Showing posts with label control. Show all posts
Showing posts with label control. Show all posts

Monday 14 September 2015

Gaia's Enlightened Consciousness

Written by Mathew Naismith

Gaia's Lack of Ego: Gaia is in relation to mother Earth and is known to be a living breathing entity that is conscious, in other words aware and even wised up to it's environment Gaia exists in. Man's consciousness itself has evolved from Gaia's consciousness, this doesn't mean however man has taken on Gaia's consciousness, it's evolved from Gaia's consciousness to form it's own consciousness which is mainly influenced by ego.

The following was a response I gave to a group of people who wanted to retaliate against the judged evil in the world. It's interesting to know how Gaia would react in our circumstance.          

Gaia's Consciousness: It is the acknowledgement that Gaia is a conscious and sentient being of which we are all active cells with specific functions as parts of her body.

Gaia's consciousness is obviously much wiser than man's consciousness even collectively, man's consciousness after all is of  Gaia's consciousness, not Gaia's consciousness is of man's consciousness.

Going by man's perception, man would seem to be evil collectively to Gaia, does Gaia then react by counteracting man's evilness with extreme motions of love? Remember, Gaia's consciousness is far wiser than man's consciousness. I should also mention, man also uses the environment to destroy or harm himself, this action isn't Gaia's.

Gaia just sits there taking it because Gaia hasn't got an ego to contend with within itself, in the end, man will destroy himself by his own hands through his misuse of the ego.

You cannot give love to evil in retaliation, the reason is simple, evil thrives on love because it turns this retaliative love into lust and desire, Gaia is wised to this so it sits very patiently within it's stillness. Give love to what we have judged to be evil but do it with very little motion as Gaia does.

If we gave our love to Gaia, we would live within a heaven on Earth, this takes balance. Any extreme reactions to another motion we judge as evil isn't balance. If we allowed it, Gaia would still today embrace us with her love and affection, please do as what Gaia would to onto us, embrace what you have judged as evil, don't keep feeding it. 

Any extreme action, especially if it's driven by retaliation, is an expression of egotism, in other words extremes can't exist unless driven/influenced by egotism and of course the more extreme our reactions are, the more expressive we are of egotism. You cannot fight egotism with egotism though, these people  were talking about fighting the evil in the world but all they are doing is feeding the evil in the world within their reaction.  Fighting evil with love will only feed this evil with what it desires and even needs to exist.  

Any judged evilness will of course thrive on any retaliation that is extreme, especially if the retaliation is in extreme opposite to itself, this is wholly due to this kind of consciousness thriving on the love of conflicts. Conflicts are of course but another trait that can only exist through expressions of egotism. Fighting extremes with extremes is exactly the same as fighting egotistical expressions with egotistical expression, all this will do is feed the egotism in the world.  Love might not be conflictive to someone who loves but it is to someone who only lusts.

Gaia Consciousness: When we think of Gaia, we usually only think of in terms of mother Earth, in actuality, Gaia refers to nature period which means all of what the universe itself is, Gaia is the universe itself. This isn't just a living breathing entity but a living breathing consciousness as well. This doesn't mean our moon is conscious of Saturn's  moons or our planet Earth is conscious of another galaxy, this means Gaia herself is conscious of all of what it is. How aware are we of even the person next door or a person in another town that we have never conversed with or even seen? We know there are people there but we are not aware of the people themselves, Gaia is, this is why Gaia is way beyond human perception. How many of us know or even want to know Gaia exists?  

Human consciousness is far more unaware than that of Gaia, this is a strange perspective because even though Gaia's consciousness is far more aware than human consciousness, Gaia isn't controlling but man's consciousness is. In actuality, the more aware man becomes, the more controlling he tries to be, Gaia is by no way controlling. Gaia allows the cycles to run their course, for example, if a sun has finished it's cycle, Gaia allows this cycle to run it's natural course without trying to control the sun. If man had control of the universe, would he allow the sun to continue it's natural cycle, especially if it benefited him if the sun didn't finish it's natural cycle? The answer is obvious......

I've also noticed new age spirituality is more about control and it is new age, this is wholly due to old age spirituality being about releasing control, not gaining it. We have applied the basic principles of old age spirituality but with new concepts based on control. My recent conversations, with new age spiritually aware people, certainly supports that we are more about control than ever, control of course being all about egotism strangely enough.  

The more aware humans become, the more controlling they become either it be through science or spirituality, Gaia, if you noticed, didn't and doesn't do this, so what's the main difference between Gaia's consciousness and human consciousness? Ego, which gives us control, the funny thing is, if we didn't have an ego, we wouldn't want to control anything, this however doesn't mean we wouldn't be able to control anything though if we had the will to do so. Ego actually gives us this will to control so we act it out, we basically give in to the will of the ego.  The reason Gaia doesn't give into this will is wholly due to, not awareness, but wisdom, Gaia is wised up to the will of the ego and how controlling giving into this will can be. In actuality, Gaia is wised up to how destructive control can become.   

Gaia isn't egotistical, this is obvious through the lack of control Gaia acts out, but Gaia does express the ego without allowing the will of the ego to take control of Gaia's consciousness, this is quite the opposite of man's consciousness mainly because man allows the will of the ego to control him. In a real sense, man isn't being controlling but controlled through the will of the ego to be controlling.

I find it strange that we haven't learnt from Gaia, one of the most enlightened teachers a species could ever have as a mentor. Become aware of Gaia's consciousness and how it allows the natural cycles within nature to run it's own course, yes by all means express the ego but don't give into the ego's will. We might think by not giving into the will of the ego is taking control, it's not, by just being wised up to how destructive the ego can become naturally automatically disallows the will of the ego to influence such a consciousness. There is also no reaction in this, when a consciousness is wised up to the ego, it is able to use the ego constructively with very little effort and motion.

A consciousness fixated to control and the will of the ego, will never become wise, this is wholly due to a consciousness being controlled and trying to be controlling. Observe Gaia as Gaia is observing, in other words become the observer and become wise through observing Gaia.

Being only a participator through control will only teach us knowledge and awareness, it won't teach us to become wise, this can only be reacquired through letting go of control as Gaia quiet plainly shows us in my mind.  

Friday 14 August 2015

The Truth of What Is

Written by Mathew Naismith

"Being aware of the truth of what is, not what our ego's desire it to be,  is balance, a balance not governed by control".....Mathew

How many of us would love to take control of our chaotic destructive reality? This is actually a strange reaction, it's control that created such a reality in the first place. Is it likely that more control will create a more constructive reality?  Very unlikely, control isn't of balance, it's of one or the other over another.  

Any control is of the desires of the ego, control can only be expressed through the ego and a controlling ego at that!!

What would occur if everyone stopped trying to take control? Pure and utter balance within the present reality,  this of course would dramatically change this reality from what it is. The truth of the matter is, we don't exist in a perfect reality, this is why the ego tries to always take control, it wants a reality that it desires, it doesn't want a balanced reality for in this balance there is no control. A controlling ego fears balance, it fears the universe it exists in because it has no control over it. The reason a controlling ego has no control over this universe is due to the universes reality being of balance.

"A controlling ego will always fear acceptance of what is, this is because it fears sitting in the quietness of what is, this is why the ego will always try to control the truth of what is".......Mathew  

Wednesday 15 April 2015

Moving Towards the Light

Written by Mathew Naismith

I did something recently I've  never really done before, I felt I needed to focus more so I asked for guidance, I had no fixated intentions, I just felt I needed to ask for assistance to focus more, I should know better!! What happened was I received visions, dreams and actual life experiences which focused on a particular part of life. What came out of all this was I no longer resonated with certain consciousness's, I shouldn't accept in my life what I no longer resonate with.

While becoming spiritually aware, our vibrations naturally and automatically change as well, we find we no longer resonate or even accept certain vibrations within our lives. I feel this is simply to do with awareness and unawareness or ignorance, the more aware we become the less we are attracted to anything pertaining to ignorance. I think this is because ignorance can and does quite automatically create chaos and destruction where's awareness does the opposite for only in ignorance can we destroy. If you no longer feel comfortable being involved in chaos and destruction, avoid it when possible.

Take a person who is becoming a naturalist, the more aware they become of how destructive consumerist materialism is for example on the environment, the less they resonate with such consciousness's, spiritual awareness is no different.

Let's take a look at how spiritual awareness and unawareness (ignorance) as a whole denote.

Awareness = order + constructiveness + release + wisdom 

Unawareness (ignorance) = chaos + destruction + control + knowledge

You will notice a disparity here between the two, isn't awareness about control and doesn't knowledge lead to wisdom and why isn't knowledge also a part of awareness?

Let's take a look at order and constructiveness as opposed to chaos and destruction first up,  only in ignorance can we destroy and to destroy is to create chaos, you cannot destroy while in awareness therefore you automatically have no chaos. This now brings us to release as opposed to control, only in chaos and destruction do you need to take control, what is there to take control of if you no longer have chaos and destruction within yourself? Let's put this another way, what would there be to control if you existed in a consciousness of pure peace and harmony?  We can now see how why order, constructiveness release are of awareness where's chaos, destructiveness and control are only of ignorance.

I should point out that saying one thing  is ignorant and the other aware is purely based on observations, not judgment especially critical judgment, everything a part of consciousness has it's place, ignorance and awareness are no different. I think it's quite obvious, through simple observation, that ignorance can be quite destructive.

Now let's look at the discrepancy between wisdom, awareness and knowledge, most people would put these three together as one leads to the other, knowledge leads to awareness and awareness leads to wisdom.

In a Human perspective this works, we are educated to become aware and then hopefully wise after many hours of study and actual life experiences in what we have studied, this allows us to take more control of our lives, this makes perfect sense and yes it does work to one extent or another. Spiritual awareness works quite differently I believe mainly because we are not using spiritual awareness to take control in the first place. The reason I separated knowledge from awareness is knowledge is more to do with control where's spiritual awareness is more to do with releasing control not gaining it.

If you look at what is happening today in the world with extremism, you can see how knowledge is used to take control but only a certain knowledge is used which only takes a certain amount of awareness, extremists are certainly not fully aware of what they are doing. Instead of certain religions using awareness to release control, they have used knowledge to gain control.

We should remember here, if we are still trying to gain control, we are not spiritually aware to the extent of not needing control to keep chaos and destruction in order all the times. If we are still using control within spirituality, we are not truly spiritually aware. Anyone truly spiritually aware will not have to use control within their spirituality, this is due to them not being a part of chaos and destruction in the first place because there is nothing to control within themselves.

Let's look at a wise person, how controlling are they of any situation? They will sit back and maybe give advice allowing the controllers to do their bit, this is due to them not needing to no longer take control. A wise person will be an observer instead of a participator unlike a controller, this is why controlling to me doesn't belong in spiritual practices, this same mistake has been made many times over through various religions in the past, it's a bit silly to me to continually repeat this time and time again.

There is also another word I can add in relation to awareness here, humbleness, so what is the antonym of humbleness? Majestic/proud which is expressive of eroticism, how many egotistical wise people do we know and what does egotism denote?  Egotism is all about control so does control really belong in true spiritual practices?

Does all this mean we shouldn't use knowledge in our spiritual practices? No, what we shouldn't do is use knowledge to take control but to use knowledge to become aware and wise. Needing or desiring  to control in spiritual practices is a sign that we are still battling with chaos and destruction, this isn't a very good sign denoting a spiritually wise person. 

It seems once we have order we have control, this is purely a human perceptive which is all based on using knowledge to control instead of using awareness to release control. Once you have order, there is nothing to control, so how do we bring order within outlives in the first place?  It's certainly not done through control of any kind even though when we focus, it seems we are using control to focus, what we are actually doing is releasing ourselves from controlling factors around us, this humanly gives us the feeling of power of control when it's all about releasing ourselves from control. Yes it's certainly tricky, we can indeed be fooled. 

I would advice anyone who is serious about practicing in true spirituality to find someone who is all about releasing control, not gaining control, through spiritual practices. The following is a good start in my mind, try Goggling, you never know what you will find.   

One of the visions I did receive after asking for guidance was to vision yourself while you are thinking about control, you should notice that you are holding something, this can be anything from a lions tail, a rope, something heavy, a person or what ever, now vision yourself stepping back and at the same time visioning yourself letting go of what you have a hold on, do this as many times you like. In a sense this is what we do when we so call die while going into the light, we release ourselves from our attachments, in other words we release ourselves from control.

There is but another word to add to awareness, light as opposed to dark as awareness as opposed to ignorance, it's funny how it all comes together. 

Awareness = order + constructiveness + release + wisdom + humbleness + light

Unawareness (ignorance) = chaos + destruction + control + knowledge + majestic + dark  

Tuesday 3 March 2015

Learning to be Unintentionally Humble

Written by Mathew Naismith

I had an interesting request recently from a very good internet friend of mine:  Hi Matthew,
I was wondering if you had any posts about Intention, something that would answer questions for beginners. Like, what is it and how can one use it to better one’s life. Is there a prerequisite concept needed before one can understand Intention?
If you can, can you share with me and ThunderBearVoice via a post?
Thank you.

Any explanation about intentions is going to be a little complicated especially when we take in spirituality into the equation; this is mainly due to various practices used within spirituality, some use intentions other don’t.  In the main however most spiritual practices, especially eastern practices, take us to think less, meditation is but one of these practices and so is chanting as they both make you mentally focus on one factor. This allows the mind to stop thinking about everything else by focusing on one factor only, in this case our breathing or our focus on certain words spoken.

Intentions = thinking process + planed goals + future and past + purpose +control + empowerment

Intentions take a thinking process to bring to fruition, intentions cannot exist without thinking, in other words we cannot think without having intentions, this is due to the thinking process being all about intentions.  If we are all about intentions within our spiritual practices, we are not into practices that try to get us to think less, intentions are also all about a past and future so practicing in intentions also discounts spiritual practices like living in the now.

Intentions however have their places within spirituality, usually to do with the psychological issues, for example, if one finds this reality to be unsavoury in some way, they will need to first use intentions to meditate or chant more often, “I have all intentions to meditate more often every day to dispel any unsavouriness in my life”. Intentions are about us taking control of our psyche so we can seriously begin to meditate or chant, it’s basically to do with empowering ourselves.    

Un-intentions = thoughtlessness + goalless + only the now + purposeless + humbleness   

Spiritual practices like being only in the now and thinking less are without intentions, you can’t have intentions and seriously practice in these spiritual practices, the less intentions you have in life, the better you can seriously live just in the now. However, the more intentions we have, the less likely we will be able to live in the now and of course intentions mean thinking more and the more intentions we have, the more we are thinking. Obviously intentions totally negate spiritual practices that teach us to think less and live in the now. I do feel a  life of un-intentions can only be spiritually practiced successfully if one doesn’t have a problem with the world or life itself or whatever, in other words one needs to have a psyche that is well balanced that allows one to focus better.

Let’s us now use examples of how we all use un-intentions and intentions in our lives. Let’s use going to bed for an example, we are tired so we go to bed, this action is quite unintentional because our tiredness automatically says to us we need to go to bed, this is done without thought. Now what if we need to be somewhere early the next day, we then have an intention to go to bed to get up early the next day.  

The interesting point in this example of going to bed is, one is controlled by a thinking process and the other isn’t.  What is making us go to bed when we have an early start in the morning?  It’s all to do with thinking processes and a future event because the future event that we need to go to bed for was firstly created by a thinking process.    

Let’s say the future event was a job interview,  this job interview is all about thinking processes, so from the start we are being controlled by thinking processes that is making us think of going to bed instead of waiting for us to get tired and go to bed.  You could say one is a natural process and the other isn’t as it’s controlled by a thinking process from the start.

Now if we look at what intentions represents, (Intentions = thinking process + planed goals + future and past + purpose +control + empowerment), we can see it’s all about control either being controlling or controlled, this is the same with being empowered within oneself or other people being empowering over us.   

Now let’s look at un-intentions, (Un-intentions = thoughtlessness + goalless + only the now + purposeless + humbleness), humbleness replaces both control and empowerment in regards to intentions.  What have we done by replacing control and empowerment with humbleness?  We have taken away any control that control and empowerment has over us, we are actually in a sense more in control in being humble than being in control and empowered.  This is mainly due to being controlled by controlling factors and empowerment, and most importantly, various thinking processes in the first place, humbleness actually takes away controlling factors within our lives.        

You might think by being humble we are being more controlled because we are not being controlling and empowering within ourselves, this isn’t true, for the main reason it takes far more control to be humble than to be dominating through controlling factors. Try just sitting there while someone is being empowering and controlling over you, it can take a huge amount of self-control and empowerment to not react. Yes we are still talking about control and empowerment but quite un-intentionally through just being humble, in this case humbleness really replaces being controlling and empowering.   

Intentional control and empowerment has a different effect upon us and everyone else, it’s still about control where humbleness is about releasing control even though it can at times take more control to be humble than to be controlling. This is all due to being un-intentionally controlling through simple humbleness. Through learning to be humble, we are also thinking less as well also through this humbleness we are focused on ourselves through self-control, not focused on what is trying to control us, this actually takes a lot less thought.

Learning to be humble automatically teaches us to be more in control, we don’t have to have intentions to be in control mainly because we know we should never be controlling of any situation.  This is where intentional control and un-intentional control differ the greatest, intentional control wants to be controlling of situations where’s un-intentional control doesn’t have a need to be in control of a situation mainly due to being humble.

If everyone was empowered and tried to take control of a situation, what would occur? Total chaos, what is our reality dominated by? Total chaos, would this be the same if everyone was humble? I feel we would all work together for the betterment of all, there is a huge deference in the outcome of being intentionally controlling and empowering to just being un-intentionally humble. To be humble doesn’t take intentions, being humble actually takes away our intentions of reacting either to ourselves or the rest of the world because it’s unsavoury to us in some way.  Just be accepting and humbleness will come ever so easily as the following will further explain.                 

Wednesday 3 December 2014

Being One with the Divine Self

Written by Mathew Naismith

I would first like to mention that the following discussion wasn’t altogether friendly, sadly enough, but it did bring forth a few views that I think should be noted. 

This discussion is about power and control but it’s also about how two different perspectives can come up with two totally different answers, how we live is certainly all to do with the way we perceive.  Now a lot of us are becoming spiritually aware, we are using different perspectives, instead of just using a human perspective we are now also using a spiritual perceptive, this at times can give us opposing views to others and even ourselves,  I think we all need to be aware of this. Another thing I think we need to be aware of is, the more aware we become the more we are changing, this can make it quite difficult in relating to others who aren’t changing.  Try to be patient with these people who are obviously finding it hard to change, we must remember, we are the one’s changing and they are the ones who are truly having a hard time of it with the changes and with us changing.  

Mathew - again we will, I suppose, have to agree to disagree. You make many judgments about power. I understand your disagreement with how many use it; but that does not make power itself evil. I understand that you do not like control; however, as Sunil also stated power and control are different things. By your standards the Divine is evil and wrong and controlling - which I do not find to be true; this being because the divine is powerful - by what you are saying then the Divine is controlling and evil because of being powerful. Seeking power is also different than being powerful - most that are seeking power are also not actually seeking power, but they are seeking control. You mention Hitler - he was not powerful; but he was very controlling. He was controlling because he was not powerful. The same with the Middle East - as a matter of fact where we see control there is not power; but the opposite a sense of being powerless. By your definition then I would say most spiritual teachings are also wrong? Repeatedly we find the Divine and Spiritual teachings ask us to stand in true power of the Divine and be powerful Divine beings - be as the Divine which is powerful. However, they also mention that we are not to seek power for the sake of controlling others. Here again it is not the power but the control that would be sought; which again control comes from where people are powerless.

You also mention about chaos not being spiritual; and yet that is exactly how the universe was created, out of chaos. Chaos does have many aspects to it that you associate with power; however, it is different from power. The divine does not see all of these things as "right" or "wrong" but each with it's own value. This is also how I choose to see things. Yes, there are people that use them for things that are not pleasant; but that does not make the particular thing that way. I have not changed things around to "fit" anything.

Sunil - thank you for re-stating my point and expanding on it, that these are different things.

G'day Jesse
I'm not sure why you are putting words in my mouth; I didn't say power was just plain evil. In regards to judging power, I don't have to judge, it's a clear observation that power can be extremely destructive, and as I also said, it can be constructive, power is very ambiguous, for me too ambiguous to be used in conjunction with spirituality, there was no mention of evil.

So I'm saying, within your own personal perception, that the divine has to be evil, again were did I mention that power is plain evil, please point it out. You are using the word evil way too much; I think you better look within and not externally.

Why does the divine have to be powerful or empowered? In a human sense this consciousness is powerful but in a spiritualist sense it's not, the reason for this is simple, once you begin to perceive in a spiritual sense as well, all notions of power and control no longer come into thought, this is due to becoming aware that you are one with the divine rather than being humanly separate to the divine.

The biggest problem between you and I is, you seem to be looking at power in a human sense and I’m looking at power in a spiritual sense. Of cause the human self will perceive that a higher consciousness is all powerful, the reason for this is that humans keep themselves separated from this higher self by thinking this exact way, all other higher consciousness has to be all powerful when in fact we are all a part of that higher self. Because humans find it hard to perceive they are of this divineness, a lower form of consciousness, they perceive this divineness has to be all powerful only because this divine consciousness is more aware. Can you see how it’s only a perception that we are not of this divine nature and by thinking this way we are keeping ourselves ignorant and permanently in chaos?

Jesus never wanted to be idolized, you know why? He saw no separation between himself and the rest of the people of the world, what was in him was also in all of us, he wanted us to stop idolising and see ourselves in our true nature, the divine nature. Idolising any power in any higher consciousness is going to keep us right where we are, ignorant to our true nature and in chaos. How many people who have been all about power and control created even more chaos? Jesus was obviously not about power but about oneness, about the oneness of the divine in all of us.

Yes the universe was created out of chaos but it wasn’t just destructive within this chaos was it?

It is quite clear you don’t want to see where I am coming from, I can see where you are coming from but it is obvious you don’t want to see where I am coming from.

One more thing, I also could use other people on here to prove my point but what would be the point unless I wanted to give the ego even more control over my truer self, seriously think on what you have written here!! Don’t worry, I still at times react in the exact same way which of course only creates even more chaos in our lives.

Peace Jesse…..

PS In a human sense power and control are different things but in a spiritual sense there not, there is no separation of anything within the divine, this is why the divine consciousness doesn't judge. You are humanly separating everything which in a human perspective is quite normal; this is why humans judge so much, they are into separation not oneness with the divine.

There is quite a big difference between a human perspective and a spiritual perspective, the spiritual perspective can’t see power within itself or anything else because it sees no separation but humans do, this is the human perspective which I think keeps us from our connectedness to the divine within. We are indeed going to go through some rough times while becoming spiritually aware, the main reason for this is we are mixing the human perspective with the spiritual perspective, this can be quite daunting to us but it can be even more daunting for others around us, I think this is worth being aware of.  Becoming aware of the differences between humans perspectives and spiritual perspectives will help with the process of becoming spiritually aware I believe, it’s really all to do with becoming awareness itself and this to the human self is quite daunting.  Just be caring and patient with the human self and all will be fine in the long run.  

Wednesday 26 November 2014

Is Power Constructive Within Spirituality?

Written by Mathew Naismith

This is an interesting conversation that has gone off on a slightly different tangent, it started off with the question, “Are You Standing In Your Authentic Power and Grace?’, and is at present on the topic of power.  My stand is that power is about control when in spirituality we should be releasing control not gaining thus lessening the effects of chaos upon us which is brought about through a continues action reaction process.  The opposite stand is that feeling and being powerful in oneself is good and positive.  

Sunil’s Reply
I believe 'power' is all about soul-strength-its a vitality of the soul -our inner strength.

G'day sunil
Feeling powerful is in reaction to when we are not feeling powerful, it's an action reaction, cause and effect, push and pull effect, if we were always powerful, we wouldn't know if we were powerful or not without a difference telling us that we are powerful.  This means we always need something less powerful to make us feel powerful which brings in judgment to what is or isn't less or more powerful.

This is actually saying, when we are feeling power and control over what we are interacting with, we are not truly powerful at this point, it's only because of our continuous reactions to other things around us that make us feel powerful when actually were obviously not. If one needs to react to actions to actually be powerful, it's obviously were not powerful at all, yes it feels that way only because of the influences of the ego.

A continuous action reaction only causes chaos and gives a feeling of being powerful because we feel we have more control. Power is all about control, to me a true spiritualist would not be controlling in any sense. You could say when a spiritualist focuses, that is them trying to take control when in fact they are trying to release control not become more controlling or even powerful. 

A lot of people in my mind make this mistake when they are trying to focus while meditating, praying, chanting or whatever, they think they are trying to become more controlling not less. When we focus in any spiritual practice, it should always be about releasing control not gaining it. Gaining control and power is all about the ego, we don’t want power and control over the ego, we want to release the ego of it’s controlling effects, that is all. In other words stop or ease the action reaction within our lives and in turn releasing the effects of chaos upon us individually and collectively.

GramaKeshava Reply
Thank you very much Mr Mathew Naismith !
I agree War Lords use " Power " to acquire ,require , usurp , devoid of any concerns of their action ! Their intention is not sober, but gobbler ! In spiriritual philosophy , POWER is considered , as endowed by God, just to help all needy ! Here this Power works as a postman to deliver the money orders, parcels etc intended to the addresee , The Power , though has the desire to to misappropriate , dares not do it for fear, whereas War Lords do not have any such qualms, like wild hungry beasts let loose in the crowded market ! Can we condone it as it is the power; just we cannot help !
Thank you for raising new arena for discussion !

G'day GramaKeshava
An interesting way in putting it, I love your collation here.

Do we condone all sense of power because power in certain circumstances can produce a destructive mentality thus creating even more chaos?  We certainly can’t just say power is just negative or positive, this is why I try to avoid such words however at times that can’t be avoided when appropriate to the meaning of a discussion like this one. 

Is feeling powerful authentic to actually being powerful within oneself?   I don’t think so, if I was truly powerful I wouldn’t need anything less powerful to compare myself with to feel powerful, I would just be powerful within myself however, I wouldn’t know of myself being this powerful because I am no longer needing to compare and judged what is or isn’t more or less powerful to feel powerful in the first place. 

I don’t look at anything being any less important or worthy than anything else therefore how would I feel powerful in the first place. To me when the ego is controlling, this has no less value or importance than if I was totally and wholly spiritual within my whole being, to do this I would have to be in judgment thus of the controlling ego . 

Are humans more powerful than an ant? It is obvious we are within our physical stature alone so we have judged we have more value, this in my mind gives us a false impression we are more powerful than an ant, this is all about human mentality not spiritual mentality. Spiritual mentality to me is about one having no less value than another no matter what it is. Yes it’s very hard to think this way because we are conditioned to only perceive through human mentalities not spiritual mentalities.   We are obviously more powerful than an ant because we have humanly judged so, now use a spiritual mentality, we will find this isn’t the case at all, we truly have no more value than an ant. 

The word power to me just doesn’t belong in spirituality but that’s just my opinion.       

Saturday 13 September 2014

Power Doesn’t Really Exist

Written by Mathew Naismith

This might seem strange, power doesn’t exist but it’s obvious to us it does so does power really exist?  Let’s ask another question to help us answer this question, what gives something or someone power? Control, anything we rely on or want is catered for by something or someone who can supply us with our wants and needs, once this is supplied we are controlled, once we are controlled, we ourselves through our wants and needs have created such power but this doesn’t truly answer if power actually exists. 

I asked a question of my inner self as I often do, does the divine have power?  I was promptly answered back no, I wasn’t sure I understood so I asked this question a few more times and the answer was the same, no. This would also mean God’s consciousness or the sources conscious wasn’t of power as well even though to us it would seem that way.  It didn’t make sense until I realised, to have or to be powerful one would have to supply a need or a desire to others to seem powerful, in actual fact it was the needy and the desiring who would give such power, for without the needy or desiring, there is no such power.  Anything or anyone presuming to be powerful needs to supply a want or a need, they are not powerful unless they have control over a need or a want of other things.  It’s actually the act of a need or desire that gives anything or anyone control and power however God’s consciousness isn’t of power, nothing of the divine is of power but it’s supplying a need is it not so it has to be of power? I’m still getting a no…..

The divine isn’t about control, the divine doesn’t control anything unless it comes into the presence of ignorance but even then it’s not the divine taking control, any kind of consciousness in ignorance will deem the divine as being controlling and powerful, this is due to the essence of the divine, it’s of awareness. Anything that is more aware is going to seem powerful and even controlling however that is far from the truth.

A consciousness existing in ignorance will seek out this power to take control; it needs this because it lacks awareness so it makes up this lack of awareness through power and control.  Anyone who believes they are all powerful is living in ignorance so they make up this lack of awareness through this power and control; it’s an ephemeral flame instead of an eternal flame as explained in recent posts.  Are we not taught so often to take control of our lives, to be empowered? We of course only do this when we lack awareness.  Isn’t living in awareness and wisdom about taking control?  No, actually it’s about releasing power and control not gaining it. Think about this for a moment, we are releasing control and this inner power, we are no longer inhibiting this power and control within us through our ignorance, we are setting it free.  In a sense this is more powerful than anything we can do in ignorance however we are not gaining power and control within this but releasing it.  
So if the divine in all of us isn’t controlling and powerful, what is it? Pure natural energy, it’s pure because it’s not living in ignorance, it’s not tainted by ignorance, it’s pure awareness. What would this pure natural awareness want to control and have power over? In a sense it has all the power it wants, it has no need to be all powerful and controlling over anything living in ignorance but on the other hand anything living in ignorance would if it feels inadequate!!

Power and control are non-existing because they are of the ephemeral flame not of the eternal flame, so does this mean everything of this ephemeral flame is also non-existing and that everything in this reality is an illusion? No not exactly, power and control don’t exist because they are only perceptions however is walking a dog an illusion brought about by our perception of a dog and us walking? Consciousness creates dogs and us walking on something solid, they are a perception but not only a perception because they were created by consciousness, this same consciousness didn’t create power and control, it’s wholly a perception that we manifested into a reality.  

When we are looking at a dog we see a dog? Yes but when we look at power and control do we see power and control? We see it all around us but only metaphorically speaking, it’s wholly created through our perceptions. This is saying that a dog isn’t a metaphoric perception but power and control are!!  Because the dog was created directly from consciousness, it’s wholly of pure consciousness but can we say the same for power and control?  It’s representational of our own ignorance not representational of our awareness. The dog was created from awareness however at the human level we are unaware of this, we can’t say the same for power and control for they are wholly created by our ignorance.  The dog is of the eternal flame, even though it’s only consciousness and not an actual dog, but power and control are entirely of the ephemeral flame.  The dog, as we all are, is of the ephemeral flame created by the eternal flame, the eternal flame didn’t create power and control, our own ignorance did.

Why doesn’t this all powerful pure consciousness, Gods’ consciousness, take control of us at this crucial time? It doesn’t because it’s not about taking control, just because we are controlling we presume anything more aware and powerful in our own perception is also controlling. So what’s the good of this pure consciousness to us if it doesn’t take control to help us? As it always has, it gives us guidance which is quite noticeable right throughout human history without this consciousness taking control, it just can’t take control because it doesn’t exist when we are aware, only in ignorance does power and control exist.  This pure consciousness certainly isn’t ignorant.  

This post is going to go against a lot of taught practices of taking control and empowering ourselves, it’s actually about un-empowering  ourselves to release what we deem as power and control from within us.  You might think by meditating, for example, is about taking control but it’s not, it’s about releasing ourselves of our thoughts, our controlling ways.  It seems we are controlling our thoughts by meditating when all we are doing is changing the way we think, changing our mentality to something more constructive.  Spirituality to me should never be about power and control but a guide to a more constructive way to exist and just be.  

Friday 4 April 2014

Learning to Live With Plenty

Written by Mathew Naismith

A fundamental question I think spiritually aware people who desire possessions or betterment in anyway should ask themselves , “can I have possessions and better myself and  have a non-controlling ego at the same time? “ This seems like a dilemma but it’s not.

Like the American Indians and other ancient people, knowing you don’t personally own anything especially the ground we walk on is the key.  Most of us work hard for what we get and the harder we work the more we take ownership of what we worked hard for.  This is a good indication that the ego is in control I feel however to rid ourselves or soften the controlling factors of the ego try thinking like the following; you never personally own anything no matter how hard we worked for it.

This is so easily said but not so easy to exercise mainly because the harder we are forced to work for what we obtain the more possessive we become, it’s a snow balling effect of the controlling ego.  Compared to even fifty years ago, we have become a lot more egotistical collectively, the ego just keeps on accumulating as it goes on just like a snow ball running loose down a hill!!

It’s obvious the ego is out of control to the detriment to the very thing we rely on for our very existence, Earth itself. What kind of being would do this, an aware being or an unaware being and what seems to be causing this unawareness in such beings?

A being with an out of control controlling ego would destroy anything not serving the ego immediately; this is accomplished through an out of control ego making us very unaware of anything outside of what feeds our immediate desires. It’s absolutely incredible how powerful and destructive an out of control ego can be.  When you become the observer you can see so many simular traits of an out of control ego to what we deem as the devil/demon.  The big difference is we are controlled by yet bigger egos so there is little chance of most of us becoming more devilish like, which of course is a blessing.  

The controlling factors of the ego are all about possessions, possessions of material & mental gain. Power over others mentally is just as much about possessions than material possessions because once you are in this power playing position you do feel you own these people under you, if not the people themselves at least their minds.  

So in all it’s noticeably not easy to just say I don’t own anything no matter how hard I worked for it mainly because of the snow balling effect of the ego.  Once you get caught up in the snow balls path it’s very hard to dislodge from however it of course isn’t impossible and actually it’s easier than what it seems.  It of course all comes down to how aware you want to be which is like how much do you want to be free of this snow balling effect!!  We can have our possessions and a non-controlling ego however we must always realise we truly never really own anything personally, it’s all on loan to us including what we think!!

The ego self is a must within realities like this one however life turns chaotic when we think we possess what we dominate or acquire the use of, to release ourselves of this chaos all we need to do is stop being so possessive of  mind body and yes even soul.  After this, everything you accumulate you realise you never really own, now that’s freedom!!

Wednesday 29 January 2014

Learning from the Past

Written by Mathew Naismith

While in discussion with another person about my last post mythology, biblical prophecies & the antediluvian period came into the discussion mainly because it relates to the way a lot of spiritually aware people are feeling today.  How would past human history reflect on the way we feel? In timelessness there is no past or future obviously so everything that seemed to be in the past is still very much of the now, also the past in time didn’t occur by accident I believe, it was for us to learn from.  Let me put it this way, do most of us learn from our mistakes in our lives? Human history is no different from living a normal human life accept in time it’s much longer however if we think beyond time we see the whole of human history likened to one human life lived, now look at human history again.

Yes of course if we look at human history as a lesson to be learnt, just like we do in everyday life, we can see it occurred to give us guidance in time however what has happened is our egos have taken the past as just being of the past & is seen to be antiquated even though a lot of the technology in the past has been shown to be quite advanced. The ego doesn’t want to know that in certain points in the Earth’s history we were more advanced than we are now in a lot of ways especially in awareness, this brings us to the antediluvian period of time in Earth’s history.

The following link has a problem with the home page but in my mind is still worth a read.

Most people don’t know or don’t want to know about the antediluvian period of time in Earth’s history mainly because of the ego is telling us how could there be anything else than what our belief system is telling us, there can’t be anything more grandeur than what my belief system is all about surly.  This brings us back to the antediluvian period of time before the great flood, did there ego cause their demise? I’m going to theorise it did mainly because we are doing the same thing today.

I believe in the antediluvian period of time they acquired knowing we are still on the brink of knowing & most importantly understanding so how did they cause their own demise? To answer this we should ask another question, if we look at our own period of time what is going to cause our demise bar a natural disaster?  It all comes down to the controlling factors of the ego & always has right throughout human history. How many different cultured people have been wiped off the face of the Earth in human history because of ego? We couldn’t have wars if we didn’t allow the ego to take control of us, that would be an impossibility.

In the antediluvian period they were quite advanced mainly because of their awareness beyond knowledge, knowledge didn’t hinder their advancements because of their awareness beyond their current knowledge at any given time. And no I don’t believe knowledge & awareness are the exact same thing as knowledge is more controlling than awareness as explained in past posts of mine, knowledge denotes control & control of any kind can hinder one’s awareness beyond our knowing. However this didn’t seem to occur in the antediluvian period mainly because of influences from other sources to begin with.  What I think happened is they were so aware of advanced technology they became unaware of the self especially of the ego self & how it can be quite controlling & noticeably destructive. The ego self is quite constructive until it becomes controlling. I believe the ego self, through it’s constructiveness, was why the people of the antediluvian period became so aware & knowledgeable however the knowing of so much high tech knowledge overwhelmed their egos turning their ego self’s into controlling egos. If you look through the known & accepted part of human history this kind of occurrence is quite prevalent, the Roman Empire is a good example.  

I think this is why we are so aware of the controlling factors of the ego today especially in relation to spiritual awareness so we don’t make the same mistakes of the past however just because the controlling ego is noticeably destructive doesn’t men the ego self is. Demonising the ego all together isn’t the way to go I believe, understand the controlling factor of the ego is. Any extreme action is only going to bring more extreme living conditions like the controlling ego has done however complete awareness can only bring us balance. Will we learn from our past? That is a question yet to be answered in time but is already known out of time!!  

Sunday 26 January 2014

Control v Releasing Control

Written by Mathew Naismith

I’ve personally written this post for my avid readers of my blog hoping you might understand better than most what I’m about here; the totality of acceptance is accepting non-acceptance in oneself so one can accept this in others as well & releasing control as opposed to taking or keeping control which this particular post is more about. Non-acceptance you could say denotes control & acceptance of all denotes releasing control but like I have written up in previous posts it’s really all to do with desires as opposed to needs if non-acceptance is of control or not.

Let’s look at the human traits we don’t like about ourselves, do we just keep acting out traits we don’t like because they are unbecoming to us & others or do we just accept them & continue them even if these traits hurt others in some way? We discontinue them which seem to denote control would it not? Actually not necessarily because it all depends on if we are doing it for a desire or a need keeping in mind the controlling ego will nearly always try to tell us it’s for a need when it’s of desire. Desire is more of control & a need is more of survival. Releasing control however is not being even concerned if we survive or not, this is not easy for a human to do mainly because of he’s ego. The ego is telling him he must survive no matter what & that is exactly what we are doing today. This is where my recent posts about thinking immoral instead of thinking mortal could help with releasing control. Yes this all sounds daunting so that is why I’ve added a few links that might hopefully explain how simple it really is to let go of being controlling or of being controlled.     

Extract: I’m bossy. Have been since I was a kid. I like to direct things. I keep a clean house, tight schedule, and clear objectives. But, this isn’t necessarily something to brag about. Too often, when we are moving with a mission in mind, we move out of the moment and begin to micro-manage people and things tweaking the details to control outcomes. Not smart. In fact, it’s not even possible. To think that we can control things, means we are rooted in an illusion. Instead of seeing life as it actually is, we get caught up in how it ought to be.

Extract: By allowing everyone and everything in your life to be exactly the way they are, you allow yourself freedom from the chaos inside you. You don’t have to be super spiritual to make this change in your life.

Is this saying we should accept everything the way it is & not be non-accepting of anything? Being non-accepting doesn’t mean you’re going to change anything it just means one has a need to be non-accepting of circumstances that are unbecoming to ourselves & others around us however when change is needed, as opposed to desire, need represents survival in some way either mentally or physically. Living for a need instead of a desire is sort of between control & releasing control all together, you could say this represents a balance between the two. Living for a need is releasing control of the controlling factors of the ego which is what this post is about; all we are living for then is survival which implies that the ego is no longer in control. Some probably have a need or desire of going further to release control altogether, this can’t be done in time because to release control altogether we first need to stop desiring or needing to release control altogether, it’s a paradox because of time.  

This is where being accepting within its totality comes into it which also includes being accepting of our non-acceptance at times as well. I am accepting of my controlling ego, at times, of living for a desire instead of a need, this isn’t about releasing control so I’m contradicting myself here? No not exactly for the main reason I am aware of the controlling factors of the ego & I don’t see a wrong or right because in timelessness there is no right or wrong. In actual fact I’m not contradicting myself at all because there is no right or wrong however in time there is. Is it wrong to be expressive of the controlling factors of the ego? In time it doesn’t seem so for many & it can’t be wrong in timelessness either because timelessness has no wrong or rights so why not just be egotistically controlled altogether if there is no wrong in this?

Some of us in time have a will not to be so expressive of these ego traits & to do this we should become aware of the controlling factors of the ego to release this control within us. So what about everybody else who wishes to express such egoist controlling traits? In time they seem wrong to us who wish not to be so expressive of these traits but there is no right or wrong, only in time is there a right & wrong which again is ego controlled. It’s a paradox because of time once again.

If we thought immortally would we have these paradoxes? The answer of course is no because we wouldn’t think in time which gives us judgement therefore there would be no right or wrong & no paradoxes. To be in timeless thought would also mean far less control quite automatically, if there is no right or wrong what is there to control?  You become totally accepting within its totality only because you have become non-accepting of thinking in time remembering being non-accepting is also accepted. You can’t be totally accepting if you don’t accept being non-accepting as well.

The following link is quite interesting as well only because I relate to it so much like, “The ego in you will almost always deceives you by creating the feeling within that, if you let go, life will'll lose control...even great and terrible things could occur”. Fear unravels us & to take some sort of control of fear we rely on knowledge for an example which seemingly gives us control over fear, the fear of knowing less than others or not knowing enough to support ourselves financially. Is this saying anyone gaining knowledge is fearful & controlling? To an extent yes however this is where a need comes into compared to a desire, if we are gaining knowledge for a need that far less denotes control & fear than if we gain knowledge for desire I believe because fear is controlling, a need isn’t .       

This post also explains about faith, “What it does do is reveal a lot about the lack of faith...what really is the driven-ness of fear within that person who mistakenly thinks they are being faithful when all they're really doing is disguising their fear with platitudes that sound faithful”.

Attaining faith can also be of a controlling thing or not again depending on what’s the driving force behind us attaining faith either it be of desire or of an actual need remembering if we are in a place we don’t want to be in & we see faith as an escape from this that is more to do with desire than a need.

Recently I came across yet another new age spiritual concept mixed with old religious concepts & beliefs that is more about control than releasing control because it was all about escaping from a prison. I would like to inform my readers here today that any concept or belief that entails fear in anyway is of control in my mind as fear denotes a lack of control so all we are trying to do with this kind of faith is take back this control.

This post also tells the story of monkeys caught in traps that wouldn’t let go of bowls full of rice, if they did they would no longer be entrapped. It describes how we are the same & all we have to do is let go of the goodies to become no longer entrapped. I think if we, while meditating, spraying, chanting or whatever, think about releasing control before & during these spiritual practices releasing from being controlling will become a lot easier.  

Is this post urging us to become detached from our attachments? No & yes because again we should ask ourselves honestly is our attachments of desire or need? This doesn’t mean a desire or need for ourselves either but of others & everything around our whole environment, for example we are destroying the environment at an alarming rate because of desire, it’s not an actual need but we lie to ourselves & say it’s for a need. Lying is but one of many attributes control has given us, all we need to do to correct this, if we want too, is just release the controlling factors of the ego & this is why I have added three links to other posts/sites that will hopefully allow you to do this. Happy releasing.   

Tuesday 21 January 2014

Being More Positively Expressive on the Net

Written by Mathew Naismith

Note: I was asked a couple of questions in relation to the quote, I will insert this at the end of the post in bold.  

Hopefully the following might help a few people deal with others that are more about control when trying to converse with others on the net.  It’s fine avoiding these people but spiritual awareness isn’t just about our own awareness but the awareness of all collectively I believe which means at times we may have to deal with controllers when conversing with others.  Spirituality to me isn’t about taking control but releasing it. Recently I became involved with a spiritual site that was all about knowledge & knowledge on it’s own is all about control because anything I put on this site about wisdom was quite destructively ridiculed.  Is this sites concepts wrong in some way? No because it’s like any belief or view others abide by, it’s each to their own, this site just wasn’t for me so I found out.

On this site I experienced quite a lot of high cap replies which denotes yelling & aggression which would explain the destructive criticism I was receiving from these people. High caps are fine if we are trying to point out a particular point however we should beware that we could be displaying an aggressive stance & even if we weren’t others might take it this way.  This is a good thing to remember when conversing with anyone on the net.  There is also a big difference between constructive & destructive criticism, the links below give a good outline of the difference of constructive & destructive criticism.

Extract:  Destructive criticism aims to destroy the target of criticism, by making the destructive criticism (e.g. "you should shut up and follow the program"). The aim is to show that the point of view of someone else has no validity at all, or lacks any merit.

Constructive criticism aims to show that the intent or purpose of something is better served by an alternative approach. In this case, making the criticism is not necessarily deemed wrong, and its purpose is respected; rather, it is claimed that the same goal could be better achieved via a different route. Constructive criticisms are often suggestions for improvement – how things could be done better or more acceptably. They draw attention to how an identified problem could be solved, or how it could be solved better.

We can deduct here that constructive criticism is more of awareness but destructive criticism is of control.

The link below gives some very helpful hints in being more constructive in our replies. We can also see from this when others are being destructive within their criticism which at times is hard to detect. The following info will also help with this by allowing us to detect sooner if a person is being constructive or destructive within their criticism. This will help us determine if the discussion is worth going on with before it gets totally out of hand.

Extract: Most people are very thin-skinned and easily upset when it comes to receiving criticism.

Even when criticism is constructively intended, the receiver may be sensitive and respond with feelings of anger, sadness, or guilt, especially when the criticism is delivered in a way that tends to arouse defensiveness such as sending it in the form of a "You-message." (See "I-Statements" below.)

This is because when people receive messages that start with "You," such as "You didn't do this," "You never do that," "You always do the following," it is natural for them to feel attacked and take a defensive or even a retaliative position.

Fortunately, there are several excellent methods for giving constructive criticism that are unlikely to trigger bad feelings.

If we incorporate the word you with high cap letters this will enhance the effectiveness of destructive criticism used. We should also remember here some people converse in this way deliberately, spammers are a good example of this.  

I hope this will assist anyone wanting to express their own free thinking & awareness to others on the net, hoping they just might help others become more aware. Spiritual awareness is about the awareness of the collective not just of the individual so feel free to express yourself more confidently.  Now get out there & express yourself away.

+Deb Putman I wasn't always positive either Deb.

Is there a reason why we attract negative people & responses? A very good question & should we feel obligated to help? Just by being positive is helping even though they feel threatened by this positivity.

A positive person attracting a negative person is a positive sign from the negative person because they feel threatened for some reason so a question mark goes up. Once they feel threatened something is telling them there is something wrong here but of course it's usually the positive person who is in the wrong according to them & they will pull out all stops to prove so.

The conscious self is telling them someone else is at fault but the subconscious self is telling them wait a minute I'm at fault. When I get a seemingly negative response from a negative person it's really a positive response because they have just become aware of a difference. It's a start & that is all we need to do because the subconscious usually does the rest but of course that isn’t always the case.

There is an old saying that goes like this,"You can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink"..   

Saturday 18 January 2014

The Kingdom of God? –Awareness

Written by Mathew Naismith

I was asked recently about my idea about the Kingdom of God? The following was my reply.  

G'day Ali

The kingdom of God, in a religious sense I have no idea, what the kingdom of God means for one religion isn't accepted by another religion.

 What does it mean to me? I believe we are in the kingdom of God, where not aware of this & some of us don't want to be aware of this. As soon as we become spiritually aware enough to know we have always been in the kingdom of God we realise all it took to know this was awareness. Religion has tried to make us aware but at times people within a certain religious order have gone astray, we are but human after all. Some people say religion is dying a slow death mainly because of people with flaws within these religious orders but I don't think so, religious people like anything else will evolve & become aware of their errors within these religious orders in time. We must be aware of the past & learn from it.

 I had an experience a few months ago with the souls of entities who were set on evil intent, they utterly fear awareness beyond what they know, they just don't want to know. I felt a real kindred to them because I could see within their souls they too were of the light, they just didn't want to know this.

How & why become set on evil intent? The controlling factors of the ego I believe has a lot to do with it, once one becomes totally fixated to these controlling factors, especially at the soul level, the soul no longer wants anything that will take this control away. Imagine fearing to your utter depth of your soul in losing control!!

 Spirituality is about awareness & releasing control not gaining it & this is where people within these religious orders have gone off mark. The kingdom of God to me represents awareness to the max.

Sorry if the above has offended anyone as that was not my intention, my intention is to be honest & straight forward within my views & beliefs to anyone who reads my posts. I am not what you would call a religious person however I do realise the importance of religion within human society remembering the word religion actually refers to a belief, creed or a conviction of any kind however religious more or less refers to actual religious (spiritual) practices.  In saying this I do however practice in sitting within my own quietness which of course you could call a religious practice.  

In all I call all of what is the kingdom of God or the source or consciousness itself & I believe the more aware you are, differentiated from knowledge,   the closer you are to the kingdom of God or the more connected you are to the source itself. All this I believe comes from being aware & to do this we need to beware of the controlling factors of the ego remembering this is where people in certain religious orders have gone astray. Spirituality isn’t about control but releasing control, we must be aware of this if we want things to change for the better.   

One more thing, the reason I mentioned awareness being differentiated from knowledge is knowledge can be controlling as opposed to spiritual awareness releasing control!!