all opposing factions create a reaction and usually a counter-reaction. A true sense of love would not keep creating and recreating an opposing faction within and through it's own actions.

It's not easy finding neutral ground in a consciousness that is primarily of anything but of neutral perception, I am not myself of this neutral ground but I am aware of this neutral ground and what it takes to become of this neutral ground. Try taking away all opposing factions in your life, hate and love being two of them, it's not easy because we are wanting to be influenced by a consciousness of opposing factions. Basically, we are conditioned to opposing factions.

Imagine a reality of utter pure bliss, now how many of us would think that love would be a predominate influence within such a reality? It's not, because hate doesn't exist, in actuality, love and hate become as one as of everything does. Because we exist within a love/hate reality, to find true bliss, we perceive we need copious amounts of love. Love denotes bliss to us, this is quite a normal reaction for any consciousness influenced by the kind of consciousness we are influenced by. How many people don't want to imagine a reality void of hate? How many people want to imagine a reality void of love? It's not that we can't imagine such a thing, we just don't want to imagine such a thing, this is the truth of it....

Hating for some people is bliss to them, loving to other people is bliss to them, which one represents a true sense of bliss, and more importantly, to whom?

Because we are of one faction, our faction is right when in actuality neither faction represents a true sense of bliss as the other creates the opposite to itself and always will. A true sense of bliss isn't something that has to be created and created by love or hate. Love and hate are themselves created perceptions of consciousness, this means anything created from such a consciousness, is going to be just another created perception. A true sense of bliss is neutrality of all things, of all of consciousness. We might then perceive this bliss has to have created an opposite but it didn't, this bliss wasn't created, it's a state of neutrality with no opposites, only created conscious perceptions create an opposite, this bliss isn't perception, it's an actual state of just being.

To us within a destructive reality, this neutral ground is going to be perceived of being of utter love, it's utter bliss therefore has to be primarily created from love, this is a normal reaction to any consciousness experiencing opposing extremes. There is nothing wrong with this perception, however, try not to use this neutral ground as in opposition to what we are presently experiencing, all you will create and recreate is a counter-reaction, human history shows us this time and time again.

In saying all this, human consciousness will persist in perceiving one or the other, this is because human consciousness is limited to a perception of one or the other as it's unable, or more likely, unwilling to perceive in a more neutral way. If that is the way it's meant to be, so be it, however, if you are willing to go beyond the perceptions of human consciousness, you will find this neutral ground that is pure utter bliss. Yes, within a reality as we are presently experiencing, this can feel like a true sense of love, this too is a natural occurrence that we must be aware that we can misuse in counter-action.

Its' wise to stay balanced within one's emotions, for emotions are but a creation of our perceptions.....Mathew G  

In saying this, do I stay balanced, no as that too is my choice but I am aware of my choices, are you........?    

Saturday 21 May 2016

Finite Existence, A Motion Picture

Written by Mathew Naismith

It would seem I've always perceived life, finite existence, likened to a panoramic view with no separation, meaning that there are no segments or separate lives lived, it's one life. As I have written in posts a few years ago now, I don't perceive, for example, reincarnation as depicting separate lives lived, it's more likened to one life lived separated by intermissions or separate scenes like in a lengthy motion picture. I look at all my finite existence as a motion picture, each frame and scene make up this motion picture we call life, we can either perceive this motion picture as a picture in motion separated by scenes, or, observe this motion picture as a motionless panoramic photo/picture.

Finite = motion picture + separatism + motion + participator + time

Infinite = panoramic photo + collective + motionless + observer + timelessness  

Finite existence can give the view or perception of separate lives, you could say this is an illusion as finite existence can delude us to perceive in a separatist way. The question is, is finite existence truly and really about separatism? It's a paradox because the answer is yes and no. Yes, when we perceive through infinite perceptions and no, not when we are perceiving through a finite perception.

Finite existence; refers to an existence of a participator rather than an observer, of course to participate, we need motion or a means to create motion, this is of course is where time comes into it as time is all about motion. To create motion however, you need to first separate this picture into segments or frames, like a movie motion picture, to give it motion, time does this very well.   

Infinite existence; refers to an existence of an observer, the observer observing the whole of life as one frame or as a motionless panoramic photo. It's quite understandable why the observer is more aware and wiser than a participator.              

However, as many people like me have done, you can exist by a finite and infinite existence, this allows one to experience finite existence while at times observing these experiences. What I don't do is separate finite existence from infinite existence, any kind of separation denotes predominant finite perceptions within the act of separating one from the other. This means no matter how traumatising an experience is within finite existences, it's just as accepted, and most importantly, appreciated as an infinite existence experience. You of course can only be appreciative of life traumas when being the observer through an infinite existence, perceiving predominately through finite perceptions will only enhance traumas. 

How does one appreciate traumatising times in one's life?

You don't at the time of the trauma, this act in being unappreciative is also appreciated but only when you observe the whole life, not one segment of frame of life and this is the point. The more we separate life into individual segments, the more dramatic our lives become, how dramatic is a movie motion picture compared to a panoramic photo? Even if the panoramic photo was of a traumatising time, once you put this still picture into motion, it makes the scene a lot more dramatic, our lives in a finite reality are very much like this.

Take a look at the difference between the perceptions of ISIS and consumerist materialism or one religion to another for example, each difference within these group of people denote a different frame or scene within a motion picture. Now observe these differences as one whole picture as if you are watching all of a motion picture all at once as one motionless picture, what you are observing becomes automatically less dramatic.

Do people like myself allow drama and trauma to be a part of their lives?

Absolutely, for to do otherwise would to be predominantly of finite existence through the simple expression of separating one from the other.

Does this mean we should just accept the dramas and traumas in our lives?

It's really up to the individual, however, if you no longer want to be a participator within a finite reality, become the observer by not separating life, as a whole, into different segments. This means stop separating one part of life, no matter how traumatising it is, from other parts of your life, observe your whole existence as one life lived.

As of always, balance is the key, don't try to push something away by pulling something in and expect a more balanced peaceful existence, this just isn't going to occur as human history quite plainly shows us. Any retaliation will create an opposing retaliation, pulling something in to push something out denotes a participator, instead, also become an observer which depicts an infinite existence that will balance out the finite existence. Yes. at times it's a fine balance, at times balancing one extreme with another but note, every extreme will create more drama. Balancing out life with one extreme with another extreme denotes a predominant finite existence. The less of the extreme we express, the more of the infinite we become.

Finite or infinite existence on it's own isn't balance, finite existence is all about drama and trauma where's infinite existence is all about a passive existence, one being seemingly separate to the other. I do find it strange that people who are trying to be of infinite existence, will at times totally separate themselves from finite existence, this action is of course primarily of finite existence, any separation denotes a finite existence.              

A true infinite existence takes one to balance out finite and infinite existences, it's not about separating one from the other. We are so used to perceiving in a motion picture way, we can only perceive by separating one from the other. Each scene is separate to us in finite existences where in infinite existences they are one of the same with no separation from fame to frame, scene to scene as in a motion picture. A true infinite existence is liked to a motionless panoramic picture showing all of what is in one go, this might sound daunting but it's quite the opposite, it's very reassuring and comforting. In effect, finite existence is only this motionless panoramic picture of the infinite put into motion like a motion picture.....  

Wednesday 4 May 2016

A True Expression of Spirituality

Written by Mathew Naismith

We often have a perception of true spirituality being one that sits, eats and exercises in just the right way, according to certain perceptions, which are governed by a certain ideology or ideas of what is and isn't spiritual. I am however going to bring forth a different perception on this which obviously isn't going to go down too well with certain people. I'm going to state that we couldn't be more of a higher expression of connectedness to our truer being if we wanted to within this reality.

Firstly, as of  many people, at the most traumatising times of my life have I experienced a true sense of  enlightenment, my wife has also experienced the same thing when in traction. Trauma of course being the complete opposite to a calm harmonious collective state of being. Now consider our present collective human traumatised is this state at present? We couldn't be more expressive of a higher state of being if we wanted to.

It's important not to look at the human collective consciousness as a separate part of our own collective consciousness either, look at it as one consciousness, this is a truer sense of oneness. Yes, the ego wants to separate one kind of consciousness from another as it often deems one inferior to itself, remembering that the ego is all about creating delusions and illusions.

I'm sitting back and observing the human consciousness and all I can see is an enlightening experience as oneself would personally experience in trauma. We, as a collective, couldn't be going through more of an enlightening experience if we tried.

I think at this point it's wise to know what spirituality actually means. To me, spirituality is in reference to the spirit within all things, it's like in 3rd dimensions carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, and oxygen are the base elements in all living things. Spirituality is the base element within all things, basically, the sixth sense, a sense that is mostly only felt as a feeling in a 3rd dimensional reality. To me, the spirit within all things is of all senses and at the same time of no senses, this is because once a consciousness becomes aware of all senses being as one, this awareness negates the purpose of senses.

If spirituality is in reference to all things, biologically living or not, everything we do is in accordance with being spiritual, this is why so many in trauma can experience their most awakening times. However in stating this, a lot of people also experience their most awakening/enlightening times while in total harmony, it seems to take extreme disharmony and utter harmony to experience our most awakening times in our life. Are extremes needed to awaken us? It would seem so but why?

I think the more a consciousness is unaware of the spirit with in all things, the more extreme of an experience is needed to awaken itself to the spirit within all things. Are we at present, on a collective scale, that unaware considering the trauma and the extremes that are being expressed in this reality?

Now let's consider a reality void of extremes, basically, a balance between yin and yang for example. We, within our present state of extremes, would think any consciousness within such a balanced reality wouldn't experience any sort of awakening, this couldn't be further from the truth. When you consider that the spirit is within all things, within a balanced reality, all things automatically become one, within this reality, there is no extremes because extremes have no purpose, in actuality, in this kind of balanced reality, it's impossible for any consciousness to express any kind of extreme.          

We so often believe harmony is more spiritual than disharmony, harmony is more conductive to spiritual awareness and wisdom but at the same time being aware of an opposite as in disharmony. How much of a balance do we have when we segregate harmony from disharmony, yin from yang? The more we separate the yin from the yang, the more extreme our experiences have to be to become spiritually aware.

I'm very accepting of my harmony as I am of my disharmony, however, I do often allow extremes to also influence me, this influence is all to do with our conditioning to extremes and an imbalanced reality. I also try not to judge this as being one thing or another either, it just is the way it is within realities like this one.

I wrote a post about flat lining some time ago, flat lining isn't to do with dying but a state of far less motion, therefore extremes, thus the flat line. This flat line indicates perfect balance, and yes, harmony, for once balance is obtained by a consciousness, harmony automatically becomes that realities prime influence, In this case, there is no need for a consciousness to experience extremes to become spiritually aware of the spirit within all things.

A true sense of spirituality isn't experiencing extremes, it's experiencing balance which automatically creates a reality of harmony, in actuality, harmony and disharmony become one thus we feel the feeling of harmony.......perfect balance.

While holidaying in nature recently, there was no need for me to experience an extreme awakening, as I stated in my last post, my home environment is just as awaking and harmonious. You could say my wife and I experience balance between our home environment and nature, there is no separation or segregation between these two realities.     

Monday 4 April 2016

And The Truth Is??

Written by Mathew Naismith

Who knows what the absolute truth is, what I do know is that the human psyche will only comprehend what it is conditioned to comprehend, meaning, the real truth could present itself without people knowing anything about it. It's strange to think that we have allowed ourselves to be conditioned to the point that the truth is no longer comprehensible to us, the truth is, this is the truth. If our perception is limited to certain perceptions, how is our psyche going to be able to accept the truth in any other form? It simply won't because it's no longer able to once we fixate ourselves to certain perceptions.

I had an email sent to me recently that was in reference to the terrorism going on in the world today, even though it made sense to a certain degree, I was utterly flabbergasted (bewildered) that so many people of European descent could endorse such an email. My response to this was as follow.

Put simply, I'm not into any kind of terrorizing act what so ever, this is because any kind of terrorism is usually destructive, do we really need more people expressing a destructive mentality? If we are serious in bettering our existence, endorsing such an obvious destructive mentality isn't going to help in bettering our existence. I am comfortable is stating this is the truth.

So to date, all terrorizing acts have been carried out by Muslims, any person of European   descent who knows a little about human history, should be aware that this statement alone isn't correct by a long shot. Our present history even tells us this statement is purely based on a destructive mentality. Any kind of mentality that is based on a obvious destructive mentality, is to me capable of terrorizing people, basically, conditioning people to express destructive tendencies. All that fear will create is more of what we are experiencing at present.

I'm certainly an advocate of expressing less motion thus lessening the ripple effect or put in another way, I'm not into the push and pull effect, pull something in to push something else out. This to a lot of people would seem like a contradictory statement for me to make, often are my topics controversial to start with thus usually creating a lot of motion and emotions.

This post, as of many of my posts are, based on a balanced mentality, I often give an unbiased perspective or a different perception other than what is accepted by the norm, the majority or people. My perceptions and perspectives usually give a balanced view, within this balance itself, there is little motion, however, because my perceptions and perspectives are unaccepted or incomprehensible for reasons already discussed, it's the reaction to my views that create so much motion. No matter how you express motion, any kind of motion will create even more motion.

Yes, even an expression of balance will create retaliative responses thus creating even more motion, this motion is usually brought about by a consciousness that is no longer conditioned to balance but an imbalance. If all you know and comprehend is imbalance, how is this kind of consciousness going to respond to a balanced perspective? It's going to retaliate only because imbalance is all about covering up the truth with lies and deceit.

Balance = truth the way it really is + creating a constructive mentality

Imbalance = lies and deceit + creating a destructive mentality

Parts of this email were highly partial, meaning, they gave an obvious biased view, any kind of bias view is usually created from lies and deceit thus creating an even more destructive mentality. 

It's got me totally flabbergasted in what we are doing, we want the best but we continue to express an obvious destructive mentality that is obviously imbalanced. It would seem people like me who try to express unbiased balanced views, are adding to the motions that are at present being expressed!!

Initially, it's expected any kind of motion that is balanced, will cause an imbalanced conciseness to react, this should always be expected. We expect an imbalanced consciousness to comprehend us, but we give no thought to comprehending where an imbalanced consciousness is coming at. It's by no way easy for a collective or singular consciousness, that is conditioned to an imbalanced mentality, to comprehend and accept a balanced mentality in place of their own, especially instantly. We need to be patient.....

A true balanced psyche will show patience for only in a balance mentality can we create patience......patience by the way takes a mentality to be balanced to create in the first place!!   

Saturday 2 April 2016

Two Minds Are We

Written by Mathew Naismith

Recently I've been queried on what I have been writing and justifiably so, this is because what I write is only a perception, other people also have their own perceptions in relation to the same subjects I write about. Being only perceptions, there is no depiction of right and wrongs, there can however be a strong belief that certain perceptions are closer to the truth than other perceptions. 

One of these perceptions of mine came to fruition when one of my posts was queried from a good internet friend of mine, this perception is in relation that we all are of two minds, one time based, the other based on timelessness. It's similar to a physical based mind and a non-physical base mind, a mind we become aware of again after our demise. This perception however is more based on a mind predominantly influenced by time and a mind predominantly influenced by timelessness, or, a consciousness that has some kind of balance between these two minds. When you think on this, are not spiritually aware people of both minds in some way, an awareness of the physical world and the non-physical world?

The following query brought forth some interesting perceptions from me based on two minds.            

So faith is the perception of timelessness? Maybe, I struggle with when is faith belief and when it is knowledge.
I believe I know my own mind, for example.

I think it is Richard, faith gives us perceptions beyond reasoning, reasoning being a creation of time. 

Our reasoning comes from our immediate environment which is predominantly finite based. 

I also believe we have two minds, one time based and the other based on timelessness. 

I think faith comes to being when we are thinking from a time based mind to a mind based on timelessness, however, it's no longer faith when we become our mind based on timelessness. The reason for this is we become aware, once we become aware, it's no longer faith.

Time and timelessness are yin and yang, we are always trying to predominately live by one or the other thus stating the other is an illusion. We do this on a human level, we presume the weaker sex is the yin, this mentality often leads to abuse and neglect of the yin. At present, a lot of spiritually aware people are trying to neglect and reject time and time based realities. How abusive are humans to everything of the finite?  We have become highly abusive and neglectful for a very good reason.

Get this, mother Earth or Gaia is represented by the yin, how abusive are we towards this time based reality?

As I have always stated, balance is the key, the balance between yin and yang, time and timeless based minds.......

What I have stated seems far fetch, however, I think it's wise not to totally disregard my perceptions, there are too many points that make sense.

- Our reasoning seems to be purely based on time therefore the finite, the finite of course being limited, restricted and bound by certain boundaries time conditions us to. I find it strange that we put so much credibility on a consciousness or a mind purely based on limitations.

- While a consciousness is predominantly influenced by time, any perception that is based on timeliness, the infinite, will of course seem only based on faith, this is until such minds also start to think in timeless modes of thought. It is quite understandable that any mind that is predominantly influenced by time, will see any other mode of thought as being purely predominantly based on faith alone.

- Another perception of mine is relating yin and yang to time and timelessness, the yin representing time and yang representing timelessness. Mother Earth or Gaia is also represented by yin. I think it's ironical that yin is usually the one being neglected and abused within time itself, to me there is a connection here.

I also think it's ironical once we become aware of timelessness modes of thought, such consciousness's become more passive towards the yin, however, the more of the yin or yang we are influenced by, the more aggressive a consciousness becomes. Is it no wonder why yin is represented by the dark negative feminine principle in Chinese dualistic cosmology. Don't get this wrong, this isn't saying that the feminine is dark and negative, it's stating that the light needs the dark to exist and the positive needs to negative to exist, they compliment each other. One without the other can't possibly exist, especially in harmony.

Indeed, time can't possibly exist without timelessness as one mind can't possibly exist without the other mind. It's duality but it's not, not when it's working in harmony. In harmony, there is oneness, a non-duality however in disharmony, there is separation therefore duality.

One mind is winning out over the other, this will only enhance the dark negative energies in time. It's also advisable not to look at dark and negative energies as something bad or something to be avoided or abused and neglected. Without the dark, we have no light and without the negative we have no positive. No wonder that yin and yang working in harmony are so constructive for one being unbalance with the other is always going to be destructive. I should also state, a consciousness predominantly influenced by yang, will naturally become destructive as well.

Positive light energy can also be destructive, the sun is a prime example of this, also, how destructive is a consciousness of light to anything the light judges as being dark and negative? Now how destructive is the light and dark working in unison? It's not for a very good reason, there is no judgment to start with.      

Being predominantly influenced by one mind at the cost of the other, will always create what we are presently experiencing.....a state of consciousness way out of balance with itself.


Tuesday 22 March 2016

Our Involvement in Life

Written by Mathew Naismith

The eternal frame of life mysteriously flounders from one to the other, it's what we make of these mysteries that define our own personal reality.

The wise will smile at these mysteries where the unwise will always frown, always be a smiler, the wise....Mathew G

In recent times I have been accused of being hateful and unforgiving, as we say in Australia, this is water off a ducks back, meaning, these accusers and judgmentally inclined people are unable to hurt people like myself unless we allow them. We must be aware that the unaware will most often lash out at the aware thinking that the aware think like them. A good example is the aware avoiding close contact with people who lash out like this, this is often misjudged as being hateful and unforgiving but this can't be further from the truth.

What the unaware are not aware of is that people like myself no longer wish to become involved in certain expression that are disharmonious, in the meantime not judging that anyone heavily involved in disharmony unworthy. If disharmony of one kind or another makes these people happy, people like myself are happy for them, however, what makes these people happy doesn't mean that is what makes other people like myself happy.               

It would also be very unwise of me to think that a harmonious existence would make everyone happy, some people are just not in tune with such harmonious vibrations, this is purely due to how their own vibrations are disharmonious in the presence of harmonious vibrations. An unaware person will noticeably lash out at any other vibration not in harmony with their own, however, the aware will always be aware that other vibrations will be in disharmony in the presence of vibrations not in tune with their own. We should never expect obvious disharmonious vibrations to feel in harmony with harmonious vibrations. Of course people with disharmonious vibrations should never expect harmonious vibrations to be in harmony with disharmonious vibrations either, most often they do because they are simply unaware that certain vibrations will never be in tune with other vibrations not in tune with their own.

Look at it in this way, could you lock a pedophile in a room full of children and expect a harmonious coexistence? In a reality like this one, this is basically what is happening. Mixing harmonious people with obvious disharmonious people won't create a very  harmonious coexistence, as you can't mix fire and water together in harmony, you can't mix one out of tune vibration with in tune vibrations and expect a harmonious coexistence. The reason for this is simple, just because one vibration is disharmonious or out of tune, doesn't mean it isn't in tune with other disharmonious vibrations, however, a disharmonious vibration will always be out of tune with harmonious vibrations and visa-versa. The same is with aware and unaware people and wise and unwise people, it's wise to be aware that your own vibrations are indeed out of tune with other people's vibrations, it's certainly not all one way. It is obvious that any harmonious vibration will indeed be disharmonious to other vibrations not in tune with their own.

Now should harmonious people become totally un-involved in the disharmony of life because life is mainly influenced by obvious disharmonious vibrations?

I have so often said about avoiding motion as all motion creates even more motion, basically avoiding becoming too involved with all other vibrations not in tune with my own. If we were meant to do this, we wouldn't be in the reality we are in, of course we are supposed to become involved but at the same time realising that all motion creates even more motion. What it basically comes down to is balance, don't become too involved but involved enough to make a difference without creating too much disharmony. Of course any display of trying to harmonise disharmonious vibrations is usually going to be met with a disharmonious reaction, don't try too hard, be a subtle as you can. At times even the most subtle motion will be met with disharmonious vibrations, just expect this as no one likes their own harmonious vibrations change.

It's wise to remember, harmonious vibrations will be in harmony with other harmonious vibrations as will disharmonious vibrations be in harmony with other disharmonious vibrations. Just because a vibration is harmonious doesn't mean it's harmonious with the rest of it's environment, what is harmonious to one vibration isn't necessarily harmonious to all other vibrations. Yes, being in total harmony and constructive, as opposed to destructive, is indeed creating disharmony to those not in tune with such vibrations. Yes, harmonious people can be disharmonious to their environment as well, it's good to be aware of this.

In all, try to find balance by being aware that your own harmonious vibrations can also add to the disharmony in the world, it's not all one way, meaning, what is harmonious to one isn't necessarily harmonious to the other!!    

Sunday 20 March 2016

Does It Really Matter?

Written by Mathew Naismith

Everything of time is supposed to be an illusion because we often delude ourselves in thinking this is all we are, in all, everything of motion, therefore time,  is an illusion, this is because as soon as we lose the ability to observe, we become primarily a participator but does this really matter?

For it to matter is of motion, to label what is or isn't an illusion is also motion, therefore, as soon as we label what is what, we become a part of what we have perceived as being an  illusion. What we are doing is perceiving an illusion while within an illusion, how credible is this perception going to be in the first place?

A true observer will not label or separate one thing from the other, this is primarily due to such observers not actually observing illusions. What they observe is the bigger picture when all we see mostly is the smaller picture.

Observer = big picture + timelessness + non-perceptional + oneness + no illusions or non- illusions

Participator =  small picture + time + perceptional + separatism + illusions and non-illusions

The big and small picture refers to having no perceptions to having perceptions, the big picture is not about having perceptions, it's about observing perception. The observer will only observe the big picture which denotes an existence void of perceptions. If such an observer was to see the smaller picture, at this point the observer is no longer an observer but a participator.

Does it matter being a participator? If it does, you are no closer to be an observer purely because you are still being expressive of a participator by expressing perceptions or judgments. As soon as we have a perception of what is or isn't an illusion, we are primarily a participator, however, would not an observer who is not worried about participating, therefore perceiving what is what, express themselves in this way? To an observer, it doesn't matter as long as we are also aware of the big picture while participating in the small picture. It basically all comes down to being aware.

To a participator who is also observing, there is seemingly a separation between illusions and non-illusions, time and timeliness, any kind of participation denotes separation, basically, time, therefore perceptions, are of separatism. As soon as we have motion (time), we have perceptions which we call illusions. The thing to remember here, the observer is only observing the big picture void of separatist perceptions and is of course of timelessness. Within this timelessness, when did time become apparent when within this timelessness there is no starting or ending point of origin? The point is, time has always existed within timelessness therefore so have the illusions and delusions, they are indeed real, however, we can, as a participators, become deluded in thinking this is all we are.

"The yin is a part of the yang as illusions are apart of non-illusions, it's wise not to separate the yin from the yang for all this will do is create more illusion than non-illusions thus unbalancing existence".  

Just thought I would mention this. A lot of us have pulled away from being religious or have disdain for religions, it's wise to remember, religions have always had perceptions of there being more to us than we often perceived, in my mind, we owe a lot of our present development to religions. 

Thursday 3 December 2015

Finding the Key to Balance

Written by Mathew Naismith

I can't stipulate enough that balance is the key, recent events that I became involved with certainly endorses this kind of  mentality. It's so hard sitting back while a friend of yours becomes that imbalanced that they support people who often judge other people of  being wrong, full of BS, negative, judgmental and so on while totally excluding themselves and their friends.        

What do you do?......It's hard sitting back and watching anyone you respect and love go down this path, it certainly quite difficult watching your family and the world around us go down this path, to a certain extent, it's out of our hands. At times to find balance, we need to experience a total imbalance, how do we know what is or isn't an imbalance until we experience it?  

I was going to write about this a couple of days ago but I didn't, I didn't feel like writing about this subject until I received the bellow response.

It might be worthwhile for some people to read the whole story in the following link to get a better feel of what is written here in this post. Try to remember, some people are hurt here as they feel they have been deceived and violated, please look beyond their present expressions, to me, they are just and true people.    

MatrixShape:The thing is at first she didn't want to step in the forum, didn't want to get involved, i asked her a few time, but at first i had the impression she didn't really want to get involved in the place, just owning it and taking basic decision of look & all, but not to step in as a member, at first she even told me she wanted to remain anonymous to feel more integrated in the community and not stepping in as owner.

It's why at first i had to step in because i though she was not interested in participating there at all, and it when me & bds have been doing all the job to keep troll at bay & try to make the place looking welcoming & all, i'm glad i didn't tell too much people about it and engaged more my credibility on this one because i though it could become cool .. I swear the minute i told desiree to come in that i was becoming cool & all and can be a good forum again she deleted my account and started this whole new level of drama .. they sure did a good job at installing suspicion, open lack of respect and madness there, even if i tried to keep it sane for some time .. If she told me clearly this since the beginning it's clear i would have let her die with her forum lol 

But it's here i don't like her attitude at all, at first she says she want to stay in the shadow and not participate there and don't know shit about forum, and then she want to step in as super mod, deleting everything and not having a clue .. And concoct lie on me with her team & all ...

It's not even so much the tech work, but i know people there for years, and i a bit engaged myself on this place as she said she didn't want to be too active there and didn't want to introduce herself or anything and at first was not very clear if she wanted to participate there, or just owning it and remaining away ..

It's like she flipped everything upside down now lol She want to participate there, and having special status of owner, everyone can get trashed and lied upon but her, she tell lies on me on there all day, start to delete account and not respect anything .. exactly all the opposite of what she told at first ..

My Reply:
It's an all or nothing mentality, there is no balance which is quite prevalent in a lot of people, they have no balance as they just don't know how to balance out their expressions. It's like being a bully or they don't express myself, there is no middle ground, this is actually quite a common mentality. 

You might have noticed yourself, a lot of spiritually aware people have this balance problem, they have a problem with balancing out their mentality and expressions, it's either one or the other.  A number of times have I noticed this with a lot of people who are primarily into love or unconditional love, as soon as you cross them in some way, they can get quite vicious, there is no middle ground and the thing is, they can't help this. I think this is why so many people become involved in spirituality, to try to give them this balance and not just within themselves either, the world around them. 

The lucky one's find balance, and at times perfect balance, between the yin and yang, the unlucky one's can only express one or the other, this is worth being aware of for anyone who can't truly express a balanced mentality. 

So what causes such an imbalance? 

Reaction, we either hide ourselves away from an unbecoming situation or we react to a unbecoming situation by counteracting this situation with an opposite, by doing so, we are not finding that balance that we are seeking. This kind of imbalanced expression will never work mainly because it's counteractive against another expression. Spirituality isn't about expressing a counteractive, it's about balance, it's about finding the balance within all things. Any counteraction will only cause a counteraction to the initial counteraction. No counteraction creates an opposite of the situation we want to oppose, human history shows this time and time again, only in balance will we truly defuse any situation we find unbecoming. 

Take  WWI, after the war, the German people were raped of their dignity, in various ways, what then occurred was WWII. Another example, Westerners have used and abused Middle Eastern people for some time now, what has occurred from this? Of course their reaction will be met with a counteraction and on and on it goes. 

Balance has always been the key, it's just some people find it harder discovering this key more than others!! 

Wednesday 16 September 2015

The Wisdom Within Collective Thinking

Written by Mathew Naismith

I know there are a number of people who don't like me sharing other people's perspectives, I however find other people's perspectives and insights interesting, of course I'm going to share them. It takes the collective to wise up to itself, this also means sharing other people's perspectives and insights other than my own. No one singular consciousness can bring forth the wisdom within all of us but a collective consciousness can.

I received following interesting replies to my last post, I hope they give you as much insight as they gave me.  

Consciousness (mindfulness in the form of compassion non-violence, and loving kindness), Mother Earth, nature and the Ego state are all interrelated - unless we can master these understandings, then practice Consciousness, no human can evolve positively, peacefully and no human except Buddhist Monks will ever be able to understand what it feels like to  live in a higher state of consciousness! Have just published a book about Gaia's lack of Ego and how Gaia is in relation to mother Earth and you are quite right, Mother Earth is a living breathing entity! Blessings!

My Reply
Yes, Buddhist monks are to me  about pure balance which brings forth the wisdom to be able to exist in a chaotic world in peace. It's actually quite a beautiful state to exist in.

This came to mind recently, very few people will experience true wisdom, this however doesn't mean we can't live in balance with Gaia. We need to once again learn to listen to wisdom instead of egotism.

I'm going to insert your reply into one of my posts, could you give my readers of my blog some detail about your book and how to purchase it?

thank you Mathew! the book is called 'Darwin's Women of Mother Earth' by author Lucy Farmer - your readers can purchase it on Amazon or through my website link on selfhelpforhealing dot com..if google does not allow this message to be accepted and think it is a promotion they will erase it, however, if you go to my google page you will find my website details and all links to the book on that! The book is aimed at the feminine energies and the ancient connection with mother earth and goes into scientific but also intuitive details about the past and how humans lived without ego - If men and women are brave they can learn a great deal from this book about themselves, and to find the true path to peace, wisdom and living in balance with Gaia and the  true connection that all humans have been looking for - for thousands of years - A very intricate book, connecting, mind-science, nature, (mother Earth), feminine energies, genetics, neuroscience and mindfulness and how they are all interrelated. I would be very happy once your readers have read this book to give free discussions to your readers but you will have to contact me on my website for email details.  - many blessings Mathew!

Yours - Mine - Theirs  ,,, none of it matters in the end.

My Reply
True, it doesn't matter because no one possess's anything, including our thoughts. It's interesting how the ego dupes us to think in terms of possessions. 

I  get it. "Any extreme reactions to another motion we judge as evil isn't balance."   It is chaos.

My Reply
What we judge as evil loves it's opposites being expressed, especially to an extreme, this is wholly due to the love of conflicts. You can't have much of a conflict if a consciousness of evil intent doesn't have an opposite, the more extreme the opposite, the better the conflict.

Too many people give love in retaliation to a deemed evil or wrong, this is only feeding it and it love it. Consciousness's of evil intent don't like to be embraced in love, they want to be hated or judged as being wrong which most people do. It's wise to learn the true concepts of unconditional love.  


Collective Consciousness: I have attracted some interesting readers, I say interesting mainly because they are mostly open minded and yes even balanced within themselves in one sense or another, I'm actually quite privileged because I'm now apart , in my mind, of an exclusive group of people through my blog. These people are exclusive because they don't seem to judge one ideology being the be and end all, this is more important than some people might think. Again, it takes the collective to wise up to itself, no one singular consciousness can bring forth the wisdom within all of us but a collective consciousness can.

The collective consciousness is of course referring to collective ideologies, no one ideology has all the answers, this includes the ideologies that help us to find balance in life therefore wisdom. For an example of this, what opposite motion would wisdom alone create, in other words what is the opposite of wisdom?  Folly, foolishness which is usually brought about by being unaware. A true sense of balance and wisdom isn't just an expression of wisdom but a balance between all of what is, this is true wisdom in my mind. This is how I think the wise can live within a reality of foolishness and still stay collectively wise, they accept the foolishness as also being apart of themselves without becoming too involved, in other words the wise participate within this motion  but always remember to also observe.

Wisdom doesn't listen to egotism; this is the trick of wisdom, it instead observes egotism without having the desire to express egotism. You might presume this takes control  but it doesn't, wisdom isn't about taking control as Gaia isn't about taking control of the cycles Gaia presides over. The thing to wise up too, there is a huge difference between influencing something and controlling something!!

Most people are influenced by the ego to become controlling, this controlling action is then expressed as an extreme which denotes egotism, an expression that is highly expressive of control. What then happens when we are influenced by wisdom? Quite the opposite occurs, we actually express less control not more. This is due to the balance of what wisdom gives, after all wisdom is about balance to begin with. The ego doesn't have to influence us to become controlling, especially of Gaia (our environment), this seems  to only occur when a consciousness lakes wisdom, in other word lacks balance.  

Could you imagine if man's consciousness kept in balance with Gaia? It's hard to imagine but a heaven on Earth comes to mind.

Possessions: If you look back in human history, you will find a lot of the people of the ancient times knew they never truly possessed anything, this is due to anything created through motion is transitory, meaning it has a life span and isn't infinite. How can you truly posses anything that isn't infinite? It's mind boggling but we do in modern day times but why do we have the mentality of ownership/possession?

Control, the more controlling we become, the more we think we posses. Control is  fundamentally possessed by egotism for egotism creates control, this control in turn of course creates a sense of ownership. The people of ancient times and the people who still abide by these ancient principles today,  didn't and don't have this dilemma, they are free of such egotistical control. You could easily say they are true observers of folly.

Opposites Attracting Opposites: Do we truly want to keep attracting the opposite?  It would seem so. The more extreme we express one motion, like love or hate, the more the opposite we will create, this is called cause and effect, one action creating a possible opposite reaction. For example, "I'm going to keep my doors unlocked at night, I won't be dictated to by criminals", they then experience a home invasion.

Another example, "I will give love to an evil wrongful world",  how are the deemed evil, who only lust, going to react to this?  They are of course going to counteract this love with lust.

Both these examples are in retaliation and are a retaliative reaction against a deemed opposite, this of course creates the opposite effect.

Let's now look at both these examples again but with far less retaliative motion/reaction. " In my environment it isn't wise to leave my doors open, I will lock my doors".

 "I will give love and embrace a world that seems lost to itself". You are going to receive quite a different response to this from any deemed opposite, actually, you haven't judged an opposite to start with within this very subtle motion.

Any consciousness of deemed evil intent, will only thrive on an opposing reaction, they love conflicts and destruction, why keep feeding them what they want and need to keep on existing? 

The true concepts of unconditional love refers to embracing every part of consciousness no matter how it expresses itself, deeming one part of consciousness evil or wrong, and not embracing it in love, isn't an expression of unconditional love.

Yes, to express a true form of unconditional love takes balance, this means never allowing egotism  to control you to only see yourself in opposition, once you have an opposition, you have an immediate imbalance. This certainly isn't conductive to acquiring wisdom, you can certainly see why we haven't acquired wisdom in the modern age, egotism is too in control of us!!